A student in a dark blue blazer standing in the courtyard of the University of Glasgow


Name: Anindya Kenyo Larasti

Home country: Indonesia

"I am a researcher in the tourism sector, so when I wanted to continue my Masters I looked for information in the UK and it turned out that Glasgow offered a very interesting program. I became even more interested after finding out that the main campus was similar to Hogwarts, I am a Harry Potter fan, of course I was very happy when I studied on such a beautiful campus. I really like traveling to see cultural heritage, so Glasgow and the UK was the right place for me to explore."

Why did you choose the Adam Smith Business School? 

I had heard a lot that the Adam Smith Business School has a very good reputation. Therefore, when I found out they were offering a Management & Sustainable Tourism program, I became very interested because I wanted to learn more about Sustainable Tourism and how to manage it. 

What did you enjoy the most about your programme? How has your degree helped you in your career?  

 I was very happy with the opportunity to study in Dumfries in the second semester. So I not only studied on the main campus in Glasgow, but also in a beautiful, quiet small town. I got enough practical knowledge about management, which gave me the view that sustainable tourism does not run alone but also needs to think about the management and economic side. This is quite an insight into my current work. 

What have you been up to since graduating from the Business School? 

I have experienced lots of things since graduating, one of which was very interesting- creating a startup inspired by one of the guest lecturers. Alongside developing the startup, I worked as a researcher and consultant in the tourism sector, so you could say I have been quite busy since graduating! Many opportunities have come my way, I am very grateful. 

What was the most important thing you learnt while studying at Glasgow? 

A lot! What I learned was not only limited to from the University, but also from the city and its people. People Make Glasgow, right? I made friends with many local people and I was very happy that they were very friendly and accepted me well. 

What is your top piece of advice for current students – our future alumni? 

Explore Glasgow to the fullest. Don't just focus on the West End and City Centre, but try going North and South, you will find a lot of beauty and people who make you feel like you are at home. Also, don't forget to try joining communities for things you like, you will have a fun experience and also make new friends. 

Tell us about your fondest memory at the Business School. 

My fondest memory is the whole experience of meeting my very kind and exciting classmates, insightful lecturers, the challenging but good courses, and the perfect location for me to complete my Master's. These were some of the best moments in my life. 

First published: 12 June 2024