Image of dr kieran

Congratulations to Dr Kieran Docherty for being recognised as an Outstanding Reviewer for the journal Circulation in 2021. Kieran has been presented with a letter of recognition by the Circulation Editor-in-Chief, Dr Joseph Hill, and his team.

Peer review is an important contribution to the scientific community, and SCMH is proud to have so many colleagues who provide their expertise to scientific journals and funding bodies. This includes service on grant panels, peer review of grants, serving as editor of scientific journals and most importantly, peer review of scientific papers. At the recent strategic visit by the MRC, the College of MVLS has been praised for its outstanding contribution to grant review, and Kieran’s help with review of papers for one of the leading journals in cardiovascular sciences is yet another example of the commitment of our staff. Thanks to Kieran for his service!

First published: 2 February 2022