Professor Kohei Kawamura, Waseda University

"News Credibility and the Quest for Clicks"
Tuesday, 16 May, 4 pm.
Room 305. Main Building


We examine a model of dynamic communication by a media outlet. In each period, the uninformed public can consult the outlet's report at a cost. The outlet, which is primarily driven by profit maximization, has the incentive to induce uncertainty in order to encourage future consultation and thereby generate revenue. In an intermediate cost range, the public and the outlet may be worse off with a cheaper cost of access since it leads the outlet to distort information more by making the public's future consultation decision more responsive to the current report.


Kohei Kawamura taught at the University of Edinburgh for nine years before coming back to Waseda, his alma mater, as a professor in 2016. Kohei obtained his PhD from the University of Oxford, where he was a student at Nuffield College and lecturer at St Hugh's College. His main research interest is in the game-theoretic analysis of communication. He has also worked on experiments to study voting behaviour in committees and price settings by firms.

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First published: 30 March 2023

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