Professor Will Fuller

Professor Will Fuller will be running the Inverness Marathon on October 1 in support of the BHF.

I took up running during lockdown because I figured if I was only allowed to go out once a day I wanted to cover as much ground as possible. I usually run by myself but it has recently been great to join some of the PhD students in a social run with the SCMH run club. Running has been an important part of my ’self care’ mental health routine. I find it incredibly valuable to be able to set aside a small part of a day to do something that is only for me.

As an incentive to donate through August and September I am giving you the chance to choose my marathon playlist! When you donate just tell me the name of the song and artist. Want to inspire me? Torture me? Help me run faster? Right now I am exclusively listening to 80’s disco in training. Do you want to contribute to my musical education? Rules - nothing longer than 10min. And no song more than once. You may think it would be fun to make me listen to Barbie Girl on repeat for 3.5 hours. I don’t. 

Fundraising link:

Event link:

First published: 24 August 2023