Dr. Willie McGuire has made several publications and presentations recently.

- McGuire, W. , Harri​ngton, O. , MacDiarmid, C. and Zacharias, S. (2021) Improving written feedback. Innovative Practice in Higher Education ISSN: 2044-3315.
This paper describes the evolution of a protocol for the improvement of written feedback using a principle designed to meet the needs of staff and students in classes with high numbers.

- McGuire, W. (2021) Introducing the PEDM principle-a synopsis. In: Baughan, P. (ed.) Assessment and Feedback in a Post-Pandemic Era: A Time for Learning and Inclusion. Advance HE, pp. 77-87.
This paper summarises the findings from the more extensive paper and was written by invitation following a conference presentation for Advance HE.

- McGuire, W. (2021) Supporting sustained development through reflection. In: Essex, J. (ed.) A Practical Guide to Mentoring Teachers in Scotland. Routledge. (In Press).
This paper is on ways of supporting the mentor-mentee relationship in early career teaching contexts.

Conference Presentations and Roles

- McGuire, W. (2021). The Problem with Written Feedback. Theory of Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement. ECER 21, Geneva. ECER 2021, Geneva (online) | EERA (eera-ecer.de)

- McGuire, W. (2021). Showing; Not Telling: Modelling student feedback to improve satisfaction. BERA 2021.

- BERA Conference 2021 | BERA - Chair of 09 Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education panel.

First published: 1 October 2021