Dr Lisa Kelly and Dr Katherine Champion announced the launch of an online resource Shaping Scotland's Talent: Change, Flexibility and New Pathways in the Screen Industries which arises from a series of themed workshops funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2014. Designed to initiate dialogue between academics, policymakers and stakeholders within Scotland's Screen Industries and beyond, the project addressed questions of Conceptualising Talent; Best Practice; Talent Clustering; and New Digital Pathways. Across the workshops there was representation from key Scottish broadcasters and institutions in the form of BBC Scotland, STV, Channel 4 and the Edinburgh International Film Festival, alongside international speakers from New Danish Screen and the Media Industries Project at UC Santa Barbara's Carsey-Wolf Center. This is in addition to a number of academic contributions from across the UK and a special screening of the award-winning short Exchange and Mart by Glasgow-based filmmakers Martin Clark and Cara Connolly.  The resource features audio podcasts of the keynote speeches and 10 minute position pieces presented at the workshops along with reports outlining the key issues to emerge. Details of project outcomes are also available, including conference papers, blog posts and an upcoming journal article.

First published: 21 October 2014