Sofie Spatharis (University of Glasgow) and Juan Bonachela (University of Strathclyde)

Source: MASTS

Amount  £18,123

Marine phytoplankton is responsible for approximately half of global net primary productivity, and play a key role in important biogeochemical cycles. In temperate areas, this is mostly due to diatom dominance.

This project aims to quantify diatom short-term (i.e. acclimation) responses to changes in nutrient availability. The visiting fellow, Carlos Caceres will focus on both steady and dynamic conditions, and measure important physiological traits such as maximum uptake and growth rates, in a variety of environments. The main intended output is the first comprehensive compilation of trait values and rate of change, which we will use to develop novel, mechanistic models capturing diatom acclimation strategies for both steady and dynamic environmental conditions.

First published: 2 February 2016

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