This issue, we introduce one of our Management, Professional & Administrative (MPA) team members, Yaya Yan - also known as Laura - who has a vital role supporting students and staff in our new Hainan campus.

When did you join the team at Glasgow College UESTC?

21st November 2022

On which campus are you based?


Portrait of Yaya Yan (Laura)

What are the main requirements of your role?

1. To manage comprehensive administrative support for the delivery of undergraduate programmes based on the curriculum of the University of Glasgow through the Glasgow College Hainan UESTC.

2. Provide effective operational support to the UofG Dean/Executive/Vice Dean(s), UofG Programme Directors, Course Co-ordinators and fly in/fly out staff from the University of Glasgow.

Which fields of research are you most interested in and why?

To find methods to encourage students to be more devoted to their study. After I get more familiar with our operation, I will see if we can implement some activities to make our students to practice oral English. I think mutual communication is key to both our professors and students.

What area of work do you find most rewarding and why?

To find methods to encourage students to be more devoted to their study. After I get more familiar with our operation, I will see if we can implement some activities to make our students to practice oral English.
I think mutual communication is key to both our professors and students.

Can you tell us about a proud moment working for Glasgow College UESTC?

When I was doing interview with Glasgow College UESTC managments, my impression was how practical they are, how they quest to accomplish day to day work precisely, the most important part is as a female, I feel the high respect and it gives me an image of how the team will empower me to work smarter and better, I think I will learn a lot in our team, that's why I chose to join in.

Can you tell us a bit about your academic and/or professional background before you joined Glasgow College UESTC?

I have worked in different areas, so far I had 5 years of experience of luxurious hotels and had successfully accommodated worldwide famous celebrities, it was fun to create WOW staying experience for people while they are traveling. Then I worked in a French commerce company and a yacht club for totally 5 years. I like to chanlenge myself and always stay in tune with what is happening now.

What do you like most about working on the campus where you are based?

What I enjoy the most is all the students and faculties are all new to this new campus, we are witnessing everything that is happening everyday. To me particularly I am a freshman to the professional academic area as well, so it is amazing to grow up with all our freshman students.To experience their exploration of their academic lives give me a sense of responsibility of being a parent, to always give them fair advice and reasonable support is crucial to both the students and UofG UESTC, I will do my best to give our students a cozy environment to study and grow up.

Secondly, I enjoy our team environment very much, it values everyone’s talent and created a platform to enpower everyone to become better.

Tell us a about your hobbies and interests outside of work

I like going to the gym, I play tennis, I like to read, watch movies, and I am a huge foodie too.

Tell us one thing readers might find surprising about you

I am an introvert!



First published: 22 December 2022