GCRC building at night

MVLS Graphics Unit are looking for research images to be used across MVLS marking collateral to promote the school. They do request that you review the terms and conditions listed below to make sure that the image is suitable to be used.

All images that are sent will be reviewed to see how it fits across the marketing collateral, not all images sent will be used.

Please send your images by:

University Transfer Service: https://transfer.gla.ac.uk/ 

to MVLS Design: mvls-design@glasgow.ac.uk 

Please feel free to contact MVLS graphics unit if you have any questions at: mvls-design@glasgow.ac.uk


Terms and Conditions:

By submitting an image you declare that the work you submit is your own, that you give permission for the University of Glasgow to use and disseminate your work without restriction and that you have read and accepted all the following Terms and Conditions in full.

1. I consent to my research image/images being used (processed) in the following ways:

  • University of Glasgow web pages
  • Email and online marketing including e-newsletters; on campus and outdoor digital displays; online and email adverts; online advertorials and editorial features in digital publications
  • Social media posts
  • Printed materials including leaflets; flyers; posters; banners; brochures, magazines and prospectuses
  • PowerPoint presentations (such as presentations at events and conferences)
  • Teaching materials

2. Images should be accompanied by a title and short description (maximum 100 words) explaining the context of the image, for example linking the image and the research. Entrants should also provide details of any funding associated with their research or course.

3. The file name of submitted images should take the form: Initials of School and name of entrant (for example: SCS Josephine Bloggs; or SBOHVM John Smith).

4. All images must be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe the rights of any other party. The entrants must be the sole owner of copyright in all photographs entered. Where an image is produced by a group you must name all individuals involved in producing the image. Further, entrants must not have breached any laws when taking their photographs.

5. Images should be submitted digitally by high quality jpeg suitable for printing (this means in practice 3072 x 2048 pixels or more, enough for printing to A4 at 300 dots per inch), and minimum file size of 2 MB (20 MB maximum file size).

6. Images must not contravene any confidentiality terms or agreements.

7. By entering your image, you are deemed to accept these terms and conditions which will be governed by the laws of Scotland.

First published: 25 May 2023