The Centre for Cultural Policy Research, Film and Television Studies, and Theatre Studies, have performed exceptionally well in the REF2021 research assessment with 95% of the Unit’s research recognised as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’.

The inclusive and collaborative environment that underpins this research was also assessed as 100% ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. The Unit’s long-standing dedication to providing real-world benefit from its research through collaboration with non-academic partners resulted in all three of its Impact Case Studies being assessed as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. Colleagues across the Centre for Cultural Policy Research, Film and Television, and Theatre Studies will continue to pursue their innovative and wide-ranging research. This work both engages with the cultural and creative sectors and involves intense collaboration nationally and internationally with a broad range of scholars and outside partners. 

First published: 12 May 2022