Dr Minna Katriina Torma

  • Affiliate (School of Culture & Creative Arts)

Research interests

Research Interests

  • Landscape Art (Global)
  • Song dynasty visual culture
  • Chinese gardens and architecture (including interiors and furniture)
  • East Asian art, with a focus on history of collecting


Studied art history and theatre history at University of Helsinki and received her PhD with a dissertation on Northern Song landscape painting (Landscape Experience as Visual Narrative) in 2002. She complemented her studies with courses on Chinese art at University of California, Berkeley (1993-1994) and the School of Oriental and African Studies, London (1998). She was Lecturer in the Arts of China (MLitt) programme at Christie's Education, (London 2009-2014). She is also Adjunct Professor of Art History at University of Helsinki.


Research Projects

Current research focuses on the theme of “The Ten Kings of Earth Prisons” and their visual representations from Song to Qing. In addition, she is exploring the material and visual culture of the Five Dynasties period and the Song dynasty. Another research trajectory consists on history of collecting practices: Nordic Private Collections of Chinese Objects (forthcoming from Routledge 2020).

Member of the Scottish Centre for China Research


Member of the Board of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS)


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1991 | 1985 | 1984
Number of items: 84.


Törmä, M. (2022) Landscapes for travelling, sightseeing wandering or dwelling. In: Yinong, X. and Ming, G. (eds.) Hills and Ravines in the Heart: Chinese Gardens and Landscape Painting = 胸中丘壑 — 中国園林與山水畫 [Xiongzhong qiu huo – Zhongguo yuanlin yu shanshuihua]. Southeast University Press: Nanjing.


Torma, M. K. (2021) Cinnabar on White: Displaying Chinese Lacquer at Home. The Third Conference of European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15-19 Sep 2021.


Torma, M. K. (2020) Nordic Private Collections of Chinese Objects. Series: The histories of material culture and collecting, 1700-1950. Routledge: New York and London. ISBN 9781138351806 (doi: 10.4324/9780429435041)


Torma, M. K. (2019) Private Collectors and Display: Nordic Collectors and Collections. From Centre to Periphery: Collecting Chinese Objects in Comparative Perspective, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 19-22 Sep 2019.

Torma, M. K. (2019) Enchanted by Luohan expanded: Western scholars encountering Chinese religious paintings. In: Seinosuke, I. (ed.) Daitokuji-denrai gohyakurakanzu-no sakuhinsi. Kyushu University Press: Fukuoka.

Torma, M. K. (2019) Shi Longren xie Zhongguo yishu (Osvald Sirén writes about Chinese art). Shanghai shuhua chubanshe (Shanghai Fine Arts Publisher).


Torma, M. K. (2018) Les représentations des dix rois des enfers du monde souterrain en Asie orientale. In: Rousseau, J. and du Mesnildot, S. (eds.) Enfers et fantômes d'Asie. Flammarion, pp. 48-59. ISBN 9782081426870


Torma, M. K. (2017) Landscape for Travelling, Sightseeing, Wandering or Dwelling. Hills and Ravines in the Heart: Chinese Gardens and Landscape Painting Symposium, London, UK, 29 Nov 2017.

Torma, M. K. (2017) Travels through the Netherworld: The Ten Kings of the ‘Earth Prisons’. British Association of Chinese Studies (BACS) Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 07-09 Sep 2017.

Torma, M. K. (2017) Identification, Categorization and Digitization of East Asian Objects in Local Collection of Different European Countries. European Association of Asian Art and Archaeology (EAAA) Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 24-27 Aug 2017.

Torma, M. K. (2017) An Incomplete Journey through the Earth Prisons of the Ten Kings. East Asian Research Seminar, London, UK, 2017.

Torma, M. K. (2017) Zaishi Si Longren. Laizi beiou, xinglu dongfang de Zhongguo yishu shi yanjiu xianqu = Getting to Know Oswald Sirén: The Eastern Travels of the Northern European Pioneer of Chinese Art History Studies, Part 1. Diancang: Du tian xia = Artco China, 34, pp. 114-121.

Torma, M. K. (2017) Zaishi Si Longren. Laizi beiou, xinglu dongfang de Zhongguo yishu shi yanjiu xianqu = Getting to Know Oswald Sirén: The Eastern Travels of the Northern European Pioneer of Chinese Art History Studies, Part 2. Diancang: Du tian xia = Artco China, 35, pp. 78-83.


Torma, M. K. (2016) Moving Objects: Representations of Chinese Art in Europe. Christie's Education Conference: Creating Markets and Collecting Art, London, UK, 14-15 Jul 2016.

Torma, M. (2016) Some thoughts on the creation of a popular iconography for the Ten Kings of Hell in Imperial China. Orientaliska Studier, 146, pp. 215-234.

Torma, M. K. (2016) Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm. In: Fujita, H. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Asian Design. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9780857853851


Torma, M. K. (2015) Osvad Sirén and His British friends and colleagues. Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society, 78, pp. 113-115.

Torma, M. K. (2015) Tila ja aika Kiinan maisemamaalauksessa = Time and space in Chinese landscape painting. In: Vakkari, J. (ed.) Perspektiivi kuvataiteen historiassa = Perspective in the History of Visual Arts. Gaudeamus: Helsinski. ISBN 9789524953573


Torma, M. K. (2014) In search of paradise lost: Osvald Sirén’s scholarship on garden art. In: Huang, M. Y.-l. (ed.) The Reception of Chinese Art across Cultures. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyn, pp. 115-129. ISBN 9781443859097


Torma, M.K. (2013) Enchanted by Lohans: Osvald Sirén's Journey into Chinese Art. Hong Kong University Press: Hong Kong. ISBN 9789888139842

Torma, M. K. (2013) Scissors Cutting Silk. The Making of Chinese Painting: 700 to the Present, London, UK, 2013.


Torma, M. K. (2012) Scholarly Souvenirs: Chinese Art in an auspicious Environment for Intellectual Pursuits. European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS) Biennial Conference, Paris, France, 05-08 Sep 2012.

Torma, M. K. (2012) Beiou yishu shixue zhe Osvald Sirén de yishu xinglu = Art travels of Northern European art historian Osvald Siren. Diancang = Art Collection Monthly, 237,

Torma, M.K. (2012) Osvald Sirén's German contacts in Berlin 1927: meeting old friends & colleagues, collectors and dealers. Ostasiatische Zeitschrift(23), pp. 54-63.


Torma, M. K. (2011) Osvald Sirén: A Case Study in (Auto)Biographical Storytelling. The Challenges of Biographical Research and the Present Geschichtskultur of Art History, Helsinki, Finland, 08-09 Dec 2011.

Törmä, M. (2011) Osvald Sirén’s Encounter with the Arts of China and Japan. In: 38th International Research Symposium of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, Japan, 08-11 Nov 2010, pp. 83-90. (doi: 10.15055/00002421)

Törmä, M. (2011) James Elkins. Chinese landscape painting as Western art history. Konsthistorisk Tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 80(3), pp. 184-186. (doi: 10.1080/00233609.2011.583679)[Book Review]

Torma, M. (2011) Kolme täydellisyyttä – kalligrafia, runous ja maalaustaide = The Three Perfections – Calligraphy, Poetry and Painting’. In: Eväsoja, M. (ed.) Itämaiden estetiikka. University of Helsinki Press: Helsinki, pp. 74-102.

Torma, M. (2011) Opintoretkellä Osvald Sirénin johdolla Berliinissä 1919 = Excursion to Berlin with Osvald Sirén in 1919. In: Jokinen, T. and Selkokari, H. (eds.) Italiassa ja Saksanmaalla: Taiteilijoiden ja taiteentuntijoiden matkassa 1840-1930. Series: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia (1328). Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura: Helsinki, pp. 252-263. ISBN 9789522222992


Torma, M. K. (2010) In Search of Religious Purity: Osvald Sirén and the Allure of Chinese Art. Enchanting Modernity: Theosophy and the Arts in the Making of Early Twentieth-Century Culture, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, 03 December 2010.

Torma, M. K. (2010) Garden as a Refuge: Osvald Sirén’s Reminiscences and Appropriations of Chinese Garden Art. British Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference, Bristol, UK, 8- 9 September 2010.

Torma, M. K. (2010) Playing All the Roles: Osvald Sirén as Curator, Collector, Dealer and Art Historian. Roles of Acquisition Panel, 98th College Art Association Annual Conference (CCA 2010), Chicago, USA, 10-13 February.

Torma, M. K. (2010) Discovering Chinese Art and Art History. Nordforsk Network Seminar: Reflection/Practice, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010.


Torma, M.K. (2009) Tour around the world of art: an art historical excursion in Berlin in 1919. In: Towards a Science of Art history: J.J. Tikkanen and Art Historical Scholarship in Europe. Series: Taidehistoriallisia tutkimuksia, 38 (38). Society of Art History: Helsinki, Finland, pp. 84-93. ISBN 9789525533101

Torma, M. (2009) Enchanted by Lohans in Boston: Tales of Osvald Sirén’s Encounter with Chinese Art. In: The First China Contemporary Art Forum, Beijing, China, 2009,

Torma, M. (2009) Ruotsi, Italia ja Kiina – Osvald Sirénin taiteentutkimuksen maailma = Sverige, Italien och Kina – Osvald Sirén och konstforskningen = Sweden, Italy and China – the Diverse World of Osvald Sirén’s Art Studies. In: Didrichsen, M. (ed.) Kokoelma Osvald Sirén = Samling Osvald Sirén = Collection Osvald Sirén. Series: ulkaisu / Didrichsenin taidemuseo (32). Didrichsenin taide- ja kulttuurimuseo: Helsinki. ISBN 9789525567199

Torma, M. K. (2009) Auspicious Furnishings for the Dream Environment. Nordic Congress for Art Historians (NORDIK), Jyväskylä, Finland, 2009.

Torma, M. K. (2009) A Chinese Emperor Plays Photographer’s Assistant. Nordforsk Network Seminar: Visions of the Past, Bergen, Norway, 2009.


Cosgrove, D. E. et al. (2008) The art seminar. In: DeLue, R. Z. and Elkins, J. (eds.) Landscape Theory. Series: The art seminar (6). Routledge, pp. 87-153. ISBN 9780415960533

Torma, M. (2008) Insiders in the landscape. In: Insiders in Landscape. Frame: Helsinki, pp. 7-8.

Torma, M. K. (2008) The Formation of a Canon: Leading Masters of the History of Chinese Painting. Nordforsk Network Seminar: Encountering the Past, Pyhtää, Finland, 2008.

Torma, M. K. (2008) New Horizons in East Asia: Osvald Sirén (1879–1966), a Pioneer of Chinese Art Studies. East Asian Research Seminar Series, Department of Art and Archaeology, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, 2008.


Torma, M. (2007) Decade of change: 1920’s in the life of Osvald Sirén. In: Suominen-Kokkonen, R. (ed.) The Shaping of Art History in Finland. Series: Taidehistoriallisia tutkimuksia (36). Taidehistorian Seura: Helsinki, pp. 157-168. ISBN 9789525533088

Torma, M. (2007) Minnen Från Kina: utdrag ur Osvald Siréns anteckiningar och korrespondens = China Memories: Excerpts from Osvald Sirén’s Notebooks and Correspondece. In: I Kinas Trädgårdar med Osvald Sirén = With Osvald Sirén in the Chinese Gardens. Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities: Stockholm.

Torma, M. (2007) Miten kirjoittaa taiteesta globaalissa maailmassa? = How to Write about Art in the Global World? Taide, 2007(3), pp. 16-18.

Torma, M. (2007) The Roles of Art in the Life of a Chinese Literatus (Craig Clunas. Elegant Debts: The Social Art of Wen Zhengming). Konsthistorisk Tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 76(4), pp. 246-249. (doi: 10.1080/00233600701430148)[Book Review]

Torma, M. K. (2007) Enchanted by Lohans in Boston: A Turning Point in Osvald Sirén’s Career. Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies (AAS), Boston, MA, USA, 2007.

Torma, M. K. (2007) In the Netherworld: Osvald Sirén’s Role in the Art Market. Towards a Science of Art History: J.J. Tikkanen and Art Historical Scholarship in Europe, Helsinki, Finland, 2007.


Torma, M. (2006) Kustaa Hiekan kiinalaiset matkamuistot = The Chinese Souvernirs of Kustaa Hiekka. In: Rintala, L. (ed.) Kustaa Hiekka ja Hiekan taidemuseo. Hiekka Art Museum: Tampere, pp. 101-112. ISBN 9789529939718

Torma, M. (2006) Osvald Sirén: tracing his path in art history. In: Zurich Studies in the History of Art, Georges Bloch Annual. Univ. of Zurich, Inst. of Art History: Zurich, pp. 333-339.

Torma, M. (2006) Taiteen rooleista kiinalaisen oppineen virkamiehen elämässä’ (Craig Clunas, Elegant Debts: The Social Art of Wen Zhengming). Synteesi, 1, pp. 97-99. [Book Review]


Torma, M. (2005) Kiinalainen juttu valokuvassa/ Något kinesiskt / Something Chinese. In: Sandra Kantanen: maisema ja muunnelmia/Landscape and Variations. Galleria Anhava: Helsinki.

Torma, M. K. (2005) Osvald Sirén, Analysis of Style and the Canon of Chinese Painting. Seminar of the History of Art Historical Research in Finland, Helsinki, Finland, 2005.


Torma, M. (2004) Landscape: photographs of time and place. Framework, 1, p. 119.

Torma, M. (2004) Maalari tilassa = The Painter in Space. Katsaus, 2-3, pp. 9-11.

Torma, M. (2004) Ristiin rastiin Kiinassa: junassa, jalkapatikassa ja nojatuolissa matkaten = Criss-cross around China: in trains, by foot and in armchair. In: Saarenpää, R. (ed.) Minun Kiinani. The Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission: Helsinki, pp. 96-101.

Torma, M. (2004) Silkeille kirjottu = Embroidered on Silk. In: Neulalla maalattu: silkkikirjonta kuvataiteena. Finland-China Society: Helsinki, pp. 17-20.


Torma, M. (2003) Huomioita Kiinan taiteesta = Observations on Chinese art. In: Vilhunen, T. (ed.) Aarteita Afrikasta ja keisarien Kiinasta = Treasures from Africa and Imperial China. Karisto: Hämeenlinna, pp. 77-80.

Torma, M. (2003) Maalaus ja valokuva – ontologisia pohdintoja = Painting and Photography – Ontological Musings. Taide, 2004(3), pp. 8-11.

Torma, M. (2003) Osvald Sirén. In: Karlsson, Å. (ed.) Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon. Bonnier: Stockholm, pp. 266-273.

Torma, M. K. (2003) Ancient Objects in a Modern Setting: The Didrichsen Art Museum. Nordic Conference of Art Historians (NORDIK), Aarhus, Denmark, 2003.


Torma, M. (2002) Landscape Experience as Visual Narrative: Northern Song Dynasty Landscape Handscrolls in the Li Cheng-Yan Wengui Tradition. Series: Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Humaniora, 318. Academia Scientiarum Fennica: Helsinki. ISBN 9789514109096

Torma, M. (2002) Pinta ja sanat: Victor Segalenin kertomia kuvia = Surface and Words: The Images Narrated by Victor Segalen. In: Peintures. Basam Books: Helsinki, pp. 5-11.


Torma, M. K. (2001) Format, Experience, and Narrative Structure in Early Northern Song Landscape Painting. Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies (AAS), Chicago, USA, 2001.


Torma, M. (2000) Kulttuurimatkailua Itä-Aasiassa 1400–1600-luvuilla = Culture travels in East Asian from the 15th to 17th century. Helsingin Sanomat,

Okakura, K. and Torma, M. K. (2000) Kirja Teestä. Taide: Helsinki. ISBN 9789516080430

Torma, M. (2000) Art and art history: views of Ming artists on the history of Chinese art. In: Bamboo and the Garden Stone: Chinese Art from the Period of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) = Bambu ja puutarhan kivi: Ming-kauden (1368-1644) kiinalaista taidetta. Galleria Otso, Espoon kulttuuritoimen keskus: Espoo, pp. 30-36. ISBN 9789518574036


Guo, X., Guo, S. and Torma, M. K. (1999) Metsien ja virtojen ylevä viesti: Guo Xin (n. 1001 - n. 1090) ajatuksia maisemamaalauksesta. Taide: Helsinki. ISBN 9789516080393

Torma, M. (1999) Looking at Chinese landscape painting: problems of spatial representation. In: Kervanto Nevanlinna, A. (ed.) Looking at Other Cultures: Works of Art as Icons of Memory. Series: in Looking at Other Cultures: Works of Art as Icons of Memory (22). Taidehistorian Seura: Helsinki, pp. 119-135. ISBN 9789519790046


Torma, M. (1996) Keisari ja maalausrulla: Kiinan keisarilliset taideaarteet kiertävät Yhdysvaltoj = The Emperor and the handscroll: Chinese imperial treasures on a tour in the United States. Helsingin Sanomat,

Torma, M. (1996) Katsoja matkaa maalatussa maisemassa ja tutkii samalla mielensä ulottuvuuksia = The viewer travels through a painted landscape and explores the dimensions of his mind. Iisalmen Sano,

Torma, M. (1996) Nature document. In: Bienal Internacional de São Paulo. Secretaria de Cultura: Sao Paulo, pp. 162-165.

Torma, M. K. (1996) Osvald Sirén – A Biography. Erasmus II Intensive Course in Chinese Art and Archaeology, Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, 1996.


Torma, M. (1995) Small cult objects for devotional exercises. In: Pekka Nevalainen: Piiri/Sphere. Museum of Contemporary Art: Helsinki, pp. 30-31.

Torma, M. K. (1995) Kiinalaisen Maisemarullan Rakenteesta=On the Structure of a Chinese Landscape Handscroll. Ex Oriente Lux - East Asian Research in Finland, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 1995.


Torma, M. (1994) Kiinalaista? = Chinese? In: Hou, H. and Vanhala, J.-P. (eds.) Out of the Centre: Kiinalaista Nykytaidetta = Chinese Contemporary Art: Chen Zhen, Huang Yong Ping, Yan Pei Ming, Yang Jie Chang, Zhang Peili. Porin taidemuseo: Pori. ISBN 9789519355429


Torma, M. (1993) Aito kopio – jäljentäminen Kiinan taiteessa = The Geniune Copy: Copying in Chinese Art [exhibition catalogue]. Finland-China Society: Helsinki.

Torma, M. (1993) Come piu belli li sapranno fare = On the paintings of Silja Rantanen. Taide, 1993(3),

Torma, M. (1993) Kiinalaisen maisemamaalauksen kuvatila: tulkintaongelmia = Pictorial space in Chinese landscape painting: problems in interpretation. In: Ervamaa, J. (ed.) Kultaa, Mirhamia: 10 Kirjoitusta Taidehistoriasta. Helsingin yliopiston taidehistorian laitos: Helsinki, pp. 82-97. ISBN 9789514566080

Torma, M. (1993) Osvald Sirén: Kiinan taiteen tutkimuksen edelläkävijä = Osvald Sirén: A pioneer of Chinese art studies. In: Harvilahti, L. and Seppänen, J. (eds.) Katse Kaukoitään: Suomalaista Itä-Aasian Tutkimusta = East Asian Studies in Finland. Series: Publications of the Finnish Association of East Asian Studies (1). Finnish Association of East Asian Studies: Helsinki. ISBN 9789519612201


Torma, M. (1991) Kiinalainen juttu = Something Chinese. Taide, 1991(4),

Torma, M. (1991) Tilaa ajatuksille = Room for Thought (Silja Rantanen in Galerie Artek). Taide, 1991(6),


Torma, M. (1985) Matkalla kohti uusia ilmaisumuotoja = ‘Towards new forms of expression in art. In: Performance 85. Publications of the Art Hall: Helsinki.


Torma, M. (1984) Pekka Nevalaisen taiteesta. Synkooppi, 1984(1),

This list was generated on Sat Oct 5 15:27:53 2024 BST.
Number of items: 84.


Torma, M. K. (2017) Zaishi Si Longren. Laizi beiou, xinglu dongfang de Zhongguo yishu shi yanjiu xianqu = Getting to Know Oswald Sirén: The Eastern Travels of the Northern European Pioneer of Chinese Art History Studies, Part 1. Diancang: Du tian xia = Artco China, 34, pp. 114-121.

Torma, M. K. (2017) Zaishi Si Longren. Laizi beiou, xinglu dongfang de Zhongguo yishu shi yanjiu xianqu = Getting to Know Oswald Sirén: The Eastern Travels of the Northern European Pioneer of Chinese Art History Studies, Part 2. Diancang: Du tian xia = Artco China, 35, pp. 78-83.

Torma, M. (2016) Some thoughts on the creation of a popular iconography for the Ten Kings of Hell in Imperial China. Orientaliska Studier, 146, pp. 215-234.

Torma, M. K. (2015) Osvad Sirén and His British friends and colleagues. Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society, 78, pp. 113-115.

Torma, M. K. (2012) Beiou yishu shixue zhe Osvald Sirén de yishu xinglu = Art travels of Northern European art historian Osvald Siren. Diancang = Art Collection Monthly, 237,

Torma, M.K. (2012) Osvald Sirén's German contacts in Berlin 1927: meeting old friends & colleagues, collectors and dealers. Ostasiatische Zeitschrift(23), pp. 54-63.

Torma, M. (2007) Miten kirjoittaa taiteesta globaalissa maailmassa? = How to Write about Art in the Global World? Taide, 2007(3), pp. 16-18.

Torma, M. (2004) Landscape: photographs of time and place. Framework, 1, p. 119.

Torma, M. (2004) Maalari tilassa = The Painter in Space. Katsaus, 2-3, pp. 9-11.

Torma, M. (2003) Maalaus ja valokuva – ontologisia pohdintoja = Painting and Photography – Ontological Musings. Taide, 2004(3), pp. 8-11.

Torma, M. (2000) Kulttuurimatkailua Itä-Aasiassa 1400–1600-luvuilla = Culture travels in East Asian from the 15th to 17th century. Helsingin Sanomat,

Torma, M. (1996) Keisari ja maalausrulla: Kiinan keisarilliset taideaarteet kiertävät Yhdysvaltoj = The Emperor and the handscroll: Chinese imperial treasures on a tour in the United States. Helsingin Sanomat,

Torma, M. (1996) Katsoja matkaa maalatussa maisemassa ja tutkii samalla mielensä ulottuvuuksia = The viewer travels through a painted landscape and explores the dimensions of his mind. Iisalmen Sano,

Torma, M. (1993) Come piu belli li sapranno fare = On the paintings of Silja Rantanen. Taide, 1993(3),

Torma, M. (1991) Kiinalainen juttu = Something Chinese. Taide, 1991(4),

Torma, M. (1991) Tilaa ajatuksille = Room for Thought (Silja Rantanen in Galerie Artek). Taide, 1991(6),

Torma, M. (1984) Pekka Nevalaisen taiteesta. Synkooppi, 1984(1),


Torma, M. K. (2020) Nordic Private Collections of Chinese Objects. Series: The histories of material culture and collecting, 1700-1950. Routledge: New York and London. ISBN 9781138351806 (doi: 10.4324/9780429435041)

Torma, M. K. (2019) Shi Longren xie Zhongguo yishu (Osvald Sirén writes about Chinese art). Shanghai shuhua chubanshe (Shanghai Fine Arts Publisher).

Torma, M.K. (2013) Enchanted by Lohans: Osvald Sirén's Journey into Chinese Art. Hong Kong University Press: Hong Kong. ISBN 9789888139842

Torma, M. (2002) Landscape Experience as Visual Narrative: Northern Song Dynasty Landscape Handscrolls in the Li Cheng-Yan Wengui Tradition. Series: Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Humaniora, 318. Academia Scientiarum Fennica: Helsinki. ISBN 9789514109096

Okakura, K. and Torma, M. K. (2000) Kirja Teestä. Taide: Helsinki. ISBN 9789516080430

Guo, X., Guo, S. and Torma, M. K. (1999) Metsien ja virtojen ylevä viesti: Guo Xin (n. 1001 - n. 1090) ajatuksia maisemamaalauksesta. Taide: Helsinki. ISBN 9789516080393

Torma, M. (1993) Aito kopio – jäljentäminen Kiinan taiteessa = The Geniune Copy: Copying in Chinese Art [exhibition catalogue]. Finland-China Society: Helsinki.

Book Sections

Törmä, M. (2022) Landscapes for travelling, sightseeing wandering or dwelling. In: Yinong, X. and Ming, G. (eds.) Hills and Ravines in the Heart: Chinese Gardens and Landscape Painting = 胸中丘壑 — 中国園林與山水畫 [Xiongzhong qiu huo – Zhongguo yuanlin yu shanshuihua]. Southeast University Press: Nanjing.

Torma, M. K. (2019) Enchanted by Luohan expanded: Western scholars encountering Chinese religious paintings. In: Seinosuke, I. (ed.) Daitokuji-denrai gohyakurakanzu-no sakuhinsi. Kyushu University Press: Fukuoka.

Torma, M. K. (2018) Les représentations des dix rois des enfers du monde souterrain en Asie orientale. In: Rousseau, J. and du Mesnildot, S. (eds.) Enfers et fantômes d'Asie. Flammarion, pp. 48-59. ISBN 9782081426870

Torma, M. K. (2016) Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm. In: Fujita, H. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Asian Design. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9780857853851

Torma, M. K. (2015) Tila ja aika Kiinan maisemamaalauksessa = Time and space in Chinese landscape painting. In: Vakkari, J. (ed.) Perspektiivi kuvataiteen historiassa = Perspective in the History of Visual Arts. Gaudeamus: Helsinski. ISBN 9789524953573

Torma, M. K. (2014) In search of paradise lost: Osvald Sirén’s scholarship on garden art. In: Huang, M. Y.-l. (ed.) The Reception of Chinese Art across Cultures. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyn, pp. 115-129. ISBN 9781443859097

Torma, M. (2011) Kolme täydellisyyttä – kalligrafia, runous ja maalaustaide = The Three Perfections – Calligraphy, Poetry and Painting’. In: Eväsoja, M. (ed.) Itämaiden estetiikka. University of Helsinki Press: Helsinki, pp. 74-102.

Torma, M. (2011) Opintoretkellä Osvald Sirénin johdolla Berliinissä 1919 = Excursion to Berlin with Osvald Sirén in 1919. In: Jokinen, T. and Selkokari, H. (eds.) Italiassa ja Saksanmaalla: Taiteilijoiden ja taiteentuntijoiden matkassa 1840-1930. Series: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia (1328). Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura: Helsinki, pp. 252-263. ISBN 9789522222992

Torma, M.K. (2009) Tour around the world of art: an art historical excursion in Berlin in 1919. In: Towards a Science of Art history: J.J. Tikkanen and Art Historical Scholarship in Europe. Series: Taidehistoriallisia tutkimuksia, 38 (38). Society of Art History: Helsinki, Finland, pp. 84-93. ISBN 9789525533101

Torma, M. (2009) Ruotsi, Italia ja Kiina – Osvald Sirénin taiteentutkimuksen maailma = Sverige, Italien och Kina – Osvald Sirén och konstforskningen = Sweden, Italy and China – the Diverse World of Osvald Sirén’s Art Studies. In: Didrichsen, M. (ed.) Kokoelma Osvald Sirén = Samling Osvald Sirén = Collection Osvald Sirén. Series: ulkaisu / Didrichsenin taidemuseo (32). Didrichsenin taide- ja kulttuurimuseo: Helsinki. ISBN 9789525567199

Cosgrove, D. E. et al. (2008) The art seminar. In: DeLue, R. Z. and Elkins, J. (eds.) Landscape Theory. Series: The art seminar (6). Routledge, pp. 87-153. ISBN 9780415960533

Torma, M. (2008) Insiders in the landscape. In: Insiders in Landscape. Frame: Helsinki, pp. 7-8.

Torma, M. (2007) Decade of change: 1920’s in the life of Osvald Sirén. In: Suominen-Kokkonen, R. (ed.) The Shaping of Art History in Finland. Series: Taidehistoriallisia tutkimuksia (36). Taidehistorian Seura: Helsinki, pp. 157-168. ISBN 9789525533088

Torma, M. (2007) Minnen Från Kina: utdrag ur Osvald Siréns anteckiningar och korrespondens = China Memories: Excerpts from Osvald Sirén’s Notebooks and Correspondece. In: I Kinas Trädgårdar med Osvald Sirén = With Osvald Sirén in the Chinese Gardens. Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities: Stockholm.

Torma, M. (2006) Kustaa Hiekan kiinalaiset matkamuistot = The Chinese Souvernirs of Kustaa Hiekka. In: Rintala, L. (ed.) Kustaa Hiekka ja Hiekan taidemuseo. Hiekka Art Museum: Tampere, pp. 101-112. ISBN 9789529939718

Torma, M. (2006) Osvald Sirén: tracing his path in art history. In: Zurich Studies in the History of Art, Georges Bloch Annual. Univ. of Zurich, Inst. of Art History: Zurich, pp. 333-339.

Torma, M. (2005) Kiinalainen juttu valokuvassa/ Något kinesiskt / Something Chinese. In: Sandra Kantanen: maisema ja muunnelmia/Landscape and Variations. Galleria Anhava: Helsinki.

Torma, M. (2004) Ristiin rastiin Kiinassa: junassa, jalkapatikassa ja nojatuolissa matkaten = Criss-cross around China: in trains, by foot and in armchair. In: Saarenpää, R. (ed.) Minun Kiinani. The Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission: Helsinki, pp. 96-101.

Torma, M. (2004) Silkeille kirjottu = Embroidered on Silk. In: Neulalla maalattu: silkkikirjonta kuvataiteena. Finland-China Society: Helsinki, pp. 17-20.

Torma, M. (2003) Huomioita Kiinan taiteesta = Observations on Chinese art. In: Vilhunen, T. (ed.) Aarteita Afrikasta ja keisarien Kiinasta = Treasures from Africa and Imperial China. Karisto: Hämeenlinna, pp. 77-80.

Torma, M. (2003) Osvald Sirén. In: Karlsson, Å. (ed.) Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon. Bonnier: Stockholm, pp. 266-273.

Torma, M. (2002) Pinta ja sanat: Victor Segalenin kertomia kuvia = Surface and Words: The Images Narrated by Victor Segalen. In: Peintures. Basam Books: Helsinki, pp. 5-11.

Torma, M. (2000) Art and art history: views of Ming artists on the history of Chinese art. In: Bamboo and the Garden Stone: Chinese Art from the Period of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) = Bambu ja puutarhan kivi: Ming-kauden (1368-1644) kiinalaista taidetta. Galleria Otso, Espoon kulttuuritoimen keskus: Espoo, pp. 30-36. ISBN 9789518574036

Torma, M. (1999) Looking at Chinese landscape painting: problems of spatial representation. In: Kervanto Nevanlinna, A. (ed.) Looking at Other Cultures: Works of Art as Icons of Memory. Series: in Looking at Other Cultures: Works of Art as Icons of Memory (22). Taidehistorian Seura: Helsinki, pp. 119-135. ISBN 9789519790046

Torma, M. (1996) Nature document. In: Bienal Internacional de São Paulo. Secretaria de Cultura: Sao Paulo, pp. 162-165.

Torma, M. (1995) Small cult objects for devotional exercises. In: Pekka Nevalainen: Piiri/Sphere. Museum of Contemporary Art: Helsinki, pp. 30-31.

Torma, M. (1994) Kiinalaista? = Chinese? In: Hou, H. and Vanhala, J.-P. (eds.) Out of the Centre: Kiinalaista Nykytaidetta = Chinese Contemporary Art: Chen Zhen, Huang Yong Ping, Yan Pei Ming, Yang Jie Chang, Zhang Peili. Porin taidemuseo: Pori. ISBN 9789519355429

Torma, M. (1993) Kiinalaisen maisemamaalauksen kuvatila: tulkintaongelmia = Pictorial space in Chinese landscape painting: problems in interpretation. In: Ervamaa, J. (ed.) Kultaa, Mirhamia: 10 Kirjoitusta Taidehistoriasta. Helsingin yliopiston taidehistorian laitos: Helsinki, pp. 82-97. ISBN 9789514566080

Torma, M. (1993) Osvald Sirén: Kiinan taiteen tutkimuksen edelläkävijä = Osvald Sirén: A pioneer of Chinese art studies. In: Harvilahti, L. and Seppänen, J. (eds.) Katse Kaukoitään: Suomalaista Itä-Aasian Tutkimusta = East Asian Studies in Finland. Series: Publications of the Finnish Association of East Asian Studies (1). Finnish Association of East Asian Studies: Helsinki. ISBN 9789519612201

Torma, M. (1985) Matkalla kohti uusia ilmaisumuotoja = ‘Towards new forms of expression in art. In: Performance 85. Publications of the Art Hall: Helsinki.

Book Reviews

Törmä, M. (2011) James Elkins. Chinese landscape painting as Western art history. Konsthistorisk Tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 80(3), pp. 184-186. (doi: 10.1080/00233609.2011.583679)[Book Review]

Torma, M. (2007) The Roles of Art in the Life of a Chinese Literatus (Craig Clunas. Elegant Debts: The Social Art of Wen Zhengming). Konsthistorisk Tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 76(4), pp. 246-249. (doi: 10.1080/00233600701430148)[Book Review]

Torma, M. (2006) Taiteen rooleista kiinalaisen oppineen virkamiehen elämässä’ (Craig Clunas, Elegant Debts: The Social Art of Wen Zhengming). Synteesi, 1, pp. 97-99. [Book Review]

Conference or Workshop Item

Torma, M. K. (2021) Cinnabar on White: Displaying Chinese Lacquer at Home. The Third Conference of European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15-19 Sep 2021.

Torma, M. K. (2019) Private Collectors and Display: Nordic Collectors and Collections. From Centre to Periphery: Collecting Chinese Objects in Comparative Perspective, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 19-22 Sep 2019.

Torma, M. K. (2017) Landscape for Travelling, Sightseeing, Wandering or Dwelling. Hills and Ravines in the Heart: Chinese Gardens and Landscape Painting Symposium, London, UK, 29 Nov 2017.

Torma, M. K. (2017) Travels through the Netherworld: The Ten Kings of the ‘Earth Prisons’. British Association of Chinese Studies (BACS) Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 07-09 Sep 2017.

Torma, M. K. (2017) Identification, Categorization and Digitization of East Asian Objects in Local Collection of Different European Countries. European Association of Asian Art and Archaeology (EAAA) Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 24-27 Aug 2017.

Torma, M. K. (2017) An Incomplete Journey through the Earth Prisons of the Ten Kings. East Asian Research Seminar, London, UK, 2017.

Torma, M. K. (2016) Moving Objects: Representations of Chinese Art in Europe. Christie's Education Conference: Creating Markets and Collecting Art, London, UK, 14-15 Jul 2016.

Torma, M. K. (2013) Scissors Cutting Silk. The Making of Chinese Painting: 700 to the Present, London, UK, 2013.

Torma, M. K. (2012) Scholarly Souvenirs: Chinese Art in an auspicious Environment for Intellectual Pursuits. European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS) Biennial Conference, Paris, France, 05-08 Sep 2012.

Torma, M. K. (2011) Osvald Sirén: A Case Study in (Auto)Biographical Storytelling. The Challenges of Biographical Research and the Present Geschichtskultur of Art History, Helsinki, Finland, 08-09 Dec 2011.

Torma, M. K. (2010) In Search of Religious Purity: Osvald Sirén and the Allure of Chinese Art. Enchanting Modernity: Theosophy and the Arts in the Making of Early Twentieth-Century Culture, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, 03 December 2010.

Torma, M. K. (2010) Garden as a Refuge: Osvald Sirén’s Reminiscences and Appropriations of Chinese Garden Art. British Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference, Bristol, UK, 8- 9 September 2010.

Torma, M. K. (2010) Playing All the Roles: Osvald Sirén as Curator, Collector, Dealer and Art Historian. Roles of Acquisition Panel, 98th College Art Association Annual Conference (CCA 2010), Chicago, USA, 10-13 February.

Torma, M. K. (2010) Discovering Chinese Art and Art History. Nordforsk Network Seminar: Reflection/Practice, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010.

Torma, M. K. (2009) Auspicious Furnishings for the Dream Environment. Nordic Congress for Art Historians (NORDIK), Jyväskylä, Finland, 2009.

Torma, M. K. (2009) A Chinese Emperor Plays Photographer’s Assistant. Nordforsk Network Seminar: Visions of the Past, Bergen, Norway, 2009.

Torma, M. K. (2008) The Formation of a Canon: Leading Masters of the History of Chinese Painting. Nordforsk Network Seminar: Encountering the Past, Pyhtää, Finland, 2008.

Torma, M. K. (2008) New Horizons in East Asia: Osvald Sirén (1879–1966), a Pioneer of Chinese Art Studies. East Asian Research Seminar Series, Department of Art and Archaeology, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, 2008.

Torma, M. K. (2007) Enchanted by Lohans in Boston: A Turning Point in Osvald Sirén’s Career. Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies (AAS), Boston, MA, USA, 2007.

Torma, M. K. (2007) In the Netherworld: Osvald Sirén’s Role in the Art Market. Towards a Science of Art History: J.J. Tikkanen and Art Historical Scholarship in Europe, Helsinki, Finland, 2007.

Torma, M. K. (2005) Osvald Sirén, Analysis of Style and the Canon of Chinese Painting. Seminar of the History of Art Historical Research in Finland, Helsinki, Finland, 2005.

Torma, M. K. (2003) Ancient Objects in a Modern Setting: The Didrichsen Art Museum. Nordic Conference of Art Historians (NORDIK), Aarhus, Denmark, 2003.

Torma, M. K. (2001) Format, Experience, and Narrative Structure in Early Northern Song Landscape Painting. Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies (AAS), Chicago, USA, 2001.

Torma, M. K. (1996) Osvald Sirén – A Biography. Erasmus II Intensive Course in Chinese Art and Archaeology, Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, 1996.

Torma, M. K. (1995) Kiinalaisen Maisemarullan Rakenteesta=On the Structure of a Chinese Landscape Handscroll. Ex Oriente Lux - East Asian Research in Finland, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 1995.

Conference Proceedings

Törmä, M. (2011) Osvald Sirén’s Encounter with the Arts of China and Japan. In: 38th International Research Symposium of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, Japan, 08-11 Nov 2010, pp. 83-90. (doi: 10.15055/00002421)

Torma, M. (2009) Enchanted by Lohans in Boston: Tales of Osvald Sirén’s Encounter with Chinese Art. In: The First China Contemporary Art Forum, Beijing, China, 2009,

This list was generated on Sat Oct 5 15:27:53 2024 BST.


PI of China Art Research Network (CARN), 2016-2018 funded by RSE


The areas of priority of my PhD supervision are:

  • Global landscape: this covers topics related to any geographical location or historical period; it could be about painting or gardens, or other media.
  • History and theory of collecting practices: preferred focus is on private collecting and on Asian material culture

I am also happy to consider other proposals related to my research areas.

Enquiries should include a CV and a preliminary research proposal which should demonstrate innovativeness and excellent research skills. In addition, for those who are not native English speakers, the IELTS score should be 7.0 or above (with no sub-category under 6.5).

  • Fraser, Tullia Catriona
    Shaping Taste, Building Knowledge: Collecting China in Scotland in the Early Twentieth Century
    The Study on Cliff Carving Calligraphy in the Late Northern Dynasties (The Northern Qi Dynasty (550-577) & the Northern Zhou Dynasty (557-581))
  • Metoikidou, Maria
    The East Asian Art Collection of Gregorios Manos. A Greek Contribution to the History of Collecting
  • Persson Swain, Birgitta Helen
    Chinese painted silks: craftmanship and fashion in the 18th century


Current and new:

  • Journeys in the Netherworld: Representations of the Ten Kings of Hell in Imperial China (Junior Honours)
  • Approaches to Chinese Painting History (Senior Honours)
  • Methodologies I: Object Biographies (MSc)
  • Methodologies II: Collecting and Display (MSc)



  • Arts of the Song Dynasty and Its Neighbour Regimes (Junior Honours)
  • Collecting East Asian Art (MLitt)

Professional activities & recognition

Grant committees & research advisory boards

  • 2018: European Association of Chinese Studies,, Museum Travel Grant
  • 2020 - 2020: European Association of Chinese Studies, Your Scholar Award

Editorial boards

  • 2020: Journal of European Association of Chinese Studies

Professional & learned societies

  • 2014 - 2020: board member, European Association of Chinese Studies
  • 2016 - 2018: vice-president, European Association of Chinese Studies
  • 2003 - 2006: board member, Society for Nordic Art Historians

Additional information

Recent conference presentations


A Comprehensive Look: The Cultural Biography of the Daitokuji 500 Luohans from Its Local to Global Contexts conference, Kyushu National University, Fukuoka (invited speaker): “Enchanted by Luohans Expanded: Western Scholar Encountering Chinese Religious Painting”


Hills and Ravines in the Heart: Chinese Gardens and Landscape Painting symposium at London South Bank University (invited speaker): “Landscape for Travelling, Sightseeing, Wandering or Dwelling”

British Association of Chinese Studies (BACS) conference, Glasgow: organiser of the panel Religious Images and Objects in Late Imperial China and paper “Travels through the Netherworld: The Ten Kings of the ‘Earth Prisons’”

European Association of Asian Art and Archaeology (EAAA) conference, Zürich (roundtable participant): “Identification, Categorization and Digitization of East Asian Objects in Local Collections of Different European Countries”


Creating Markets and Collecting Art conference at Christie's London: invited discussant for a panel "Moving Objects: Representations of Chinese Art in Europe"

Creating Markets and Collecting Art conference at Christie's London: invited discussant for a panel "Moving Objects: Representations of Chinese Art in Europe"


Chinese Painting conference at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London (invited speaker): "Scissors Cutting Silk"


European Association of Chinese Studies, Paris: “Scholarly Souvenirs: Chinese Art in an auspicious Environment for Intellectual Pursuits” (Panel: Cross-cultural issues and Private Collection)


Enchanting Modernity: Theosophy and the Arts in the Making of Early Twentieth-Century Culture, Liverpool Hope University: “In Search of Religious Purity: Osvald Sirén and the Allure of Chinese Art”

Questioning Oriental Aesthetics and Thinking: Conflicting Visions of ”Asia” under the Colonial Empires conference, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto (invited speaker): “Osvald Sirén’s Encounter with the Arts of China and Japan” 

British Association of Chinese Studies, Bristol: “Garden as a Refuge: Osvald Sirén’s Reminiscences and Appropriations of Chinese Garden Art”

Annual Meeting of College Art Association, Chicago: “Playing All the Roles: Osvald Sirén as Curator, Collector, Dealer and Art Historian” (Panel: Roles of Acquisition)


Nordic conference of art historians, Jyväskylä, Finland: “Auspicious Furnishings for the Dream Environment”

The First China Contemporary Art Forum, International Conference on Art Theory and Criticism, Beijing (invited speaker): “Changing Perceptions of Chinese Art”



”With Osvald Sirén in Chinese Gardens”, organization committee of the exhibition, Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm