On 24 May, EC officials, and international group of cultural figures and academic experts met to discuss the New European Agenda for Culture in a workshop held at the European University Institute. In the first session, chaired by Philip Schlesinger, the EC’s New Agenda, published two days earlier, was critically assessed by panellists including CREATe director Martin Kretschmer. The workshop’s second session, chaired by Raj Isar of the American University of Paris, discussed culture in the EU’s external relations. Philip and Raj, both Robert Schuman Fellows at the EUI, worked closely with EUI Cultural Pluralism programme director Anna Triandafyllidou to devise the workshop’s focus. It was an intense and wide-ranging discussion. A follow-up is intended. The programme may be accessed here: http://globalgovernanceprogramme.eui.eu/event/new-european-agenda-culture/.


First published: 31 May 2018