Professor David Archibald

  • Professor of Political Cinemas (Theatre, Film & Television Studies)

telephone: 01413303807

R308 Level 3, TFTV Studies, Gilmorehill Halls, Glasgow G12 8QQ

Import to contacts


Research interests

Research Interests

  • Film and history, specifically, cinematic representations of the Spanish civil war
  • Politics: most of David’s work locates cultural production within broader social and political contexts. He is particularly interested in radical cultural activity
  • Creative Research: David has worked on seven short films, including the multi-award winning documentary, Govan Young (2017), which he produced and co-directed. You can view the film here
  • In 2016 David established the performance project Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues with Carl Lavery. You can read an early profile on their activities here


  • 2014-present – Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow
  • 2009-2014 – Lecturer, University of Glasgow
  • 2006-2009 – University Teacher, University of Glasgow
  • 2005-2006 - Lecturer, Edinburgh College of Art
  • 1999-2004 - PhD: Representations of the Spanish Civil War in Cinema, University of Glasgow
  • 1995-1999 - MA (Hons) First Class. Theatre, Film and Television Studies, University of Glasgow


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2004
Number of items: 77.


Archibald, D. (2024) Te recuerdo Amanda [Music Video]. [Film]

Araüna Baró, N. and Archibald, D. (2024) Métodos creativos para un feminismo dialógico. Tejiendo alianzas translocales a partir del audiovisual = Creative methods for a dialogic feminism. Weaving translocal alliances through audiovisual media. In: Gómez, P. and Sánchez, M. L. (eds.) Hacia la Igualdad de Géneros: Comunicación para el Empoderamiento Femenino = Towards Gender Equality: Communication for the Female Empowerment. Series: Comunicación y Agenda 2030 = Communication and Agenda 2030. Editorial UOC. ISBN 9788411660532

Archibald, D. (2024) Clydebuilt: Ships, masculinities, bananas [essay to accompany Blu-Ray]. In: Big Banana Feet. British Film Institute.

Archibald, D. (2024) Peat Bog Soldiers: How an experimental Scottish band contributed to a concentration camp archive in Germany. Conversation,

Araüna Baró, N. and Archibald, D. (2024) Ragged Cinema. Left Cultures, Issue 3.

Archibald, D. (2024) Another ‘Poor Things’ is Possible. Drouth,

Archibald, D. (2024) Peat Bog Soldiers [Music Video]. [Performance]

Archibald, D. and Whittle, S. (2024) Peter Pike or Pink [Music Video]. [Performance]


Skeldon, K. et al. (2023) Research Firsts Exhibition. [Exhibitions]

Araüna Baró, N. and Archibald, D. (2023) Ragged Cinema: Twelve theses on the making of Comrades together-apart / Camarades junts-i-a-banda (Araüna Baró and Archibald, Catalonia/Scotland, 2021). Framework, 63(1-2), pp. 13-24.

Archibald, D. (2023) Gregory's Girl [essay to accompany Blu-Ray]. In: Gregory’s Girl'. British Film Institute.

Archibald, D. (2023) Hymning Glasgow. Left Cultures, Issue 2.


Archibald, D. (2022) Tracking Loach: Politics, Practices, Production. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474442114

Archibald, D. (2022) Returning to Comrades. In: Watts, A. and Wickham, P. (eds.) Bill Douglas: A Film Artist. University of Exeter Press: Exeter. ISBN 978180413025420

Archibald, D. and Skrynka, S. (2022) Thanopticon: looking death in the eye. [Performance]

Archibald, D. (2022) Just Another Saturday [essay to accompany Blu-Ray]. In: Play for Today: Volume Three. British Film Institute.

Archibald, D. (2022) A History of Glasgow in Song. [Performance]


Archibald, D. (2021) The Elephants' Graveyard / Just A Boys' Game [essay to accompany Blu-Ray]. In: Play for Today: Volume Two. British Film Institute.

Araüna Baró, N. and Archibald, D. (2021) Feminism and film: a dialogue. Drouth, 2 Jan.

Araüna Baró, N. and Archibald, D. (2021) Comrades together-apart / Camarades junts-i-a-banda [Film]. [Performance]

Archibald, D. (2021) Unhappy the land in need of ‘heroic’ men. Drouth, 67,


Archibald, D. and Yeoman, F. D. (2020) Dialogical encounters on the cinema of revolution: Save the Children Fund Film and Metalepsis in Black. In: Mazierska, E. and Kristensen, L. (eds.) Third Cinema, World Cinema and Marxism. Bloomsbury Academic: London. ISBN 9781501348273

Archibald, D. (2020) Spaces of the possible: developing the Radical Film Network in Scotland. In: Presence, S., Wayne, M. and Newsinger, J. (eds.) Contemporary Radical Film Culture: Networks, Organisations and Activists. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 69-78. ISBN 9781138543607 (doi: 10.4324/9781351006385-6)

Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2020) Drifting with Debord [Film]. [Performance]


Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2019) From street to screen: Debord’s drifting cinema. Performance Research, 23(7), pp. 109-119. (doi: 10.1080/13528165.2018.1558427)

Archibald, D. (2019) Los primeros años de la BBC. In: Montero Díaz, J. and Martín Jiménez, V. (eds.) La televisión en Europa: la historia de sus orígenes. Tirant lo Blanch: Valencia. ISBN 9788417973247


Archibald, D. , Driscoll, S. T. , Doherty, C. and Perry, M. (2018) Dossier on Govan Young: Exploring children’s historical consciousness through film and archaeology. Film Education Journal, 1(2), pp. 193-208. (doi: 10.18546/FEJ.01.2.07)

Archibald, D. (2018) Loach and acting: seven fragments. Drouth, 60, pp. 37-43.


Archibald, D. (2017) Glasgow: RFN 16. Screenworks, 7(3),

Archibald, D. (2017) Team Loach and Sixteen Films: authorship, collaboration, leadership (and football). In: Mazierska, E. and Kristensen, L. (eds.) Contemporary Cinema and Ideology: Neoliberal Capitalism and Its Alternatives in Filmmaking. Routledge: New York and London, pp. 25-41. ISBN 9781138235731

Archibald, D. (2017) Revolution, my arse [essay to accompany Blu-Ray]. In: Three Films by Ken Loach: Riff-Raff; Raining Stones; Ladybird Ladybird. British Film Institute.

Archibald, D. (2017) Housekeeping [essay to accompany DVD]. In: Housekeeping ; A film by Bill Forsyth. Indicator.

Archibald, D. , Clark, M. and Connolly, C. (2017) Govan Young [Film]. [Performance]

Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2017) Glasgow glam rock dialogues. Drouth, 57, pp. 65-77.

Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2017) Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues: 5-1967. [Performance]


Archibald, D. , McGoff, J. and McIlwraith, D. (2016) Glasgow: RFN 16 [Film]. [Performance]

Archibald, D. (2016) Activists unite for city’s radical film network festival. National, 2016, 28 Apr.

Archibald, D. (2016) Culloden. In: Culloden/The War Games [DVD]. British Film Institute.

Archibald, D. (2016) Displaying the contemporary: the revolution cannot take its cinema from the past but only from the future. Drouth, 55, pp. 3-8.

Archibald, D. (2016) Drouth Special Issue: Radical [Volume editor]. Drouth, 55,

Archibald, D. (2016) Editorial. Drouth, 55, pp. 2-3.

Archibald, D. (2016) Where is the BBC's experimentation? National, 2016, 20 Oct.

Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2016) Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues: 1 - Work. [Performance]

Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2016) Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues: 2 - Luxury. [Performance]

Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2016) Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues: 3 - Commune. [Performance]


Archibald, D. and Velez-Serna, M. (2015) Joining up: Scotland, cinema and the First World War. [in]Transition: Journal of Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies,

Archibald, D. and Rodger, J. (2015) St Peter's Seminary, Cardross. Performance Research, 20(3), pp. 103-111. (doi: 10.1080/13528165.2015.1049043)


Archibald, D. (2014) Filmmaking in Scotland. Discussion Paper. Scottish Parliament, Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee, Edinburgh.

Archibald, D. (2014) An independent Scotland could become a film powerhouse. Conversation,

Archibald, D. (2014) Should Scotland have an independent film industry? Our Kingdom (Online),

Archibald, D. (2014) The Devil’s backbone. Cineaste, 39, pp. 55-56.

Archibald, D. (2014) Kitchen-sink fantasy.

Archibald, D. and Velez-Serna, M. (2014) Kilts, tanks, and aeroplanes: Scotland, cinema, and the First World War. NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies, 3(2), pp. 155-175. (doi: 10.5117/NECSUS2014.2.ARCH)


Archibald, D. (2013) Why there’s more to Scottish cinema than dour miserablism. Financial Times,

Archibald, D. (2013) Ken Loach and Peter Mullan. In: Balkind, N. (ed.) World Film Locations: Glasgow. Intellect. ISBN 9781841507194

Archibald, D. (2013) Recycling Basque history: patterns of the past in Vacas/Cows. Drouth, 45, pp. 85-94.


Archibald, D. and Miller, M. (2012) Full-Spectacle Dominance? An analysis of the Israeli state's attempts to control media images of the 2010 Gaza flotilla. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 5(2), pp. 189-201. (doi: 10.1386/jwcs.5.2.189_1)

Archibald, D. (2012) 'The Angels' Share' at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies, 2(Autumn),

Archibald, D. (2012) The Tommy Sheridan Affair: A Scottish Tragedy. New Left Project,

Archibald, D. (2012) The War That Won't Die: The Spanish Civil war in Cinema. Manchester University Press: Manchester. ISBN 9780719078088


Archibald, D. (2011) No laughing matter? Comedy and the Spanish Civil War in Cinema. In: Salmi, H. (ed.) Historical Comedy on Screen: Subverting History with Humour. Intellect: Bristol, UK, pp. 113-127. ISBN 9781841503677

Archibald, D. (2011) Reeling from injustice. Financial Times,

Archibald, D. (2011) History in contemporary Scottish theatre. In: Brown, I. (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to Scottish Drama. Series: Edinburgh companions to Scottish literature. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 85-94. ISBN 978074864108

Archibald, D. (2011) Photography, the police and protest: images of the G-20, London 2009. In: Cottle, S. and Lester, L. (eds.) Transnational Protests and the Media. Series: Global Crises and the Media (10). Peter Lang: Oxford. ISBN 9781433109850

Archibald, D. (2011) The Spanish Civil War in cinema : an overview. Media Education Journal, 49, pp. 32-34.

Archibald, D. and Miller, M. (2011) The film festivals dossier (dossier co-editor). Screen, 52(2), pp. 249-252. (doi: 10.1093/screen/hjr013)

Archibald, D. and Miller, M. (2011) From Rennes to Toronto: anatomy of a boycott. Screen, 52(2), pp. 274-279. (doi: 10.1093/screen/hjr015)

Archibald, D. , Archibald, D. [c.-d.], Burn, T. D. [n.], Clark, M. [c.] and Porr, B. [e.] (2011) The Mathematics of a Dream (Abridged) [Film]. [Performance]


Archibald, D. (2010) Kelman's Drama. In: Halmes, S. (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to James Kelman. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 65-71. ISBN 9780748639632


Archibald, D. (2009) The DA on cops. Drouth(32), pp. 15-19.


Archibald, D. (2008) A bogie man is haunting America. Drouth(30), pp. 15-17.

Archibald, D. (2008) Boys and skirls : an organological union. Drouth(29), pp. 11-13.

Archibald, D. (2008) "We're just big bullies..." Gregory Burke's Black Watch. Drouth(26), pp. 8-13.


Archibald, D. (2006) 'Carry on Comrade? No, hold on a minute!'. Drouth(21), pp. 71-77.

Archibald, D. (2006) The closing image : David Trueba's Soldados de Salamina. Drouth(20), pp. 57-59.

Archibald, D. (2006) From tickets to Tsotsi : cinema's means of representation. Drouth(19), pp. 43-45.


Archibald, D. (2004) Re-framing the past: representations of the Spanish Civil War in popular Spanish cinema. In: Lazaro-Reboll, A. and Willis, A. (eds.) Spanish Popular Cinema. Series: Inside popular film. Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719062827

This list was generated on Sat Oct 5 15:23:33 2024 BST.
Number of items: 77.


Archibald, D. (2024) Peat Bog Soldiers: How an experimental Scottish band contributed to a concentration camp archive in Germany. Conversation,

Araüna Baró, N. and Archibald, D. (2024) Ragged Cinema. Left Cultures, Issue 3.

Archibald, D. (2024) Another ‘Poor Things’ is Possible. Drouth,

Araüna Baró, N. and Archibald, D. (2023) Ragged Cinema: Twelve theses on the making of Comrades together-apart / Camarades junts-i-a-banda (Araüna Baró and Archibald, Catalonia/Scotland, 2021). Framework, 63(1-2), pp. 13-24.

Archibald, D. (2023) Hymning Glasgow. Left Cultures, Issue 2.

Araüna Baró, N. and Archibald, D. (2021) Feminism and film: a dialogue. Drouth, 2 Jan.

Archibald, D. (2021) Unhappy the land in need of ‘heroic’ men. Drouth, 67,

Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2019) From street to screen: Debord’s drifting cinema. Performance Research, 23(7), pp. 109-119. (doi: 10.1080/13528165.2018.1558427)

Archibald, D. , Driscoll, S. T. , Doherty, C. and Perry, M. (2018) Dossier on Govan Young: Exploring children’s historical consciousness through film and archaeology. Film Education Journal, 1(2), pp. 193-208. (doi: 10.18546/FEJ.01.2.07)

Archibald, D. (2018) Loach and acting: seven fragments. Drouth, 60, pp. 37-43.

Archibald, D. (2017) Glasgow: RFN 16. Screenworks, 7(3),

Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2017) Glasgow glam rock dialogues. Drouth, 57, pp. 65-77.

Archibald, D. (2016) Activists unite for city’s radical film network festival. National, 2016, 28 Apr.

Archibald, D. (2016) Displaying the contemporary: the revolution cannot take its cinema from the past but only from the future. Drouth, 55, pp. 3-8.

Archibald, D. (2016) Drouth Special Issue: Radical [Volume editor]. Drouth, 55,

Archibald, D. (2016) Editorial. Drouth, 55, pp. 2-3.

Archibald, D. (2016) Where is the BBC's experimentation? National, 2016, 20 Oct.

Archibald, D. and Velez-Serna, M. (2015) Joining up: Scotland, cinema and the First World War. [in]Transition: Journal of Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies,

Archibald, D. and Rodger, J. (2015) St Peter's Seminary, Cardross. Performance Research, 20(3), pp. 103-111. (doi: 10.1080/13528165.2015.1049043)

Archibald, D. (2014) An independent Scotland could become a film powerhouse. Conversation,

Archibald, D. (2014) Should Scotland have an independent film industry? Our Kingdom (Online),

Archibald, D. (2014) The Devil’s backbone. Cineaste, 39, pp. 55-56.

Archibald, D. (2014) Kitchen-sink fantasy.

Archibald, D. and Velez-Serna, M. (2014) Kilts, tanks, and aeroplanes: Scotland, cinema, and the First World War. NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies, 3(2), pp. 155-175. (doi: 10.5117/NECSUS2014.2.ARCH)

Archibald, D. (2013) Why there’s more to Scottish cinema than dour miserablism. Financial Times,

Archibald, D. (2013) Recycling Basque history: patterns of the past in Vacas/Cows. Drouth, 45, pp. 85-94.

Archibald, D. and Miller, M. (2012) Full-Spectacle Dominance? An analysis of the Israeli state's attempts to control media images of the 2010 Gaza flotilla. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 5(2), pp. 189-201. (doi: 10.1386/jwcs.5.2.189_1)

Archibald, D. (2012) 'The Angels' Share' at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies, 2(Autumn),

Archibald, D. (2012) The Tommy Sheridan Affair: A Scottish Tragedy. New Left Project,

Archibald, D. (2011) Reeling from injustice. Financial Times,

Archibald, D. (2011) The Spanish Civil War in cinema : an overview. Media Education Journal, 49, pp. 32-34.

Archibald, D. and Miller, M. (2011) The film festivals dossier (dossier co-editor). Screen, 52(2), pp. 249-252. (doi: 10.1093/screen/hjr013)

Archibald, D. and Miller, M. (2011) From Rennes to Toronto: anatomy of a boycott. Screen, 52(2), pp. 274-279. (doi: 10.1093/screen/hjr015)

Archibald, D. (2009) The DA on cops. Drouth(32), pp. 15-19.

Archibald, D. (2008) A bogie man is haunting America. Drouth(30), pp. 15-17.

Archibald, D. (2008) Boys and skirls : an organological union. Drouth(29), pp. 11-13.

Archibald, D. (2008) "We're just big bullies..." Gregory Burke's Black Watch. Drouth(26), pp. 8-13.

Archibald, D. (2006) 'Carry on Comrade? No, hold on a minute!'. Drouth(21), pp. 71-77.

Archibald, D. (2006) The closing image : David Trueba's Soldados de Salamina. Drouth(20), pp. 57-59.

Archibald, D. (2006) From tickets to Tsotsi : cinema's means of representation. Drouth(19), pp. 43-45.


Archibald, D. (2022) Tracking Loach: Politics, Practices, Production. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474442114

Archibald, D. (2012) The War That Won't Die: The Spanish Civil war in Cinema. Manchester University Press: Manchester. ISBN 9780719078088

Book Sections

Araüna Baró, N. and Archibald, D. (2024) Métodos creativos para un feminismo dialógico. Tejiendo alianzas translocales a partir del audiovisual = Creative methods for a dialogic feminism. Weaving translocal alliances through audiovisual media. In: Gómez, P. and Sánchez, M. L. (eds.) Hacia la Igualdad de Géneros: Comunicación para el Empoderamiento Femenino = Towards Gender Equality: Communication for the Female Empowerment. Series: Comunicación y Agenda 2030 = Communication and Agenda 2030. Editorial UOC. ISBN 9788411660532

Archibald, D. (2024) Clydebuilt: Ships, masculinities, bananas [essay to accompany Blu-Ray]. In: Big Banana Feet. British Film Institute.

Archibald, D. (2023) Gregory's Girl [essay to accompany Blu-Ray]. In: Gregory’s Girl'. British Film Institute.

Archibald, D. (2022) Returning to Comrades. In: Watts, A. and Wickham, P. (eds.) Bill Douglas: A Film Artist. University of Exeter Press: Exeter. ISBN 978180413025420

Archibald, D. (2022) Just Another Saturday [essay to accompany Blu-Ray]. In: Play for Today: Volume Three. British Film Institute.

Archibald, D. (2021) The Elephants' Graveyard / Just A Boys' Game [essay to accompany Blu-Ray]. In: Play for Today: Volume Two. British Film Institute.

Archibald, D. and Yeoman, F. D. (2020) Dialogical encounters on the cinema of revolution: Save the Children Fund Film and Metalepsis in Black. In: Mazierska, E. and Kristensen, L. (eds.) Third Cinema, World Cinema and Marxism. Bloomsbury Academic: London. ISBN 9781501348273

Archibald, D. (2020) Spaces of the possible: developing the Radical Film Network in Scotland. In: Presence, S., Wayne, M. and Newsinger, J. (eds.) Contemporary Radical Film Culture: Networks, Organisations and Activists. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 69-78. ISBN 9781138543607 (doi: 10.4324/9781351006385-6)

Archibald, D. (2019) Los primeros años de la BBC. In: Montero Díaz, J. and Martín Jiménez, V. (eds.) La televisión en Europa: la historia de sus orígenes. Tirant lo Blanch: Valencia. ISBN 9788417973247

Archibald, D. (2017) Team Loach and Sixteen Films: authorship, collaboration, leadership (and football). In: Mazierska, E. and Kristensen, L. (eds.) Contemporary Cinema and Ideology: Neoliberal Capitalism and Its Alternatives in Filmmaking. Routledge: New York and London, pp. 25-41. ISBN 9781138235731

Archibald, D. (2017) Revolution, my arse [essay to accompany Blu-Ray]. In: Three Films by Ken Loach: Riff-Raff; Raining Stones; Ladybird Ladybird. British Film Institute.

Archibald, D. (2017) Housekeeping [essay to accompany DVD]. In: Housekeeping ; A film by Bill Forsyth. Indicator.

Archibald, D. (2016) Culloden. In: Culloden/The War Games [DVD]. British Film Institute.

Archibald, D. (2013) Ken Loach and Peter Mullan. In: Balkind, N. (ed.) World Film Locations: Glasgow. Intellect. ISBN 9781841507194

Archibald, D. (2011) No laughing matter? Comedy and the Spanish Civil War in Cinema. In: Salmi, H. (ed.) Historical Comedy on Screen: Subverting History with Humour. Intellect: Bristol, UK, pp. 113-127. ISBN 9781841503677

Archibald, D. (2011) History in contemporary Scottish theatre. In: Brown, I. (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to Scottish Drama. Series: Edinburgh companions to Scottish literature. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 85-94. ISBN 978074864108

Archibald, D. (2011) Photography, the police and protest: images of the G-20, London 2009. In: Cottle, S. and Lester, L. (eds.) Transnational Protests and the Media. Series: Global Crises and the Media (10). Peter Lang: Oxford. ISBN 9781433109850

Archibald, D. (2010) Kelman's Drama. In: Halmes, S. (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to James Kelman. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 65-71. ISBN 9780748639632

Archibald, D. (2004) Re-framing the past: representations of the Spanish Civil War in popular Spanish cinema. In: Lazaro-Reboll, A. and Willis, A. (eds.) Spanish Popular Cinema. Series: Inside popular film. Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719062827

Research Reports or Papers

Archibald, D. (2014) Filmmaking in Scotland. Discussion Paper. Scottish Parliament, Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee, Edinburgh.


Skeldon, K. et al. (2023) Research Firsts Exhibition. [Exhibitions]


Archibald, D. (2024) Peat Bog Soldiers [Music Video]. [Performance]

Archibald, D. and Whittle, S. (2024) Peter Pike or Pink [Music Video]. [Performance]

Archibald, D. and Skrynka, S. (2022) Thanopticon: looking death in the eye. [Performance]

Archibald, D. (2022) A History of Glasgow in Song. [Performance]

Araüna Baró, N. and Archibald, D. (2021) Comrades together-apart / Camarades junts-i-a-banda [Film]. [Performance]

Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2020) Drifting with Debord [Film]. [Performance]

Archibald, D. , Clark, M. and Connolly, C. (2017) Govan Young [Film]. [Performance]

Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2017) Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues: 5-1967. [Performance]

Archibald, D. , McGoff, J. and McIlwraith, D. (2016) Glasgow: RFN 16 [Film]. [Performance]

Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2016) Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues: 1 - Work. [Performance]

Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2016) Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues: 2 - Luxury. [Performance]

Archibald, D. and Lavery, C. (2016) Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues: 3 - Commune. [Performance]

Archibald, D. , Archibald, D. [c.-d.], Burn, T. D. [n.], Clark, M. [c.] and Porr, B. [e.] (2011) The Mathematics of a Dream (Abridged) [Film]. [Performance]


Archibald, D. (2024) Te recuerdo Amanda [Music Video]. [Film]

This list was generated on Sat Oct 5 15:23:33 2024 BST.


  • 2018 - Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Doctoral Scholarship: ‘Human Rights Film Festivals in the Global South’
  • 2018 – University of Glasgow KE Fund: Drifting with Debord
  • 2016 – Creative Scotland: Radical Film Network Festival
  • 2016 – Film Hub Scotland: Radical Film Network Festival
  • 2016 – University of Glasgow KE Fund: Radical Film Cultures in Scotland
  • 2015 – Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities Applied Research Collaborative Scholarship: ‘Document Human Rights Film Festival: Politics, Programmes, Practices’
  • 2014 - Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland: Tracking Loach, an analysis of Ken Loach’s working practices
  • 2014 - Heritage Lottery Fund: Doomster Hill, an experimental documentary about medieval Govan
  • 2013 – Historic Scotland: Doomster Hill
  • 2012 - University of Glasgow Chancellor’s Fund: Doomster Hill
  • 2011 - Royal Society of Edinburgh Scottish Government Arts & Humanities Small Grant: Tracking Loach in Scotland
  • 2011 - University of Glasgow, John Robertson Bequest: the making of The Angels’ Share (Loach, 2012)
  • 2008-11 – AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award, ‘Edinburgh International Film Festivals Retrospectives’


David has over a decade’s experience of supervising PhD students. He is particularly interested in supervising research projects – both traditional written and practice-research theses - which situate cultural activity within broader political landscapes. His current PhD students are listed below:

  • Atkinson, Jonathan
    How might an engagement with politically charged contemporary psychoanalytic film theory energise radical British film culture?
  • Goldbach, Mark
    The Past is Ours, Too: Reclaiming Immigrant Traumas in Film and TV


David has taught a range of modules across all levels of study.
He currently convenes the Level Two Film and Television Studies programme and the Master’s-level course on Festivals. He also teaches on the Advanced Topics in Film And Television Studies.

Additional information

External Responsibilities

  • David is invited regularly to present his research at conferences, festivals and seminars, both at home and further afield. Invited international presentations include in Finland, France, Greece, India, South Korea, Spain, The Netherlands and Turkey
  • David is actively involved in film culture in Scotland. He served as a Board member of Africa in Motion (2012-14) and is currently a board member of Document International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival (2011-present) and Glasgow Film (2015-present)
  • David was the Overall Coordinator of the 2016 Radical Film Network Festival and Unconference
  • David organized two symposiums with Glasgow Short Film Festival: ‘Independence and the Film Industry in Scotland’ (2014) and ‘Short Films and Criticism’ (2015)
  • David has extensive experience as a journalist and critic. His work has appeared in over thirty outlets, including Cineaste, Film International, Financial Times, and Guardian
  • David has made numerous media appearances on radio and television and has been interviewed by newspapers in relation to both cinema and aspects of Scotland’s cultural and political landscape. These include: BBC News; BBC World; BBC Scotland; BBC Radio Scotland; Radio 5 Live; The Economist, Huffington Post; Die Welte; Radio France Internationale, STV and New York Times
  • David has served as Jury Member for a number of film and television organisations, including BAFTA Scotland and Edinburgh International Film Festival
  • David has advised the Scottish Government’s Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee on film policy for Scotland. He has also advised a range of other institutions including the Imperial War Museum
  • External Examiner for 6 PhDs (Edge Hill, Edinburgh, UWS, Complutense, Madrid)
  • 2018 – present External Examiner: BA in Media and Communications, (Coventry University) delivered at PSB Academy, Singapore
  • 2017 – present External Examiner: BA in Media and Communications, Coventry University
  • 2014 - 2016 External Examiner: BA in Broadcast Journalism, UWL
  • External Consultant on PGT programmes at Edge Hill University and undergraduate provision at Queen Margaret University