Quantum Optospintronics


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Room-temperature optically detected coherent control of molecular spins
A. Mena*, S. K. Mann*, A. Cowley-Semple*, E. Bryan, S. Heutz, D. R. McCamey, M. Attwood, S. L. Bayliss
*Contributed equally
Coherent spin control of S=1 vanadium and molybdenum complexes
D. W. Laorenza, K. R. Mullin, L. R. Weiss, S. L. Bayliss, P. Deb, D. D. Awschalom, J. M. Rondinelli, D. E. Freedman
Chemical Science, 10.1039/D4SC03107E (2024)
Deterministic nanoscale quantum spin-defect implantation and diffraction strain imaging
N. Delegan, S. J. Whiteley, T. Zhou, S. L. Bayliss, M. Titze, E. Bielejec, M. V. Holt, D. D. Awschalom, F. J. Heremans
Nanotechnology 34, 385001 (2023)
Large-area 2D selective area growth for photonic crystal surface emitting lasers
X. Zhao, A. F. McKenzie, C. W. Munro, K. J. Hill, D. Kim, S. L. Bayliss, N. D. Gerrard, D. A. MacLaren, R. A. Hogg
Journal of Crystal Growth 603, 127036 (2023)
Enhancing Spin Coherence in Optically Addressable Molecular Qubits through Host-Matrix Control
S. L. Bayliss*, P. Deb*, D. W. Laorenza*, M. Onizhuk, G. Galli, D. E. Freedman, D. D. Awschalom
Physical Review X 12, 031028 (2022)
Tunable Cr4+ Molecular Color Centers
D. W. Laorenza, A. Kairalapova, S. L. Bayliss, T. Goldzak, S. M. Greene, L. R. Weiss, P. Deb, P. J. Mintun, K. A. Collins, D. D. Awschalom, T. C. Berkelbach, D. E. Freedman
JACS 143, 50, 21350 (2021)
Featured in Argonne National Laboratory news, and on the front cover of JACS
Optically addressable molecular spins for quantum information processing
S. L. Bayliss*, D. W. Laorenza*, P. J. Mintun, B. Diler, D. E. Freedman, D. D. Awschalom
Science 370, 1309 (2020)
Featured in Physics World, UChicago news, Inside Quantum Technology
Trigonal bipyramidal V3+ complex as an optically addressable molecular qubit candidate
M. S. Fataftah, S. L. Bayliss, D. W. Laorenza, X. Wang, B. T. Phelan, C. B. Wilson, P. J. Mintun, B. Diler, M. R. Wasielewski, M. S. Sherwin, S. Han, D. D. Awschalom, D. E. Freedman
142, 48, 20400 (2020)
Spin fine-structure reveals bi-exciton geometry in an organic semiconductor
K. M. Yunusova, S. L. Bayliss, T. Chanelire, V. Derkach, J. E. Anthony, A. D. Chepelianskii, L. R. Weiss
Physical Review Letters
125, 097402 (2020)
Probing the wave function and dynamics of the quintet multiexciton state with coherent control in a singlet fission material
S. L. Bayliss*, L. R. Weiss*, F. Kraffert, D. B. Granger, J. E. Anthony, J. Behrends, R. Bittl
Physical Review X 10, 021070 (2020)
Purcell enhancement of a single silicon carbide color center with coherent spin control
A. L. Crook, C. P. Anderson, K. C. Miao, A. Bourassa, H. Lee, S. L. Bayliss, D. O. Bracher, X. Zhang, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, E. L. Hu, D. D. Awschalom
Nano Letters 20, 3427 (2020)
Electrically driven optical interferometry with spins in silicon carbide
K. C. Miao, A. Bourassa, C. P. Anderson, S. J. Whiteley, A. L. Crook, S. L. Bayliss, G. Wolfowicz, G. Thiering, P. Udvarhelyi, V. Ivdy, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, . Gali, D. D. Awschalom
Science Advances
5, 0527 (2019)
Tuning spin dynamics in crystalline tetracene
S. L. Bayliss*, F. Kraffert*, R. Wang, C. Zhang, R. Bittl, J. Behrends
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
10, 1908 (2019)
Magnetic field modulation of recombination processes in organic photovoltaics
E. P. Booker, S. L. Bayliss, A. Jen, A. Rao, N. C. Greenham
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
9, 460 (2019)
Site-selective measurement of coupled spin pairs in an organic semiconductor
S. L. Bayliss*, L. R. Weiss*, A. Mitioglu, K. Galkowski, Z. Yang, K. Yunusova, A. Surrente, K. J. Thorley, J. Behrends, R. Bittl, J. E. Anthony, A. Rao, R. H. Friend, P. Plochocka, P. C. M. Christianen, N. C. Greenham, A. D. Chepelianskii
115, 5077 (2018)
Room temperature magneto-optic effect in silicon light-emitting diodes
F. Chiodi, S. L. Bayliss, L. Barast, D. Dbarre, H. Bouchiat, R.H. Friend, A.D. Chepelianskii
Nature Communications
9, 398 (2018)
Vibronically coherent ultrafast triplet-pair formation and subsequent thermally activated dissociation control efficient endothermic singlet fission
H. L. Stern, A. Cheminal, S. R. Yost, K. Broch, S. L. Bayliss, K. Chen, M. Tabachnyk, K. Thorley, N. Greenham, J. M. Hodgkiss, J. Anthony, M. Head-Gordon, A. J. Musser, A. Rao, R. H. Friend
Nature Chemistry
9, 1205 (2017)
The entangled triplet pair state in acene and heteroacene materials
C. K. Yong, A. J. Musser, S. L. Bayliss, S. Lukman, H. Tamura, O. Bubnova, R. K. Hallani, A. Meneau, R. Resel, M. Maruyama, S. Hotta, L. M. Herz, D. Beljonne, J. E. Anthony, J. Clark, H. Sirringhaus
Nature Communications
8, 15953 (2017)
Strongly exchange-coupled triplet pairs in an organic semiconductor
L. R. Weiss, S. L. Bayliss, F. Kraffert, K. J. Thorley, J. E. Anthony, R. Bittl, R. H. Friend, A. Rao, N. C. Greenham, J. Behrends
Nature Physics
13, 176 (2017)
Featured in Nature Physics News & Views
Spin signatures of exchange-coupled triplet pairs formed by singlet fission
S. L. Bayliss, L. R. Weiss, A. Rao, R. H. Friend, A. D. Chepelianskii, N. C. Greenham
Physical Review B
94, 045204 (2016)
Spin-dependent recombination probed through the dielectric polarizability
S. L. Bayliss, N. C. Greenham, R. H. Friend, H. Bouchiat, A. D. Chepelianskii
Nature Communications 6, 8534 (2015)
Localization length scales of triplet excitons in singlet fission materials
S. L. Bayliss, K. J. Thorly, J. E. Anthony, H. Bouchiat, N. C. Greenham, A. D. Chepelianskii
Physical Review B 92, 115432 (2015)
In-situ optical measurement of charge transport dynamics in organic photovoltaic diodes
P. C.Y. Chow, S. L. Bayliss, G. Lakhwani, N. C. Greenham, R. H. Friend
Nano Letters 15, 931 (2015)
Role of PbSe structural stabilization in photovoltaic cells
D. Asil, B. J. Walker, B. Ehrler, Y. Vaynzof, A. Sepe, S. Bayliss, A. Sadhanala, P. C. Y. Chow, P. Hopkinson, U. Steiner, N. C. Greenham, R. H. Friend
Advanced Functional Materials 25, 928 (2015)
Solution-processable singlet fission photovoltaic devices
L. Yang, M. Tabachnyk, S. L. Bayliss, M. L. Boehm, K. Broch, N. C. Greenham, R. H. Friend, B. Ehrler
Nano Letters
15, 354 (2015)
Predicting solar-cell dyes for cosensitization
S. L. Bayliss, J. M. Cole, P. G. Waddell, S. McKechnie, X. Liu
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, 14082 (2014)
Geminate and nongeminate recombination of triplet excitons formed by singlet fission
S. L. Bayliss, A. D. Chepelianskii, A. Sepe, B. J. Walker, B. Ehrler, M. J. Bruzek, J. E. Anthony, N. C. Greenham
Physical Review Letters 112, 238701 (2014)
Triplet diffusion in singlet exciton fission sensitized pentacene solar cells
M. Tabachnyk, B. Ehrler, S. Bayliss, R. H. Friend, N. C. Greenham
Applied Physics Letters 103, 153302 (2013)