Professor Kelum Gamage has launched a cross-disciplinary course to the public, which focuses on global sustainability. The Glasgow College UESTC Lecturer told us that the MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) 'Uniting for a Sustainable Future', was "developed as part of the university's sustainability in the learning and teaching community of practice" and it's now available on popular MOOC platform 'Futurelearn'.

Professor Gamage, along with fellow UoG experts from James Watt School of Engineering, Adam Smith Business School, and the School of Education, will show us how we create a sustainable future and how to take sustainable steps in our life. After a 12-hour course exploring sustainable solutions to global challenges, learners of all ages will be able to understand the importance of sustainable development and know how to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Their key message? Sustainability matters if we care about the future. 

UN Sustainable Development Goals logo

Professor Gamage has also launched another course for UoG staff regarding  sustainability in the teaching and learning environment. This course provides case studies and practical examples that staff can use as inspiration to embed sustainability within their own teaching practice.

If you’re interested in or would like to know more about these courses, please access them at:

United for a Sustainable Future : Public MOOC at FutureLearn

Sustainability in Learning & Teaching (Staff Resource) (Login required)

First published: 22 December 2022