Image of Dr Jennifer Lees

Dr Jennifer Lees is the winner of the European Renal Association Eberhard Ritz Award for Young Investigators in Clinical Science. The award was presented on May 19th 2022 at the 59th ERA Congress in Paris, during the Welcome Ceremony.  

Dr Jennifer Lees is a Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Specialist Trainee in Renal Medicine at the University of Glasgow. She graduated from the Universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh then moved to Glasgow to train in renal and general internal medicine. During her PhD, she designed and led the ViKTORIES trial (ISRCTN22012044; funded Kidney Research UK) testing vitamin K supplementation to treat vascular stiffness and calcification in kidney transplant recipients. She was a co-investigator on the K4Kidneys vitamin K trial in people with CKD 3b/4 (ISRCTN21444964; funded British Heart Foundation).

Her research interest is in the long-term risks associated with CKD, particularly cardiovascular disease and cancer (funded by the Chief Scientist Office, Scotland). She has an interest in the use of cystatin C to risk-stratify patients with CKD. In 2022, Dr Lees won the Raine Award: a prestigious annual award made by the UK Kidney Association to a junior investigator who has made a significant contribution to renal research. Her work has been published in high-impact nephrology and medical journals including Nature Medicine, American Journal of Transplantation and J Am Soc Nephrol.

Dr Lees is the Visual Abstracts Editor for Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, co-chair of the ERA Journal Club. She is a member of the CKD Prognosis Consortium, trainee representative on the UK Renal Trials Network and medical co-chair of the British Transplantation Society’s Dragon’s Den: an initiative designed to support medical and surgical trainees in transplantation to develop their own clinical trials.

First published: 28 April 2022