As new staff join the expanding GC-UESTC team, we are happy to provide them with a chance to introduce themselves to our readers, via a short Q&A.

This month, we welcome Dr. Shuja Ansari, who started in January 2022 as a Lecturer.

Dr Shuja Ansari

Q: Which subjects do you teach?

A: UESTC3022: Power Electronics. Previously, I have taught Mobile Communications, Signals and Electronic Systems, Electric Principles and Circuit Theory.

Q: Which fields of research are you most interested in and why?

A: Wireless Communications, Healthcare technologies, Vehicular Communications, Autonomous Systems, Internet of things applications, 5G and beyond networks and use cases.

Q: What is the most memorable project you have been involved in at GC UESTC or elsewhere and why?

A: Most memorable project for me will be the Scotland 5G Centre Wave-1 Urban Innovations led by Professor Muhammad Imran at the University of Glasgow. I got involved in this project during the planning stage and saw it through to the deployment, installation and commissioning of a campus wide commercial grade 5G testbed. As part of the project I also coordinated development of multiple novel use cases that ride on the 5G promise of low latency and high data rates.

Q: What attracted you to take on a role at GC UESTC?

A: During my postdoctoral research, I worked closely with the team here at GC UESTC. The caliber and excellence of GC UESTC team aspired me to become a part of this team. I look up to these fine academics and hope to inspire others.

Q: What or who inspired you to study engineering?

A: I decided to pursue Electrical engineering during my secondary school when my Uncle (Telecom consultant) introduced me to electronics and circuits. I won my school's science competition that year and also became the youngest president of Science society. That year we also took part in nationwide science competitions and won numerous prizes for our electronics projects. Then in high school, I got an internship in the radio frequency planning department of a large telecom operator. As part of the team I was tasked to carry out RF testing, optimisation, auditing and planning. This was the time when I was certain I will be pursuing telecoms as specialisation of Electrical engineering. From my undergraduate studies to my postdoctoral research, the telecommunications field has always amazed me and the advancements in this sector consistently fuel my passion.

Q: Tell us a about your hobbies and interests outside of work:

A: Most part of my life, outside studies/work I have been passionate about digital connectivity and its applications around us. Fortunately, my passion became my research area and allowed me to pursue a career in it. Outside these interests, I like playing football, badminton, squash and cricket quite regularly. I am also fond of reading non-fictional books during my free time.

First published: 4 April 2022