IEEE-Wiley Press would like to congratulate Professor Muhammad Ali Imran, Fellow IEEE, who is the recipient of the 2023 Best Society Liaison Award for his work as the IEEE Communications Society Liaison to IEEE Press.

The Best Society Liaison Award is a new award which annually recognises the society liaison who best executes the responsibilities of the role, such as generating book leads and the resulting society sponsorships and facilitating conference coverage to support IEEE Press. The awarding committee also considers other factors such as attendance at our annual liaison webinar and the level of engagement with IEEE and Wiley staff. Prof Imran has not only authored, edited, and supported many IEEE-Wiley books but also promoted the IEEE Communications Society related topics to generate new ideas for books in emerging fields.

Professor Muhammad Imran with some of the CSI group's robots and a drone

Professor Muhammad told us:

"I am deeply honoured to receive the 2023 Best Society Liaison Award from IEEE-Wiley Press. This recognition motivates me to further dedicate myself to fostering collaboration between IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Press. I am grateful for this acknowledgment and remain committed to advancing our shared goals by actively promoting innovative book ideas and contributing to the growth of emerging fields in our community."

Congratulations once again, on adding to your already extensive portfolio of achievements, Professor Muhammad!


First published: 20 December 2023