World Congress SL

Call for Papers

The Third World Congress of Scottish Literatures will be held at Charles University in Prague,  Czech Republic, 24-28 June 2020. The venue of the Congress is renowned for its rich history shaped by numerous influences of minority cultures as well as by the more than three centuries of the supremacy of the multinational Austrian Empire. The Congress's main theme, 'Transnationalism and Minor Cultures', invokes the crucial importance of transcultural communication, migration and social interconnectivity for the development of Scottish literatures. It also points out the significance of internal diversity and hybridity on the shaping of Scottish, European and global literary contexts and cultural awareness.

We propose to discuss the main theme in two interrelated, contextual and functional perspectives:

  1. The Transnational Contexts of Scottish Literatures: Empires, “Imagined Communities”, Social, Economic and Cultural Exchanges

  2. The Importance of Celtic Literatures and Cultures for the Internal Dynamic and Transnational Functioning of Scottish Literatures

The Steering Committee welcomes proposals for papers that explore these or any of the following themes in relation to Scotland’s literatures in any language:

  • Scottish Literatures and Celtic Cultures
  • Zones of Contact
  • Imaginary Origins and Affinities – Pan-Celticism, Pan-Germanism, Pan-Slavism
  • Imperial Routes and Connections
  • Scottish Literatures and International Tourism
  • Circulation of Scottish Cultural Icons
  • The Role of Translations and Adaptations
  • Reception and Cultural Interchange: Scotland in Europe and the Globalized World
  • Reception and Cultural Interchange: Recent Immigrant Communities/Voices
  • “Becoming Minoritarian”: Avant-Gardes and Alternative Cultures
  • Transnationalism, Minor Literatures and Canonicity
  • Transnationalism, Minor Cultures and Pedagogy
  • Transnationalism and Minor Cultures: New Methodologies and New Media

Proposals for pre-organized panels on these themes are welcome, and should be submitted with a list of agreed participants and their abstracts and affiliations, by the deadline for proposal submissions. In keeping with the Congress’s focus on dialogue and in order to maximize discussion and participation, panel organizers are encouraged to explore alternatives to the traditional format of three to four papers, such as workshops or roundtables.

We extend a special welcome to graduate and postgraduate students, who may either submit proposals for traditional papers or (if they do not feel ready for a full paper yet) for presenting their project in the form of a poster or multimedia presentation (incl. slide-supported talks, videos, short films etc.) in an informal ‘work in progress’ section where they can gain feedback from other scholars present. PhD students are also invited to attend an informal get together and networking event on the first day of the Congress.

Please note that in the interest of involving as many people as possible, participants are kindly asked to present only one paper at the Congress; however, they may also take part in a roundtable as a speaker or a discussant. Papers in English, Scots and Gaelic are welcome, however, the Congress is unable to provide translation services.

The deadline for ALL proposal submissions is 30 June 2019.

Proposals for papers, posters and presentations should include an abstract of c. 200 words, including affiliation. Please send submissions to the Congress Secretary, Petra Johana Poncarová, at

All participants must be members of the International Association for the Study of Scottish Literatures (IASSL) at the time of the Congress. Register here.

The Third World Congress of Scottish Literatures is supported by the European Regional Development Fund Project “Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions of the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World” (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000734).

Keynote Speakers

  • Joep Leerssen (University of Amsterdam)
  • Glenda Norquay (Liverpool John Moores University)
  • Christopher Whyte (freelance scholar, writer, and translator)
  • Angela Esterhammer (University of Toronto)


The Steering Committee

First published: 12 February 2019