Dr Qammer H. Abbasi (Reader, Glasgow College UESTC, Deputy Head for Communication of the Sensing and Imaging group, and Deputy theme lead for Quantum and Nanotechnology in the Advance Research Centre) has been selected to receive more awards for both his reserach and teaching.

First came the Sensors 2021 Young Investigator Award. The ceremony was held online on 21st March 2022 and acknowledged his contribution in the domain of contactless sensing for healthcare. Following rigorous evaluation by the Award Committee for more than 100 nominees, he was one of only two scholars selected for the prize.

Dr Qammer Abbasi poses with his Pakistan Award for excellent contributions

Next came a University Teaching Excellence Award (Individual Excellence) which will be presented by the Principal at a Graduation ceremony later this year. His award is in recognition of his dedication to learning and teaching improvements for Glasgow College UESTC and the use of Technology Enhanced Learning methods for better student learning.

Congratulations, Dr Abbasi! More awards are sure to follow.

First published: 17 June 2022