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The Pint of Science Festival is happening in Glasgow next year, over May 9 -11 2022 and we are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help make it our best one yet!

Pint of Science is a worldwide science festival which brings researchers to your local pub/cafe/space to share their scientific discoveries with you.

Last year the festival was online, with over 70 online shows in over 30 cities across the UK. However, this year, we are excited to announce that the festival will be in person once more!
There are many event planning roles available, and it’s a wonderful way to get involved in science communication and public engagement in a more relaxed setting. It is also an excellent opportunity for scientists to bring their research to the public, all in the comfort of your favourite pub!

If you are interested, please fill out the form below and we will be in contact shortly. We are planning a launch event at the end of the month of November to introduce the current team and get to know you. Even if you cannot make the launch, we would still love to hear from you. If you know anyone in the Glasgow area who would be interested, go to this link and fill in the form.


First published: 5 November 2021