Dr. Lina Mohjazi, who leads female engagement for the IEEE Communication Society's UK & Ireland Chapter, organised the 3rd “Smart Women in Smart Communications (WiSC)” event, held at the IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (IEEE MeditCom 2024) on 10 July 2024 in Madrid, Spain. This comes after two successful rounds of the event at international conferences that took place in the UK last year (IEEE CAMAD 2023 and IEEE WCNC 2023).

The event included technical talks delivered by female speakers from academia and industry, featuring Prof. Sinem Coleri (Koç University, Turkey), Dr. Francesca Marcello (Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy), Dr. Marta Orduna Cortillas (Nokia, Spain), and Prof. Maria-Julia Fernández-Getino García (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) and illuminating the key roles they play in advancing technologies in several important areas of research and development: AI-based ultra-reliable wireless networked control systems, human behaviour recognition for wellbeing and sustainability, inclusive and immersive communication experiences, and challenges in pilot transmission for multicarrier-based communications. All address unlocking the potentials of 6G in building reliable systems and empowering behavioral change.

Dr Lina Mohjazi and panellists at the Women in Smart Technology event in Madrid

Dr. Mohjazi also hosted a Panel Discussion on “Women Advancing Smart Communications: Building Reliable Systems and Empowering Behavioral Change”, where panellists shared insights and tips on establishing and sustaining successful careers in a male-dominated and fast-paced field. She told us:

"One of the core reasons I chose to pursue a career in wireless communications is the inspiration I found in successful women who have excelled in this field. This session was designed with that very purpose in mind: to create a platform where early-career and aspiring female researchers could listen to the journeys of these remarkable women, engage in meaningful conversations, and gain the reassurance that they too can succeed. If these women have achieved great things, then so can they!"

The event was jointly organised by IEEE Communications Society Spain, IEEE Women in Communications Engineering (with its UK and Ireland Chapter and its Spanish Chapter) and IEEE Young Professionals. It was attended by more than 50 members in person and online and received a significant engagement and interest.

More details can be found here.

First published: 18 August 2024