Image of Jenni Burton

Dr Jenni Burton (NES/CSO Postdoctoral Clinical Lecturer in SCMH) was commissioned to undertake introductory research for the Scottish COVID Inquiry relating to their Terms of Reference issues of interest on the topic of care homes.

Introductory research for the Scottish COVID Inquiry was undertaken by a range of UK Universities in February 2022 and was published online on 14th of June.

The Inquiry commissioned introductory academic research into the areas of investigation in its terms of reference. Researchers from the Universities of Birmingham, Dundee, Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier, Glasgow, and Highlands and Islands responded to the Inquiry’s call for expressions of interest, and provided research reports. In keeping with the principles of openness and transparency under which the Inquiry is operating, we are publishing this introductory research on our website.


You can find more information on Introductory Research here.

Jenni’s report is freely available to read here

First published: 13 July 2022