New ways of working have arrived without warning, and they’ve arrived with no preparation. There’s no time to adapt, there’s just time to start

In 40@40 we reached out to 40 people and asked them one simple question: How has work changed for you since Covid-19? From this emerged a tapestry of stories revealing what life has been like for many of those continuing to work during the global pandemic.

You can look at the list of stories and people we talked to at the bottom of this page in our 40@40 stories by theme. 

Here at Adam Smith Business School, we have sought to develop a rapid respond to Covid-19 to help students, staff and organisations of all types negotiate their way through these turbulent times. Through our commitment to the principles of responsible and sustainable management education (PRME – A UN initiative), we have created DigiGallus: a suite of resources, stories, initiatives and events that help us think about learning, leading and living during Covid-19 . 40@40 is part of our DigiGallus initiative, and a way of drawing on the expertise of our academics to collect stories and insights into work and organisational life.

40@40 highlights how rapid change can make fascinating things happen in organisations. It can make dysfunctions bubble up to the surface, or help organisations strip back to their core values to help them survive and even thrive during this period.

In exploring these dimensions, we identified 5 aspects that cut across sector, occupation, size, and type of business.

Find out more

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First published: 30 April 2020