Omar profile picture 

We would like to welcome Omar Merhi El Hassan El Abdallah to the School of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health. 

"Having recently graduated from Imperial College London with a Master's in Molecular Medicine, my passion for cardiovascular disease continues to drive my pursuits. My interest in this area began early on and has only grown stronger through my academic pursuits and research endeavors. I had the privilege of presenting my research at the ISTH conference in London, which was a pivitol moment in my journey. I feel humbled and grateful to have been awarded a UKRI-MSCA PhD scholarship, which will allow me to expand my knowledge in cardiovascular medicine and make a valuable impact in the field. With the support of this scholarship, I am excited to delve deeper into innovative solutions and contribute to the advancement of this field. 

During my master's programme, I worked on a risk factor that is highly associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases affecting a healthy lifespan, obestiy. Under the supervision of Dr Isabelle Salles Crawley, I studied the role of bone morphogentic protein (BMP) and activin membrane- bound inhibitor BAMBI in adipose tissue, how and where it is regulated under different feeding conditions, characterising adipose tissue in Bambi knockout mice, and confirming browning of subcutaneous white adipose tissue and increased thermogenesis. 

During my time at the University of Glasgow, I will investigate the interaction between ageing and collagen IV in age-dependent vascular disease, under the supervision of Prof. Tom Van Agtmael and Prof. Colin Selman. Through this work , I aim to recognize the significant contributors to the deterioration of physiological functions associated with ageing, with the aim of facilitating the development of effective treatment approaches and targets for age-related diseases and frailty."

We wish you all the best with your studies!

First published: 8 March 2023