The Head of School and Athena SWAN committee invite you to take part in our School wide staff survey in preparation for our Silver application in 2019. To be successful we will be required to reflect on what has and hasn’t worked over the last 3 years and prepare a new Action Plan to address areas we identify for improvement. Our new Action Plan will rely heavily on a snapshot of current working practices within the School and we therefore require a high return rate. It should only take around 15 minutes to complete so please share your opinions and ideas by completing the survey by 30th November.

Be assured that the data will be collected centrally and held securely by the University Athena SWAN Coordinator, and not by anyone in the School. Any text responses in the survey will be separated from other data. The data will only be presented in such a way as to ensure full anonymity for all staff (for example aggregating data to avoid small numbers of staff in particular categories). Anonymised data may be included in our REF return but will fully comply with data protection regulations. If you have any questions on this matter please contact either of the co-Chairs directly.


First published: 9 November 2018

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