Image of Prof Naveed Sattar

Professor Naveed Sattar has been awarded the prestigious Diabetes UK 2023 Banting Memorial Lecture, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to research into the causes, prevention and treatment of diabetes, and the links between diabetes, obesity and heart disease. He will deliver his lecture at the Diabetes UK Professional Conference in Liverpool in April 2023.

The Banting Memorial Lecture is the highest award bestowed by Diabetes UK (DUK) and is awarded to a person internationally recognised for their eminence in the field of diabetes. It is also the oldest DUK award, first delivered in 1949 and named in honour of Sir Frederick Banting (1891-1941), the Nobel laureate who co-discovered insulin in 1922 with his fellow scientists Charles Best and John MacLeod. Their discovery saved the life of 14-year old Leonard Thompson, the first patient with diabetes to be treated with insulin injections, and has saved the lives of countless others over the past century.

Read more about the award here

First published: 1 December 2022