A new venture by Glasgow College UESTC in Hainan Free Trade Port has seen students and staff on our joint engineering degree programmes expand their horizons.

The ‘Hainan International Talent Class Project’ got underway at the start of the 2021/22 academic session, with 120 exceptional students from the Chengdu campus taking part in this pilot mobility arrangement over Semesters 1 and 2.

They followed the same academic programme with the same delivery model and standards as in the main Glasgow College UESTC. All students who completed the programme in Semester 1 performed very well, enjoying high-tech surroundings, beautiful scenery and ample recreational activities. Additional workshops were given by distinguished invited speakers, while field trips and social experiences were arranged within the local area. These were designed to cultivate innovative thinking and enhance students' skills in engineering practice.

Located on a tropical peninsula and home to several national scientific research institutes, Hainan is often referred to as 'China’s Hawaii'. It is at the forefront of a new phase in economic reform and 'opening up' in South China - education being a key component under plans to make the district an 'International Education Innovation Island'.

Hainan Lingshui Li'an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone

It was because of UESTC’s position as one of the leading providers of degree level education in electronic information engineering, and the reputation of Glasgow College UESTC in China, that the partners were invited to apply to expand their activities within the pioneering Lingshui Li’an International Education Pilot Zone.

To ensure students benefit from the most modern models of pedagogy and mentoring, class sizes are kept small, while dedicated counsellors are assigned to provide students with comprehensive career guidance and practical advice. Groups are tutored by both UESTC academics, and leaders of local industry.

The pilot has provided valuable opportunities for staff and students to meet face-to-face. Senior Lecturer Julien Le Kernec from the University of Glasgow flew over for the last course of Semester 1 (Introduction to Programming), helping students consolidate their knowledge in a class previously delivered only online as a consequence of the pandemic.

Teaching spaces in the Hainan pilot zone

At the opening ceremony which launched the initiative, Vice Principal External Relations, Ms Rachel Sandison gave her “deepest gratitude” to “the Hainan authorities and UESTC for the opportunity to be part of this inspiring new development”. Professor Muhammad Imran, Dean of University of Glasgow UESTC, noted:

“With Hainan envisioned as a future world-leading industrial and economic hub, engineers of the future will play a pivotal role in the redevelopment of this region as a beacon of engineering innovation and discovery.  We will build upon our existing award-winning and accredited collaboration with UESTC in Chengdu and explore new ways of further enhancing our joint engineering education in this new location.”


First published: 4 April 2022