Challenge 5

During the month of January, school members took part in the January Challenge. The challenges were short daily challenges promote a feeling of wellbeing among participants and to encourage colleagues to take a little ‘me’ time, while also building community within the school

We attempted several of the challenges together. The first challenge of these was ‘Hello’ on the 5th January. There were many different characters created from everyday objects. It was a nice way to come together to say hello after the Christmas break. 

Image of drawings of hand

At the coffee catch up on the 16th January we came together and attempted two of the challenges. The first challenge being "tell me something about your family". Over a coffee/tea it felt like a good time to chat about family related things such as memories, things you've learned, the smells, the feels, the touch or the sound of home. 

The other challenge that was "High Five". This challenge included drawing around your hand and reflecting on your day, or the world around you right now. Within the shape was to write things down that pleased you. We had a good number of attempts from the attendees at the coffee morning. 

You can see a video of the event on our tiktok here:

Image of words

Using our weekly AiR presentations as a means of connecting we asked colleagues to let us know about songs that they associated with colour to see if we had shared musical interests. "Purple Rain" was most commonly submitted title. 

Our final collective challenge was on 24th January to do the challenge "Playing with Paint". This  offered a chance for colleagues to come together and paint. Everyone had a lot of fun creating something, there was also chatting and laughter and very creative outputs!

Image of paintings

Thanks to all who took part in one or more of the challenges, we hope you enjoyed them. Thanks also to all who took time to complete the feedback form - results of this will be shared on our Athena Swan webpages and by email. 



First published: 20 February 2023