Speaker: Dr Alastair Smith (University of Warwick)

Date: 31/01/2022


Education for Sustainable Development cannot be a bolt on, but must emerge from the fundamental transformation of University organisation and operation; it must extend and articulate with the long standing but limited progressive reforms of Higher Education since the 19th century. The presentation will suggest fundamental implications of the inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches required by the agenda for Sustainable Development. This will include intellectual transformations by academic educators and institutional managers, as well as practical opportunities for process and operational reform. The presentation will also offer practical pedagogical opportunities to articulate with the wider intellectual transformation at the level of course and module (re)design, as well as classroom practices, irrespective of the disciplinary home or topic focus of learning.


Dr Alastair Smith

Alastair is a transdisciplinary thinker in the pursuit of more sustainable trajectories for human development, with research contributions on why food prices are currently higher than for most of modern history (and why people don’t know), the civil legal options to improve working conditions in the HE sector, and innovation in Higher Education. Alastair connects these diverse topic interests through a focus on Education for Sustainable Development and applied action. He currently works a teaching focused academic by proud choice - fighting for parity of esteem – and is currently employed as a Senior Teaching Fellow in the Division Global Sustainable Development, School for Cross-faculty Studies, University of Warwick. A current role is to promote ESD across the University.

First published: 1 February 2022