McAdam, J. E., Arizpe, E., Abou Ghaida, S. (2025) Texts that assure: selecting picturebooks to use with displaced children. Routledge


Burhan-Horasanli, E., Ortactepe Hart, D. (2024) Conceptualizing reflection-for-action: language teachers as agents of collaborative and collective transformation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 152, (doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2024.104802)

Yilmaz, A., Ortactepe Hart, D., Çelik, S. (2024) Transforming language teachers into agents of social change in Türkiye. Bloomsbury Academic

Phipps, A. (2024) Ten years of struggles for refugee rights in Scotland. The National

Elliot, D. L., Lido, C., Evangelista, Z., Kassous, I. Z., Al Najim, A., Alves, I. (2024) Mind the gap! International doctoral scholars’ and supervisors’ perspectives of wellbeing and help-seeking behaviour. Routledge

McKinney, S. J. (2024) Scottish Religious Poetry. From the Sixth Century to the Present (2024). Edited by Linden Bicket, Emma Dymock and Alison Jack. Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press. ISBN 978 1 80083 047 9. Pastoral Review, 20, pp. 74.

McKinney, S. J. (2024) The legacy of Ignacio Ellacuría SJ and Ignacio Martín-Baró SJ Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador. Pastoral Review, 20, pp. 59-62.

McKinney, S. J., Sobrino, J. (2024) Theology without Deception. God, the Poor, and Reality in El Salvador. Conversations with Charo Mármol. (2023) Maryknoll: Orbis Books. ISBN 978 1 62698 521 6. Pastoral Review, 20, pp. 71-72.

Mou, L. (2024) A spirit of service in liberal arts education: the legacy from China’s former Christian universities and the influence of contrasting social contexts. Asia Pacific Education Review, (doi: 10.1007/s12564-024-10008-z)

McKinney, S. (2024) ‘Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground’ Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J. on the role of the Catholic university. Journal of Religious Education,

McColl, M., Brown, P. (2024) Transporting the museum to a place of innovative, immersive and inclusive educational engagement: where are we now? Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht unipress

Brown, S. (2024) Beyond ELT: More than just language teaching. ELT Journal, (doi: 10.1093/elt/ccae038)

Ramdarshan Bold, M. (2024) “I felt her poems were more like my life”: cultivating BPoC teenagers’ writer-identity through a poet residency. Literacy, (doi: 10.1111/lit.12386)

Ryan, S. D. (2024) The moving project: exploring language, migration and identity using participatory podcasting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Linguistics Vanguard, (doi: 10.1515/lingvan-2024-0082)

Phipps, A., Egido, A. A., Novelli, J. (2024) "There is not a word I speak that has not been given to me by somebody else": an interview with Dr. Alison Phipps. ESPecialist, 45, pp. 206-221. (doi: 10.23925/2318-7115.2024v45i4e63829)

Phipps, A. (2024) Word of wisdom: advice about multilingual practices. University Grapevine, 23, pp. 4-7.

Robinson, J., Cooney, P., McKinney, S. (2024) Cristo Rey Schools and the preferential option for the poor. Seminare, 45, pp. 167-178. (doi: 10.21852/sem.1825)

Yılmaz, A., Ortactepe Hart, D., Sönmez, N. (2024) Promoting social justice through dramatizing children’s literature: Lessons from EFL classrooms in Türkiye. TESOL Journal, (doi: 10.1002/tesj.857)

Ortactepe Hart, D., Burhan-Horasanlı, E. (2024) Neo-nationalism and Turkish higher education: a phenomenological case study of a multilingual scholar’s identity (re)construction. Studies in Higher Education, 49, pp. 1451-1462. (doi: 10.1080/03075079.2023.2268127)

Livingston, K., Waters-Davies, J. (2024) Agency in negotiating partnerships in initial teacher education: shifting sands. European Journal of Teacher Education, (doi: 10.1080/02619768.2024.2384477)

Lam, D. M.K. (2024) Listening and interactional competence. Routledge

Francis, D. A. (2024) Queer and trans activism in South African schools: Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) disrupting LGBT+ inequalities. Teaching and Teacher Education, 148, (doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2024.104705)

(2024) Conference Proceedings of the 10th LSME International Research Conference on Education for All.

McKinney, S. (2024) Education for all. London School of Management Education

Lam, D. M.K. (2024) Worked examples for peer interaction: a feedback and learning resource. ELT Journal, (doi: 10.1093/elt/ccae029)

Keith, N. et al. (2024) Emerging Ecologies of Health, Heritage, and Habitat: Looking into Living and Working in 2033. (doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/BTNZ9)

Rodolico, G., Hirsu, L. (2024) Virtual reality (VR) in education: A game changer or smoke and mirrors?

Asplin, P., Mancy, R., Finnie, T., Cumming, F., Keeling, M. J., Hill, E. M. (2024) Symptom propagation in respiratory pathogens of public health concern: a review of the evidence. Journal of the Royal Society: Interface, 21, (doi: 10.1098/rsif.2024.0009)

McKinney, S. J. (2024) Leonard Cohen: The Mystical Roots of Genius, Harry Freedman, Bloomsbury 2024, ISBN 978-1-39941-649-8, Paperback 288pp £10.99, Pastoral Review bookshop £9.89. Pastoral Review, 20, pp. 71.

Yilmaz, A., Ortactepe Hart, D., Durmus, R. I. (2024) Social justice language teacher education in Türkiye: insights from an English as a foreign language (EFL) writing classroom. Bloomsbury Academic

Galloway, N. (2024) What’s in a name? Global Englishes – an umbrella term to address silo mentality or a misunderstood paradigm reinforcing silos? TESOL Quarterly, (doi: 10.1002/tesq.3337)

Francis, D. A. (2024) ‘I haven’t gotten my head around that.’: cisheterosexual school-attending youths’ accounts of how cisheteronormativity features in their sexuality education curriculum. International Studies in Sociology of Education, (doi: 10.1080/09620214.2024.2364056)

Moskal, M., Qamar, A.H. (2024) Participatory research methods and doing research with children [YouTube Talk]

Farrar, J., Arizpe, E., Lees, R. (2024) Thinking and learning through images: a review of research related to visual literacy, children’s reading and children’s literature. Education 3-13, (doi: 10.1080/03004279.2024.2357892)

Olusanya, B. O., Wright, S. M., Smythe, T., Khetani, M. A., Moreno-Angarita, M., Gulati, S., Brinkman, S. A., Almasri, N. A., Figueiredo, M., Giudici, L. B., Olorunmoteni, O., Lynch, P., Berman, B., Williams, A. N., Olusanya, J. O., Wertlieb, D., Davis, A. C., Hadders-Algra, M., Gladstone, M. J. (2024) Early childhood development strategy for the world's children with disabilities. Frontiers in Public Health, 12, (doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1390107)

Galloway, N., Sahan, K., McKinley, J. (2024) English for specific purposes in surging English-medium instruction contexts. Journal of English-Medium Instruction, 3, pp. 236-259. (doi: 10.1075/jemi.23011.gal)

Nikou, S. A., Rodolico, G., Hirsu, L., Antoniou, C. (2024) Integrating immersive technologies and generative AI in education: critical issues and future pathways. Researching Education Bulletin, 1, pp. 31-35.

McKinney, S. J., Jaap, A., Day, S., Thomson, S. (2024) Introduction. Researching Education Bulletin, 1, pp. 3-6.

McKinney, S., Wilson, A., Shanks, R., Robson, D., Moscardini, L., Mtika, P., McKendrick, J., MacDougall, L., Lowden, K., Lord, K., Jaap, A., Hunter, K., Hall, S., Graham, A., Darling-McQuistan, K. (2024) The effects of poverty on school education – research from the Poverty and Education Network. Researching Education Bulletin, 1, pp. 42-46.

McKinney, S. J., Fodey, C., Lappin, M. (2024) The life and ministry of Jesus: a model of emotionally intelligent leadership for catholic schools. Springer

Bradley, L., Perry, M., Fassetta, G., Ryan, S., Nelson, E. (2024) Denaturalizing “intelligence” in Higher Education: AI as a rupture to imagining and manifesting sustainable and anti-colonial literacies. Reading Research Quarterly, (doi: 10.1002/rrq.540)

McColl, M., Wilson, D. (2024) Redefining the museum placement in a post-pandemic world. Routledge

Mancy, R. (2024) Can urbanisation generate benefits for both human and ecosystem health? (doi: 10.36399/gla.pubs.325719)

Cheadle, T., Brunache, P., Lloyd, K., McColl, M., Plaquevent, B., Pickens, C. (2024) Radical collaboration: co-creating feminist online graduate courses through a university and museum partnership. Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education Journal, 9, (doi: 10.55370/dsj.v9i1.1696)

Awosanmi, G. O., Afolayan, A. F., Perry, M., Ajibade, G. O., Ajayi, S. A. (2024) Policy impacts in dynamic relation to food, income, learning and security: COVID-19 lockdowns in a Nigerian Agrarian Community. Environment, Development and Sustainability, (doi: 10.1007/s10668-024-04938-2)

Asplin, P., Keeling, M. J., Hill, E. M., Mancy, R. (2024) Epidemiological and health economic implications of symptom propagation in respiratory pathogens: a mathematical modelling investigation. PLoS Computational Biology, 20, (doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1012096)

Antony-Newman, M. (2024) Teachers and school leaders’ readiness for parental engagement: critical policy analysis of Canadian standards. Journal of Teacher Education, 75, pp. 321-333. (doi: 10.1177/00224871231199365)

Mancy, R., Stewart, G., Schroeder, M., Lazarakis, S., Angelopoulos, K. (2024) The legacy of epidemics: Influenza and smallpox in the early 20th century in Glasgow, UK. Editions Jérôme Millon

Dann, H., Drummond, R., Tasker, S., Montgomery, C., Durkacz Ryan, S., Carrie, E. (2024) Broad, strong, and soft: using geospatial analysis to understand folk-linguistic terminology. Journal of Linguistic Geography, (doi: 10.1017/jlg.2024.10)

Senbayrak, M., Ortactepe Hart, D. (2024) Exploring social justice dialogues in EFL conversation clubs: discursive moves and affordances. Language, Culture and Curriculum, (doi: 10.1080/07908318.2024.2339316)

McKinney, S. (2024) Life and legacy: the Jesuit martyrs in El Salvador. Open House, 316,

Day, S., Jaap, A., McKinney, S., O’Hara, J. (2024) Social Justice in Scottish Education Explored through Learning for Sustainability, Expressive Arts, and Poverty.

McHugh, M., McKinney, S. J. (2024) Revisiting the Carmont case. Innes Review, 75, pp. 53-57. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2024.0359)

McKinney, S. J. (2024) The six Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador – thirty-five years on. Pastoral Review, 20, pp. 56-60.

McKinney, S. J., Farrar, J. (2024) Role models for the future? The evolving dialogue on minority ethnic teachers in 21st century Scotland. Open University

Moskal, M., Fassetta, G., Imperiale, M. G., Spurway, J. (2024) ‘To translate feelings not words’. Humanitarian interpreting: challenging institutional and professional boundaries in interpreting for refugees. Language and Intercultural Communication, (doi: 10.1080/14708477.2024.2317138)

Antony-Newman, M. (2024) Preparing teachers for parent engagement: role of teacher educators in Canada. Educational Review, (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2024.2324154)

Alves, I., Christodoulidis, A., Carpenter, J., Hogg, V. M. (2024) Practitioner enquiry as lifelong teacher education for inclusion. Education Sciences, 14, (doi: 10.3390/educsci14030268)

Phipps, A. (2024) To unhear: multilingual methods for pedagogies of cultural justice. Research Intelligence, 158, pp. 32-33.

McKinney, S. J. (2024) Catholic Social Teaching. An Introduction for schools, parishes and charities Raymond Friel (2023) Chawton: Redemptorist Publications ISBN 9780852316405. Pastoral Review,

Antony-Newman, M., Niyozov, S., Pashchenko, K. (2024) Middle-class parental engagement in pandemic times: developing strategies and mobilizing capitals. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 45, pp. 193-209. (doi: 10.1080/01425692.2023.2294687)

Brown, S., Sheridan, M. (2024) 'It's like we've gone backwards': Perceptions of Scottish ESOL policy. Language Issues, 34, pp. 3-14.

Brown, S. (2024) Social justice and the language classroom: Reflection, action and transformation By Deniz Ortaçtepe. Hart Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 978–14744–9176‐1 (paperback, GBP 24.99); 978–14744‐ 9175‐4 (hardcover, GBP 90.00 printed to order); 978–14744–9178‐5 (Ebook [ePub] GBP 24.99); 978–14744–9177‐8 (Ebook [PDF] GBP 90.00). 242 pages. TESOL Journal, (doi: 10.1002/tesj.791)

Selvi, A.-F., Galloway, N., Rose, H. (2024) Teaching English as an International Language. Cambridge University Press

Milne, G., Hirsu, L., Wessels, B. (2024) Exploring the role of digital technology for climate and environment education in an outdoor learning setting. Pilot Study. (doi: 10.36399/gla.pubs.321126)

García-González, M., Munita, F., Arizpe, E. (2024) Introduction: Latin American children’s literature and culture. International Research in Children's Literature, 17, pp. 1-5. (doi: 10.3366/ircl.2024.0541)

(2024) Latin American Children’s Literature and Culture. International Research in Children’s Literature,

McKinney, S. J., Fodey, C. (2024) Mungo Festival celebrates Glasgow patron. Flourish, 2024, pp. 4.

Ramdarshan Bold, M. (2024) Women of colour in British Young Adult fiction: Subverting stereotypes and expanding identities. Edinburgh University Press

McKinney, S., Hall, S., Lowden, K. (2024) Food poverty and Catholic schools in the post Covid-19 era. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 25, pp. 8-10.

Smith, K., Ramdarshan Bold, M. (2024) The Publishing Business: A Guide to Starting Out and Getting On. Bloomsbury

Arizpe, E. (2024) Los que regresany los que no: posmemoria y libros álbumsobre niñosevacuados = Those who come back and those who don’t : postmemory and picturebooks about evacuated children. LIJ Ibero. Revista de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil Contemporánea, 17, pp. 36-53. (doi: 10.48102/lijibero.17.372)

Wood, R. (2024) Happier on the outside? Discourses of exclusion, disempowerment and belonging from former autistic school staff. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 24, pp. 39-52. (doi: 10.1111/1471-3802.12612)

McKinney, S., Wheeler, M., O’Donnell, J. (2024) I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Stella Maris: chaplaincy to seafarers. International Journal of the Study of the Christian Church, 24, pp. 34-52. (doi: 10.1080/1474225X.2024.2316991)

Dickson, M., Bradley, L., Read, B. (2024) International student-parents in UK higher education: a temporal analysis of their intersectional experiences and challenges. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 98, (doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2024.101933)

Phipps, A. (2024) Call and No Response: 30 Prayers in Genocidal Times. Wild Goose Publications

(2024) Characteristics and Conditions for Innovative Teachers: International Perspectives. Routledge

Livingston, K., Macfarlane, G. (2024) Characteristics and conditions to support innovative teachers: agency to transform learning and teaching. Routledge

McKinney, S., O’Loughlin, T., Tóth, B. (2024) Editorial. Messenger Publications

Miah, M. A. A., Chandna, J., Gurung, R., Masoud, N. S., Paul, P., Ameen, S., Basnet, O., Miraji, M., Tann, C., Mili, I. A., Tanvir Hossain, A.K.M., Chowdhury, A. I., Alam, A., Mackinnon Milner, K., El Arifeen, S., Ashish, K.C., Manji, K., Lynch, P., Lawn, J. E., Hamadani, J. D., EN-REACH collaborative group, (2024) Every Newborn-Reach Up Early Education Intervention for All Children (EN-REACH)- a parent group intervention for school readiness in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Tanzania: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials,

Livingston, K., O’Sullivan, C., Attard, K. (2024) Innovative teachers from the perspective of teacher educators. Routledge

Ramdarshan Bold, M., Noorda, R., Weber, M. (2024) International Bestsellers and the Online Reconfiguring of National Identity. Cambridge University Press

Livingston, K. (2024) Introduction to the Innovative Teachers Research Study. Routledge

Futro, D., Hirsu, L., Faulds, K., Ferguson, K., Dulemba, E., Karadzhova, E. (2024) Multilingual Approaches through Art Materials for Primary and Complementary School Teachers and Learners.

Perry, M. (2024) Pluriversal Literacies for Sustainable Futures: When Words are not Enough. Routledge

(2024) Synodality and the Recovery of Vatican II: A New Way for Catholics.

McKinney, S. (2024) The Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 and synodality. Messenger Publications

Brown, S. (2024) The Profit Motive: Time to Problematise Capitalism in ELT?

Attard, K., Livingston, K., O’Sullivan, C. (2024) Transformative professional development to develop and support innovative teachers. Routledge

Futro, D., Faulds, K., Hirsu, L. (2024) Using art to develop multilingual approaches to language teaching. EAL Journal, 23, pp. 38-41.

McDonnell, N., Hirsu, L., Rodolico, G., Savickaite, S., Latkovskis, I., Chapronniere, L., SEER (Scoping Extended Educational Realities), (2024) XRed: Preparing for Immersive Education [Report]

McDonnell, N., Hirsu, L., Rodolico, G., Savickaite, S., Latkovskis, I., Chapronniere, L., SEER (Scoping Extended Educational Realities), (2024) XRed: Preparing for Immersive Education [Whitepaper]

Ramdarshan Bold, M. (2024) YA Anthologies: Amplifying Voices, Building Community. Cambridge University Press


Yohannes, H. T., Phipps, A. (2023) What does it mean to move? Joy and resistance through cultural work in South-South migration. Palgrave Macmillan

Makara Fuller, K., Singh, S., Morrison-Love, D., Borquez-Sanchez, E., Cathcart, S., Eleri, S., Farrar, J., Patrick, F., Ryder, N., Sharpling, E., Valdera-Gil, F., Wiseman-Orr, L. (2023) Camau i'r Dyfodol: Building practical understandings of Curriculum for Wales.

Imperiale, M. G., Ross, D., Fassetta, G. (2023) Improving refugee teacher development in Lebanon and Jordan: nurturing teacher identity, relationships, and agency. NORRAG

Sancheti, P., Zacharias, S. (2023) Science teachers’ perceptions of the role of language in pedagogic practices in plurilinguistic EMI settings in India. Language Scholar, 12, pp. 35-55.

Beukes, A., Francis, D. A. (2023) “All of a sudden, you are alien to them”: Transgender and gender-diverse students’ experiences of and responses to institutionalised cisgenderism at Stellenbosch University. African Sun Media

Lam, S. S. M., Lam, D. M. K., Mak, C. C. M. (2023) Integrating concept-based learning into writing assessment in Chinese as a second language: An exploration of students’ perspective. Springer

McKinney, S., Farrar, J. (2023) The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children, Poverty and Education Symposium.

Fassetta, G., Imperiale, M. G. (2023) Language and integration of refugee children: reflections on delinking and decoloniality. L2 Journal, 15, pp. 1-19. (doi: 10.5070/L2.2466)

Nouraldeen, M., Alves, I., Moskal, M. (2023) Syrian families and Scottish schools: from involvement to participation and partnership. Research Intelligence, 157, pp. 22-23.

Francis, D. A. (2023) ‘A square peg in a round hole’. Transgender and gender diverse youth and schooling in South Africa. Sexualities, (doi: 10.1177/13634607231212850)

Nakatsuhara, F., Lam, D. M.K., Jones, J. J., Chan, S., Chen, S., Wu, R. (2023) Exploring the dynamic relationship between Dr. GEPT feedback and learners' L2 motivation.

McKinney, S. J., Whittle, S. (2023) AULRE 2023: theory, policy and practice in RE—is this a time of divergence? Journal of Religious Education, 71, pp. 193-196. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-023-00217-w)

Yohannes, H., Phipps, A., Fernandes, F., Silva, J. (2023) Intercultural knowledge production: against gender-based violence and towards epistemic justice. Language and Intercultural Communication, 23, pp. 501-506. (doi: 10.1080/14708477.2023.2270878)

McKinney, S. J. (2023) Voices of young people in the Synod. Journal of Religious Education, 71, pp. 337-348. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-023-00210-3)

Fassetta, G., Imperiale, M. G., Alshobaki, S., Al-Masri, N. (2023) Welcoming Languages: teaching a ‘refugee language’ to school staff to enact the principle of integration as a two-way process. Language and Intercultural Communication, 23, pp. 559-573. (doi: 10.1080/14708477.2023.2247386)

(2023) PATT40 Liverpool 2023. Pupils Attitudes to Technology Conference: Diverse Experiences of Design and Technology Education for a Contemporary and Pluralist Society. Liverpool John Moores University

Muwanika, V., Perry, M., Kayendeke, E., Pullanikkatil, D., Okot, A., Thakadu, O., Mwesigwa, G., Mfitumukiza, D. (2023) Survival versus sustaining: A multidisciplinary inquiry of the environmental dilemma in rural Uganda. Natural Resources Forum, (doi: 10.1111/1477-8947.12360)

Morrison-Love, D., Patrick, F. (2023) The Adaptive Subject Pedagogy Model: Understanding Pre-Service Teachers’ Pedagogical Reasoning in Design & Technology.

Davies, S., McLain, M., Hardy, A., Morrison-Love, D. (2023) Welcome and Editorial. Liverpool John Moores University

Kadoma, A., Perry, M., Renaud, F. G. (2023) Stakeholders’ perceptions of wetland conservation and restoration in Wakiso District, Uganda. Environment, Development and Sustainability, (doi: 10.1007/s10668-023-04008-z)

Wood, R. (2023) Keynote Address: What Can we Learn from Autistic Teachers?

McKinney, S., Lappin, M., Fodey, C., Hand, C. (2023) The Emotionally Intelligent Leader in a Catholic School: The Example of Jesus as Represented in the Gospels.

Ling, L., Livingston, K. (2023) Universities in Times of Crisis and Disruption: Dislocated Complexity. Routledge

Ortactepe Hart, D., Aydınlı, J. (2023) Applied linguistics and language education research in Turkey: 2016–2022. Language Teaching, 56, pp. 495-521. (doi: 10.1017/S0261444823000198)

Moskal, M. (2023) Benefiting from transnational experience: Migration and the role of lifelong learning. Taipei City Government

Phipps, A., Diamond, P. (2023) Decolonising multilingualism: a practice-led approach. Multilingual Matters

Antony-Newman, M. (2023) Questioning equity and excellence in Ontario and Scotland: critical policy analysis of parent inclusion for reducing educational inequality. Comparative and International Education, 52, pp. 73-86. (doi: 10.5206/cie-eci.v52i1.15365)

Fisher, D. X., Hunter, S., Qadir, S., Phipps, A. (2023) Towards two-way integration: a comparative review of refugee integration strategies. Routledge

Sithole, T., Phipps, A. (2023) “I shiver a little, I shudder a little”: gist translation and uncanny bodily knowledges.

Sithole, T., Phipps, A. (2023) "I shiver a little, I shudder a little:" Gist Translation and Uncanny Bodily Knowledges.

Lynch, P., Schuelka, M. J., Brown, R., Johnstone, C., Tshewang, S. (2023) Meaningful employment opportunities for youth with disabilities in Bhutan: piloting an employment assessment toolkit. International Journal of Educational Development, 101, (doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2023.102820)

McKinney, S. J. (2023) The effects of poverty on children and young people in the post Covid-19 era. Pastoral Review, 19, pp. 15-19.

Morrison-Love, D., Makara Fuller, K., Borquez Sanchez, E. (2023) Curricular Progression and Pupil Learning: Towards a Method for Understanding how Pupils Progress in Learning Over Time.

Rodolico, G., Hirsu, L. (2023) The Impact of a VR-supported Intervention on Pre-service Teachers’ VR Technological and Pedagogical Content Knowledge.

Wood, R., Gagat-Matuła, A., Bottema-Beutel, K., Arshad, R. (2023) Learning Lessons from Autistic Teachers in Poland and the UK.

Makara Fuller, K., Morrison-Love, D., Borquez Sanchez, E. (2023) Steps to the Future for 'Curriculum for Wales': Developing Coherence, Co-construction, and Praxis.

Day, S., Jaap, A., Black, E., McKinney, S., Mouroutsou, S. (2023) ‘Promoting and Sustaining High-Quality Educational Research’ – the Role of Scottish Education Research Association (SERA)

Barnes, L. P., Lundie, D. C., McKinney, S., Williams, K. (2023) Religious education in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Routledge

Sutherland, M., Reid, C. (2023) A small country with big ambitions: does this include the gifted? Education Sciences, 13, (doi: 10.3390/educsci13080832)

Zacharias, S., Binti Nek Kamal, N. (2023) Language Awareness: using digital technologies to enhance conceptual understanding.

Hirsu, L., Nitecka Barche, M., Futro, D. (2023) Assessment and creativity through a translingual lens: introduction. Applied Linguistics Review, (doi: 10.1515/applirev-2023-0115)

Raby, R. L., Legusov, O., Addae, D., Martel, J., Mou, L., Wood, D. (2023) Role of community colleges and other TVET institutions in advancing sustainable development by supporting access, diversity, and inclusion for nontraditional student populations. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 17, pp. 214-231. (doi: 10.1080/15595692.2022.2157397)

Schroeder, M., Lazarakis, S., Mancy, R., Angelopoulos, K. (2023) An extended period of elevated influenza mortality risk follows the main waves of influenza pandemics. Social Science and Medicine, 328, (doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115975)

Moskal, M. (2023) Drawing Deportation: Art and Resistance among Immigrant Children. By Silvia Rodriguez Vega (ed.) NYU Press, 2023 Paperback 9781479810451, 240pp, $30.00. Children and Society, 37, pp. 1332-1333. (doi: 10.1111/chso.12749)

Mou, L., Zha, Q., Hayhoe, R. (2023) Liberal Arts Education in the Universities of Greater China: Historical Legacy, Current Models, and Future Prospects.

Alves, I., Boath, L. (2023) Inclusive Practice in Action: Hearts, Heads, Hands.

Zacharias, S. (2023) Developing International Student-teachers' Metalinguistic Understanding for Teaching EAL Writers.

Hayward, L. (2023) It's Our Future: Report of the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment.

Moskal, M. (2023) Migration and home in research with children and young people: story, participation, agency. Edward Elgar Publishing

Francis, D. (2023) “You gotta pull yourself towards yourself.” A sociological analysis of how Transgender and Gender Diverse (TGD) school attending youth, school managers and teachers understand and respond to transphobia in South African schools. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, (doi: 10.1080/13540602.2023.2225417)

Gormally, S., Arizpe, E., Bahena-Rivera, A. (2023) What would peace look like in Acapulco? The views of local practitioners and stakeholders. Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, (doi: 10.1177/15423166231179239)

McKinney, S., Graham, A., Hall, S., Hunter, K., Jaap, A., Lowden, K., MacDougal, L., McKendrick, J. H., Mtika, P., Moscardini, L., Reid, L., Ritchie, M., Robson, D., Shanks, R., Stettin, S., Wilson, A. (2023) Beyond the pandemic – poverty and school education in Scotland. Scottish Educational Review, 54, pp. 238-264. (doi: 10.1163/27730840-20231002)

Zacharias, S. (2023) Integrating CL-Orientated Practices into a Postgraduate TESOL Programme: Challenges and Opportunities to Move Beyond the GRAMMAR IS A RULEBOOK Construal.

McKinney, S. (2023) John McMaster: committed to faith (Obituary) Flourish, 2023, pp. 19.

Ross, D., Imperiale, M. G., Fassetta, G. (2023) Learning for informal and nonformal educators in Lebanon and Jordan (LINEs)

Imperiale, M. G., Fassetta, G., Ross, D. (2023) Reflections on the LINEs project.

McKinney, S. J. (2023) The Spiritual Journey of St Patrick by Aidan J. Larkin SSC. Pastoral Review, 19, pp. 75-76.

Ryan, S. D., Dann, H., Drummond, R. (2023) “Really this girl ought to be going to something better”: Rhoticity and social meaning in oral history data. Language in Society, 52, pp. 459-483. (doi: 10.1017/S0047404522000215)

McKinney, S. J., Zannoni, F. (2023) Education in a world of conflict and division. Educazione Interculturale, 21, pp. I-IV. (doi: 10.6092/issn.2420-8175/17038)

McKinney, S. J., Farrar, J. (2023) The impact of armed conflict on school education. Educazione Interculturale, 21, pp. 1-10. (doi: 10.6092/issn.2420-8175/16970)

McKinney, S. (2023) Illustrious women: Sr Agnes Xavier Trail: one of Scotland's first religious after the Reformation. St Moluag's Coracle, pp. 26 May.

Antony-Newman, M., Niyozov, S. (2023) Barriers and facilitators for academic success and social integration of refugee students in Canadian and US K–12 schools: a meta-synthesis. Canadian Journal of Education, (doi: 10.53967/cje-rce.5859)

Ng, P. T. M., Mou, L., Hayhoe, R. (2023) Introduction: Liberal Arts Education, the normal university and current scholarship on the heritage of China’s Christian universities. Springer

(2023) Liberal Arts and the Legacy of China’s Christian Universities. (doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-0067-1)

Casey, R., Wessels, B., Chalmers, D., Hirsu, L. (2023) Living Well in a Digital World: Economic, Social and Cultural Challenges. Briefing paper.

Ortaçtepe Hart, D. (2023) Social Justice and the Language Classroom: Reflection, Action, and Transformation. Edinburgh University Press

Bradley, L. (2023) Stories of the canon (stories of the self): towards an intra-active decolonisation of higher education. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 44, pp. 859-872. (doi: 10.1080/01596306.2023.2202898)

Olusanya, B. O., Nair, M. K. C., Lynch, P., Hadders-Algra, M. (2023) Editorial: Optimizing school readiness for children with developmental disabilities. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 11, (doi: 10.3389/fped.2023.1196934)

Francis, D., McEwen, H. (2023) Normalising intolerance: the efforts of Christian Right groups to block LGBTIQ+ inclusion in South African schools. Culture, Health and Sexuality, (doi: 10.1080/13691058.2023.2195913)

MacDiarmid, C., Haghi, I., Di Giallonardo, S., Simbolon, N., Lam, D., Budzenski, M. (2023) Designing a collaborative EMI and EAP teacher professional development MOOC for vocational Indonesian higher education teachers.

Brown, S., John, T. (2023) Facilitating the Transition of International Scholars towards PhD Study (Also, Lockdown!)

Brown, S. (2023) Enabling Compliance? Scottish ESOL and Comfort Radicalism.

Arizpe, E., Noble, K., Styles, M. (2023) Children Reading Pictures: New Contexts and Approaches to Picturebooks. Routledge

Ortaçtepe Hart, D. (2023) Creating anti-oppressive digital spaces for social justice language education. TESOL Quarterly, 57, pp. 285-297. (doi: 10.1002/tesq.3180)

Hayward, L., Baird, J.‐A., Allan, S., Godfrey‐Faussett, T., Hutchinson, C., MacIntosh, E., Randhawa, A., Spencer, E., Wiseman-Orr, M. L. (2023) National qualifications in Scotland: a lightning rod for public concern about equity during the pandemic. European Journal of Education, 58, pp. 83-97. (doi: 10.1111/ejed.12543)

Francis, D. A. (2023) ‘And I would ask myself, what’s being gay got to do with this anyway?’ Constructions of queer subject positions in student’s stories. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 18, pp. 59-70. (doi: 10.1177/17461979211048670)

Wood, R. (2023) Learning from Autistic Teachers how Autistic Children and Young People can Flourish in School.

Lynch, P., Nabwera, H. M., Babikako, H. M., Rasheed, M., Donald, K. A., Mbaleh, E. W., Stockdale, E., Chande, P., Van den Heuvel, M., Kakooza Mwesigej, A., Gladstone, M. (2023) Experiences of identifying pre-school children with disabilities in resource limited settings – an account from Malawi, Pakistan and Uganda. Disability and Society, (doi: 10.1080/09687599.2023.2181769)

Angelopoulos, K., Stewart, G., Mancy, R. (2023) Local infectious disease experience influences vaccine refusal rates: a natural experiment. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290, (doi: 10.1098/rspb.2022.1986)

Francis, D. A. (2023) “Did you just say I was lit ?” Transgender and non-binary youth doing gender; resisting cisnormativity in South African schools. Journal of Gender Studies, (doi: 10.1080/09589236.2023.2172386)

Morrison-Love, D., Singh, S., Makara-Fuller, K., Evans, G., Farrar, J., Patrick, F., Ryder, N., Borquez-Sanchez, E., Sharpling, E., Valdera-Gil, F., Wiseman-Orr, L. (2023) Camau i'r Dyfodol: Curriculum for Wales: evolving understandings of progression in learning.

Collier, D. R., Perry, M. (2023) Imagining research together and working across divides: arts-informed research about young people’s (post) digital lives. Qualitative Research, 23, pp. 72-91. (doi: 10.1177/14687941211010029)

Keith, N. et al. (2023) Regenerative Futures: From Global to Local Development in 2032. (doi: 10.36399/gla.pubs.295862)

McKinney, S. (2023) Welcome return for Mungo festival. Flourish, 2023, pp. 14.

Little, C., Evans, D., Alves, I., Boath, L. (2023) Exploring Preparedness with Pre-Service Teachers.

Fassetta, G., Imperiale, M. G., Hirsu, L., Alshobaki, S. (2023) Welcoming Languages.

Boath, L., Mio, C., McKinney, S. (2023) Laying the foundations for leadership: Research-informed teacher education. Palgrave Macmillan

McKinney, S. J., Edwards, R., Humes, W.M. (2023) The Education (Scotland) Act 1872. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 24, pp. 8-10.

McKinney, S. J. (2023) Applied Catholic social teaching: preferential option for the poor and Catholic schools. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 23, pp. 31-47. (doi: 10.1080/1474225X.2023.2175531)

McKinney, S. (2023) Catholic education and social justice in Europe. International Studies in Catholic Education, 15, pp. 77-89. (doi: 10.1080/19422539.2023.2184547)

Nesterova, Y., Moskal, M. (2023) Conversations: Yulia Nesterova with Marta Moskal. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 17, pp. 1-7. (doi: 10.1080/15595692.2022.2148650)

Brown, S. (2023) Global English and Political Economy: John P. O’Regan Routledge 2021, 272 pp. (inc. references and index), £34.99 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-138-81112-6. ELT Journal, 77, pp. 121-123. (doi: 10.1093/elt/ccac036)

Bananuka, T., Perry, M., Kadoma, A. (2023) Researching without “methods”: an experiment in socio-ecological sustainability research with rural communities. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22, pp. 16094069231179159. (doi: 10.1177/16094069231179159)

Wood, R., Happé, F. (2023) What are the views and experiences of autistic teachers? Findings from an online survey in the UK. Disability and Society, 38, pp. 47-72. (doi: 10.1080/09687599.2021.1916888)

Imperiale, M. G., Fassetta, G., Alshobaki, S. (2023) 'I need to know what to say when children are crying’: a language needs analysis of Scottish primary educators learning Arabic. Language and Intercultural Communication, 23, pp. 367-384. (doi: 10.1080/14708477.2023.2168010)

Hirsu, L., Nguyễn Ngọc, Á., Futro, D., Lê Anh, V., McAdam, J., Bùi Thị, D., Arizpe, E., Trần Mỹ, N. (2023) Arts-based Language Learning: A Resource Book for Teachers in Primary and Lower Secondary Schools. Vietnam National University Press

Lam, D. M.K., Galaczi, E., Nakatsuhara, F., May, L. (2023) Assessing interactional competence: exploring ratability challenges. Applied Pragmatics, 5, pp. 208-233. (doi: 10.1075/ap.00014.lam)

(2023) Campo en formación. Textos clave para la crítica de literatura infantil a juvenil.

Perry, M., Ramos, M., Palacios, N. (2023) Changing conceptions of literacy: pluriversal literacies. Firenze University Press

Farrar, J., Eichorn, J., Britton, A., Anderson, S. K., McKinney, S. (2023) Developing Politically Literate Young Citizens in Scottish Education: Barriers and Opportunities.

Brown, S., Nanguy, C. (2023) Do Global Coursebooks Promote Discriminatory Ideologies?

Morrison-Love, D. (2023) Doing: Skills, knowledge, and understanding in conceptual, theoretical, and practical Contexts. Bloomsbury

Zacharias, S. (2023) Enhancing TESOL Pre-service Teachers’ Understanding of Language Use with Digital Technologies.

Wood, R. (2023) From disempowerment to well-being and flow: Enabling autistic communication in schools. Routledge

(2023) Intercultural Knowledge Production: Against Gender-based Violence and Towards Epistemic Justice. Language and Intercultural Communication, 23,

(2023) LSME Research Book. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 9th LSME International Research Conference on Global Education and the Green Economy.

McKinney, S. (2023) The universitisation of teacher education and Religious Education. Waxmann Verlag

McKinney, S., Parhi, S., Kumar, R., Shifau, H., Gray, P. (2023) The value of culture, history and religion in school education. London School of Management Education

Rodolico, G., Hirsu, L. (2023) Virtual Reality in education: supporting new learning experiences by developing self-confidence of Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) student-teachers. Educational Media International, 60, pp. 92-108. (doi: 10.1080/09523987.2023.2262195)

Livingston, K. (2023) What does quality teacher education mean and how can the preparation of future teachers be quality assured? Brill


Bissett, M., Gray, C. M., Abdulla, S., Bunn, C., Crampin, A. C., Dillip, A., Gill, J. M.R., Kaare, H. C., Kalima, S., Kambulu, E., Lwanda, J., Makoye, H. F., Mtema, O., Perry, M., Strachan, Z., Todd, H., Mtenga, S. M. (2022) "I see salt everywhere": a qualitative examination of the utility of arts-based participatory workshops to study noncommunicable diseases in Tanzania and Malawi. PLoS Global Public Health, 2, (doi: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0000927)

Moskal, M., Martin, F., Bauschke-Urban, C., Hu, M., Read, B. (2022) Intersecting inequalities in mobility of international students from Asia and Africa [Symposium]

Dann, H., Ryan, S. D., Drummond, R. (2022) Social meaning in archival interaction: a mixed-methods analysis of variation in rhoticity and past tense BE in Oldham. English Language and Linguistics, 26, pp. 861-887. (doi: 10.1017/s1360674322000119)

Drummond, R., Dann, H., Tasker, S., Ryan, S. D. (2022) The Manchester Voices Accent Van: taking sociolinguistic data collection on the road. Linguistics Vanguard, 8, pp. 263-277. (doi: 10.1515/lingvan-2022-0050)

Phipps, A., Aldegheri, E., Fisher, D. (2022) The New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy: a report on the local and international dimensions of integrating refugees in Scotland.

Livingston, K., Ling, L. (2022) Third space workers in higher education in times of dislocated complexity. European Journal of Education, 57, pp. 646-658. (doi: 10.1111/ejed.12523)

DePietro, K., Ortactepe Hart, D., Liu, X. (2022) Harvesting digital spaces for emergent bilinguals: culturally-sustaining mall pedagogies for migrant children. European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 11, pp. 43-61.

Alves, I., Fernandes, D. (2022) Public policies in Portuguese education: the path to inclusion for all. Elsevier

McKinney, S. (2022) A historic ‘no’ which led to the modern system of Catholic schools. Flourish, 2022, pp. 8.

McKinney, S. J., Whittle, S. (2022) AULRE 2022: Religious education and social justice in a time of climate crisis Guest editors’ introduction. Journal of Religious Education, 70, pp. 243-248. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-022-00191-9)

Sime, D., Tyrrell, N., Käkelä, E., Moskal, M. (2022) Performing whiteness: Central and Eastern European young people’s experiences of xenophobia and racialisation in the UK post-Brexit. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48, pp. 4527-4546. (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2022.2085678)

McKinney, S., Jaap, A., Moscardini, L. (2022) Poverty and Education Symposium.

McKinney, S. (2022) ‘…and yet there’s still no peace’ Catholic Indigenous Residential Schools in Canada. Journal of Religious Education, 70, pp. 327-340. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-022-00182-w)

Moskal, M. (2022) 從跨國經驗中受益:移民和終身學習的作用 = Benefiting from transnational experience: Migration and the role of lifelong learning. Taipei City Government

McColl, M. (2022) Exploring Social Memory as Represented by Visual Culture in the Form of the Mural.

Brown, S., John, T. (2022) Navigating no-man's land: facilitating the transition of international students to PhD study: a case of a Scottish university. Springer

Masson, M., Antony-Newman, M., Antony-Newman, M. (2022) The immigrant perspective: Eastern-European parental discourses about the value of French, plurilingualism and plurilingual literacy practices. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25, pp. 3507-3520. (doi: 10.1080/13670050.2022.2079372)

Cox, S., Phipps, A., Hirsu, L. (2022) Language learning for refugee women in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic: restorative pedagogies for integrating to place—Perspectives from Scotland. Frontiers in Communication, 7, (doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2022.982813)

Wood, R., Gagat-Matuła, A. (2022) Autistic School Staff Project: Understanding and Supporting the Needs, Strengths and Experiences of Autistic School Staff in a Range of Education Roles in Schools.

Shanks, R., McKinney, S. J. (2022) Cost and affordability of school uniform and child poverty. Scottish Educational Review, 54, pp. 26-48. (doi: 10.1163/27730840-54010003)

Galloway, N., Rose, H. (2022) Cross-fertilisation, not bifurcation, of EMI and EAP. ELT Journal, 76, pp. 538-546. (doi: 10.1093/elt/ccac033)

Zacharias, S., Evison, J. (2022) I see what you mean: exploring figurative uses of language. Routledge

McKinney, S. J. (2022) Revisiting Justice in the World. Pastoral Review, 18, pp. 45-49.

Ptolomey, A. M., Nelson, E. L. (2022) A creative conversation for re-imagining creative visual methods with children and young people in pandemic times and beyond. Sociological Research Online, 27, pp. 684-689. (doi: 10.1177/13607804221089681)

O'Shea, M., Mou, L., Xu, L., Aikins, R. (2022) Communicating COVID‑19: analyzing higher education institutional responses in Canada, China, and the USA. Higher Education Policy, 35, pp. 629-650. (doi: 10.1057/s41307-022-00276-y)

Jolley, E., Bechange, S., Mankhwazi, M., Mbukwa Ngwira, J., Murphy, R., Schmidt, E., Lynch, P. (2022) Measuring the impact of a training intervention for early childhood centre staff on child development outcomes: Findings from a cluster randomized control field trial in rural Malawi. Child: Care, Health and Development, 48, pp. 736-743. (doi: 10.1111/cch.12981)

Mclinden, M., Douglas, G., Hewett, R., Cobb, R., Keil, S., Lynch, P., Roe, J., Thistlewaite, J. (2022) Promoting Equitable Access to Education for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment: A Route-Map for a Balanced Curriculum. Routledge

McMonagle, C., Brown, D., Reeve, R., Mancy, R. (2022) Trends in the diversity of mortality causes and age-standardised mortality rates among subpopulations within Scotland, 2001-2019. SSM - Population Health, 19, (doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2022.101192)

Morrison-Love, D., Patrick, F. (2022) Supporting student teachers to integrate theory, research, and practice: developing the Adaptive Subject Pedagogy Model. Research in Science and Technological Education, (doi: 10.1080/02635143.2022.2116422)

Wood, R., Crane, L., Happé, F., Moyse, R. (2022) Learning from autistic teachers: lessons about change in an era of Covid-19. Educational Review, (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2022.2103521)

White, R. G., Fay, R., Chiumento, A., Giurgi-Oncu, C., Phipps, A. (2022) Communication about distress and well-being: epistemic and ethical considerations. Transcultural Psychiatry, 59, pp. 413-424. (doi: 10.1177/13634615221082795)

Phipps, A. (2022) Decolonizing languages in rural settings: towards equatorial epistemologies. Cambridge University Press

Athrof, Y., Borquez Sanchez, E., Hutchinson, C., MacBride, G., Makara Fuller, K., Morrison-Love, D., Spencer, E., Valdera-Gil, F., Wiseman-Orr, L., Siôn ap Gruffudd, G., Brychan, A., Sharpling, E., Stacey, D. (2022) CAMAU Assessing for the Future Handbook. The Welsh government, Addysg Cymru Education Wales,

Phipps, A. (2022) Against Capture, Cleansing and Extraction: Towards a New Eco-Social Discourse of Research and Investigation.

Antony-Newman, M. (2022) The role of plurilingual parenting in parental engagement of immigrant families. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, (doi: 10.1080/01434632.2022.2097686)

McKinney, S. J. (2022) Child poverty and the challenges for Catholic schools in the post-pandemic era. Journal of Religious Education, 70, pp. 197-204. (doi: 10.1007/s40839-022-00170-0)

(2022) English-Medium Instruction Practices in Higher Education: International Perpsectives. (doi: 10.5040/9781350167889)

Zacharias, S. (2022) It…he [the Moon] didn’t look tasty! Transnational children’s use of metaphors as a transcultural tool to gain symbolic power in family discourse. Language and Intercultural Communication, 22, pp. 473-486. (doi: 10.1080/14708477.2021.1967967)

Arizpe, E., McGilp, E. (2022) Picturebook futures. Wiley-Blackwell

Perry, M., Sharp, J., Aanyu, K., Robinson, J., Duclos, V., Ferdous, R. (2022) Research partnerships across international contexts: a practice of unity or plurality? Development in Practice, 32, pp. 635-646. (doi: 10.1080/09614524.2022.2056579)

Morrison-Love, D. (2022) Technological problem solving: an investigation of differences associated with levels of task success. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 32, pp. 1725-1753. (doi: 10.1007/s10798-021-09675-5)

Greenwood, M., Gercama, I., Lynch, P., Moore, K., Mankhwazi, M., Mbukwa, J., Bedford, J. (2022) ‘Let’s grow together’: understanding the current provision of early childhood development and education for children with disabilities in rural Malawi through community-based participatory research. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 69, pp. 1200-1215. (doi: 10.1080/1034912X.2020.1786021)

Smythe, T., Almasri, N. A., Moreno Angarita, M., Berman, B. D., Kraus de Camargo, O., Hadders-Algra, M., Lynch, P., Samms-Vaughan, M., Olusanya, B. O. (2022) The role of parenting interventions in optimizing school readiness for children with disabilities in low and middle income settings. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 10, (doi: 10.3389/fped.2022.927678)

Sitholé, T., Crawley, H., Feyissa, D., Tapsoba, T. A., Meda, M. M., Sangli, G., Yeoh, S. G., Phipps, A. (2022) The language of migration. Zanj: The Journal of Critical Global South Studies, 5, pp. 14-26. (doi: 10.13169/zanjglobsoutstud.5.1.0002)

Phipps, A. (2022) The Well in Welcoming. Multilingual Matters

Moskal, M. (2022) EU citizenship law and policy: beyond Brexit, by Dora Kostakopoulou, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020, 192 pp, £20/$26 (eBook version), ISBN: 978 1 78643 158 5. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45, pp. 1600-1602. (doi: 10.1080/01419870.2021.2008467)

Medina, C. L., Perry, M., Wohlwend, K. (2022) Playful Methods: Engaging the Unexpected in Literacy Research. Routledge

Phipps, A., Sitholé, T. (2022) Interrupting the cognitive empire: keynote drama as cultural justice. Language and Intercultural Communication, 22, pp. 391-411. (doi: 10.1080/14708477.2022.2039170)

(2022) Mentoring Teachers in Scotland: a Practical Guide.

Livingston, K., Shiach, L., Allen, F., Smith, N. (2022) Mentoring in the career-long professional learning phase of teacher education. Routledge

Buccholz, B., Davis, S., Deliman, A., Harrison, K., Iyer, I., Nelson, E., Pennington, C., Scott, J. A. (2022) Taking playful methods into the wild. Routledge

Ramdarshan Bold, M. (2022) The commodification, "diversification", and Walliams-fication of the British children’s book market. Wiley

Wang, S., Moskal, M., Schweisfurth, M. (2022) The social practice of silence in intercultural classrooms at a UK university. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 52, pp. 600-617. (doi: 10.1080/03057925.2020.1798215)

Livingston, K. (2022) What do we mean by mentoring? The context for mentoring in Scotland. Routledge

Farrar, J., McColl, M. (2022) ‘Meet my mentor’ – the student teacher’s view. Routledge

Mancy, R., Rajeev, M., Lugelo, A., Brunker, K., Cleaveland, S., Ferguson, E. A., Hotopp, K., Kazwala, R., Magoto, M., Rysava, K., Haydon, D. T., Hampson, K. (2022) Rabies shows how scale of transmission can enable acute infections to persist at low prevalence. Science, 376, pp. 512-516. (doi: 10.1126/science.abn0713)

(2022) Learning From Autistic Teachers: How to Be a Neurodiversity-Inclusive School.

Phipps, A. (2022) Conflict and the cognitive empire: Byram’s critical cultural awareness. Multilingual Matters

McKinney, S. J., Humes, W. M., Edwards, R. (2022) Navigating a path. Open House, 299, pp. 17-18.

Lynch, P., Singal, N., Francis, G. A. (2022) Educational technology for learners with disabilities in primary school settings in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic literature review. Educational Review, (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2022.2035685)

Galloway, N., Ruegg, R. (2022) English Medium Instruction (EMI) lecturer support needs in Japan and China. System, 105, (doi: 10.1016/j.system.2022.102728)

Ramdarshan Bold, M., Kennon, P., Morrissey, S. (2022) Impacts of COVID-19 on Children’s and Young Adult Literature Creative, Cultural, and READING Communities in Scotland and Ireland.

(2022) LSME Research Compendium 2022. Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 8th LSME International Research Conference on Sustainable Development.

McGuire, W., Harrington, O., MacDiarmid, C., Zacharias, S. (2022) The TEDM Principle: improving written feedback. Innovative Practice in Higher Education, 4,

McKinney, S. J., Parhi, S., Kumar, R., Shifau, H., Gray, P. (2022) What have we learned about closures of education institutions during the SARS outbreak of 2003 and the Covid-19 pandemic? London School of Management Education (LSME)

Moskal, M., Sime, D. (2022) Young Europeans in Brexit Britain: unsettling identities. Global Networks, 22, pp. 183-196. (doi: 10.1111/glob.12338)

monakali, e., Francis, D. A. (2022) “I get fire inside me that tells me I’m going to defy.”: The discursive construction of trans masculinity in Cape Town, South Africa. Men and Masculinities, 25, pp. 3-23. (doi: 10.1177/1097184x20982025)

Galloway, N., Curle, S. (2022) “I just wanted to learn Japanese and visit Japan”: The incentives and attitudes of international students in English-Medium Instruction programmes in Japan. International Journal of Language Studies, 16, pp. 23-48.

McAdam, J., Paschke, B., Price, K., Sneddon, S., Stapleton, G., Tierney, A. (2022) Communities of practice that work! Using the Faculty Learning Community model to effect change.

Soni, A., Reyes Soto, M., Lynch, P. (2022) A review of the factors affecting children with disabilities’ successful transition to early childhood care and primary education in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 20, pp. 59-79. (doi: 10.1177/1476718X211035428)

The Global Research on Developmental Disabilities Collaborators, (2022) Accelerating progress on early childhood development for children under 5 years with disabilities by 2030. Lancet Global Health, 10, pp. e438-e444. (doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(21)00488-5)

Arizpe, E. (2022) Mediating the Act of Reading through Picturebooks and Fictional Readers. Lehigh University Press

Zhai, K., Moskal, M. (2022) The impact of place of origin on international and domestic graduates’ mobility in China. International Migration Review, 56, pp. 123-154. (doi: 10.1177/01979183211026208)

Haddou, Y., Mancy, R., Matthiopoulos, J., Spatharis, S., Dominoni, D. M. (2022) Widespread extinction debts and colonization credits in United States breeding bird communities. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 6, pp. 324-331. (doi: 10.1038/s41559-021-01653-3)

Véliz, S., García-González, M., Arizpe, E. (2022) Mediación literaria como ética de cuidado en contextos adversos = Literary mediation as ethics of care in adverse contexts. Ocnos, 21, (doi: 10.18239/ocnos_2022.21.1.2714)

McKinney, S. (2022) The view from Scotland. SERA’s Poverty and Education Network. Research Intelligence, 150, pp. 40-41.

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(2021) Report on the Proceedings of the 7th LSME International Research Conference on ‘Role of Management, Education and Social Sciences in Responsible Research and Innovations: Challenges and Realities’

Arizpe, E., Bahena-Rivera, A., Gormally, S., Hernandez Mendoza, S. (2021) Educational Peacebuilding in Medellin and Acapulco: Understanding the role of education, culture and learning in responding to crises. Briefing paper 3: The role of Stakeholders in Peacebuilding.

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McKinney, S. J., Edwards, R. (2021) The Catholic and Episcopal churches and the Education Act (Scotland) 1872. Scottish Educational Review, 53, pp. 74-87.

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