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Discussing Innovation Diffusion Among Co-Workers: Evidence from Senior Doctors with Professor Dame Carol Propper and Five Sensitive Intervention Points to Achieve Climate Neutrality by 2050 with Professor Sir David Hendry

31 March 2023, 2.00pm - 5.30pm
Room 201, Sir Charles Wilson Building, University of Glasgow

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We are delighted to welcome Professor Dame Carol Propper (Imperial College London) and Professor Sir David Hendry (University of Oxford) as the first guest speakers of our 2023 Distinguished Speaker Series. Join us from 2.00pm for refreshments before the discussions begin at 2.30pm, followed by the opportunity for questions and networking. This event is free to attend and open to all.

Prof. Dame Carol Propper - "Innovation Diffusion among Co-workers: Evidence from Senior Doctors"

We examine how co-workers influence innovation diffusion. We use matched task-worker-workplace data to track physician behaviour and employment for 15 years from the introduction of an important innovation to its maturity. We exploit this dynamic network of co-workers to jointly estimate peer effects from co-worker take-up and effects from exposure to co-workers, including particularly influential physicians (key players), whose identities we estimate jointly with the peer effects. We find positive peer effects and positive effects of exposure to co-workers, which are considerably amplified by exposure to key players. We use our estimates to show that modest but well-targeted training and job rotation policies can lead to substantive increases in innovation diffusion.

Carol Propper is Professor of Economics at Imperial College Business School in the Department of Economics and Public Policy. Carol was made a Dame in the 2021 New Year Honours in recognition of her public services to health and economics. Her research focuses on the quality of health care delivery and health system productivity and, more broadly, on the design and consequences of incentives for the quality of public services. She was Vice Dean for Faculty and Research at Imperial Business School 2016-19, Co-Director of the Centre for Market and Public Organisation at the University of Bristol 1998-2009 and of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Exclusion at the London School of Economics 1997-2007. Since 2016 she has been Deputy Editor of VOX EU. She is a Fellow of the British Academy, the Academy of Social Sciences and an International Fellow of the National Academy of Medicine and a past President of the Royal Economic Society.

Prof. Sir David Hendry – "Five Sensitive Intervention Points to Achieve Climate Neutrality by 2050"

David F. Hendry, Kt, is Deputy Director of Climate Econometrics and Senior Research Fellow at Nuffield College; previously Head of Department and Professor of Economics at Oxford University, and of Econometrics at LSE. He was Knighted in 2009; is an Honorary Vice-President and past President, the Royal Economic Society; Fellow, the British Academy, Royal Society of Edinburgh, Econometric Society, Academy of Social Sciences, International Institute of Forecasters, Journal of Econometrics & Econometric Reviews; Foreign Honorary Member, American Economic Association and American Academy of Arts & Sciences. He has received eight Honorary Doctorates, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the ESRC, and the Guy Medal in Bronze from the Royal Statistical Society. The ISI lists him as one of the world’s 200 most cited economists with more than 50,000 citations, is a Web of Science and Thomson Reuters Citation Laureate, and has published more than 200 papers and 25 books on econometric methods, theory, modelling, and history; computing; climate econometrics; empirical economics; and forecasting.


Further information: 

First published: 15 February 2023

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