Dr Sarah Anderson, Dr Sevda Ozsezer-Kurnuc, and Dr Pinky Jain (Leeds Beckett) presented the SES Colloquium invited keynote at Oriel College, Oxford. The presentation explored the nature of shared judgement, of observed teaching effectiveness across Scotland, England, and Wales.

This presentation explored the nature of shared judgement, consensus, and dissensus of observed teaching effectiveness across a range of views and experiences in Scotland, England, and Wales. It has been noted that new teachers manage to pass into the teaching profession despite sometimes manifesting significant variance in skills, which can be attributed in part to inconsistent professional agreement as to what constitutes a judgment of competence. Following a 2022 national award by the Society for Education Studies, we provide initial findings one year into the two-year project, presenting how participants made judgements about teaching effectiveness and what factors influenced them. The enquiry was presented through the methodological lens of a comparative, embedded, and descriptive multiple-case study design. Drawing on social judgement theory, the presentation invited a conversation about the role of professional teaching standards and professional judgement of classroom-based mentor teachers, teacher educators in universities, and university-based school experience tutors in observing and judging teaching effectiveness. The keynote discussed the similarities and differences across expectations for effective teaching and framed these within the UNESCO Global Framework (2019). The presentation concluded with a challenge to reconsider the role of professional judgement and standards-based criteria in judging teaching effectiveness and a description of the next phase of the project.


First published: 23 October 2023