Professor Gretchen Larsen, Durham University

"AI and the Consumption of Music"
Friday, 23 February. 10:30 a.m.
Room 141 ASBS PGT


The relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and music consumption is becoming ever more pervasive and complex, particularly with the recent rise of Generative AI (GenAI). This research seminar will explore some particularly intriguing facets of this relationship. First, a recent study will be presented that examines the relationship between AI and brand loyalty, by exploring consumers experiences of algorithm-based personalisation in the context of music streaming services. Second, the implications of GenAI music for the consumption of music will be explored. GenAI is making it possible to create complex art, including music, based on fully automated algorithms with little to no human input beyond initial prompts. As GenAI increasingly filters through all levels of the music industry, our understanding of its reception and the expectations of consumers remains limited. What does GenAI mean not only for artists, but also for consumers engaging with this music?


Gretchen is an interpretive and critical consumer researcher, with expertise in the relationship between consumption, marketplace cultures, and arts and culture - particularly music. Much of her research focuses on identity and its relationship to consumption, and more recently it has begun to address affective and embodied interactions with sonic phenomena in the marketplace. Gretchen is also a Co-Director of Durham University's Institute of Advanced Study, which supports interdisciplinary research.

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First published: 2 February 2024

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