Dr Richard Jones, Archaeological chemist, University of Glasgow

Room 1 (ground floor) at English Language, 12 University Gardens


Minoan and Mycenaean wall paintings continue to attract great attention through new discoveries such as those at Tell el Dabca in the Nile delta as well as at Pylos and Iklaina in the Peloponnese. New research is increasingly integrating the paintings’ art historical and technical aspects to give a more rounded view of the painter’s craft and to understand the interface between iconography, technology and style. This talk will look at some issues to do with colour: colour effects, how they were achieved, and the nature and sources of the pigments.

Refreshments will be available in the foyer from 4.45 p.m., and the talks will begin at about 5.10 p.m. They usually last for an hour. Everyone is welcome!

First published: 7 November 2014