Image of Zach

Mr Zach Blaikie, an MVLS DTP PhD student within the school, attended the 10th annual Canadian Hypertension Congress. The Canadian Hypertension Congress is designed to disseminate a diverse range of clinical and pre-clinical research looking into the underpinning mechanisms of hypertension and advances in blood pressure regulation. There were over 100 people in attendance at the meeting and Zach was awarded the ‘Outstanding Poster Presentation in the Basic Science” category for his poster titled “Sex Differences in Cerebrovascular Effects of Smooth Muscle Cell-Specific NOX5 Mice”.

Speaking of the experience Zach said:

"The Canadian Hypertension Congress was the first conference that I had the privilege to attend. To have won an award is a very proud achievement for me, especially as there were many very well-presented posters with exciting research at the conference. I have to thank the Touyz lab for encouraging me to attend the meeting, particularly, Professor Rhian Touyz and Dr Augusto Montezano for their mentorship, support and supervision. Furthermore, I would like to thank Dr Lorraine Work for her supervision. All of which have given me the foundations to achieve this award."

Congratulations Zach, we are very proud for you on this important recognition!

First published: 28 November 2022