Highlands and Islands Enterprise’s (HIE) Collaborative Creative Communities programme held their quarterly steering group meeting between CCPR and CREATe on Thursday 30th October. The steering group meeting was led by Rachael McCormack of HIE, with representatives also present from Creative Scotland, Social Value Lab, Social Enterprise Academy and Senscot.

Philip Schlesinger was asked to speak at the meeting, and gave an overview of CCPR and CREATe’s current research projects. In particular, Philip spoke about the AHRC CEKE-funded Supporting Creative Business (SCB) project and its Knowledge Exchange component. CCPR’s current focus on cultural and creative institutions proved to be of particular interest to HIE, who are seeking to collaborate more closely with Scottish HE institutions, expanding on the partnerships that they have already forged - for example with the Glasgow School of Art.

Philip Schlesinger and Ealasaid Munro are currently seeking to expand the work that was done as part of the SCB project, in order to investigate cultural intermediary agencies in a rural context. HIE have expressed an interest in being part of this project.

First published: 6 November 2014