Clinical Services Committee


Ray Girotti, Convener

Kate Stalin, Small Animal Clinial Sciences

Patrick Pollok, Equine Clinical Sciences

George King, Farm Animal Clinical Sciences

Pamela Johnston, Pathology, Public Health & Disease Investigation 

Collette Britton, PG Research Convener


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee


Walt Adamson - Research Associate (Parent/Carers)
Olivia Anderson-Nathan - Lecturer
Roman Biek - Deputy Head of School & Head of Research
Michelle Bellingham - Senior Lecturer (UofG Gender Equality Group)

Euan Bennet - Lecturer in Research and Numerical Skills

Ewan Cameron - Head of School
Sarah Chiodetto - Head of Professional Services
Jennifer Crawford - Deputy Head of Professional Services
Dawn Dunbar - Technician (Social/Networking)
Paul Andrew Eynon - Senior Clinician, Small Animal Hospital (LGBTQ+ Champion)
Heather Ferguson - Professor of Infectious Disease Ecology (Race Equality Champion)
Gillian Ironside - Clerk
Paul Johnson - Senior Lecturer
Sarah Jones - Veterinary Clinician in Infectious Disease
Anubhab Khan - Research Associate
Tiziana Lembo, Senior Lecturer (Mentoring)
Ashley Le Vin - Senior Lecturer
Karen MacEachern - Senior Lecturer (Race Equality Champion / Athena Swan Co-lead (shadow)/ Widening Participation Lead)
Lubna Nasir (Co-chair) - Professor of Comparative Oncology (Chair)
Mary Nthambi - Research Assistant
Victoria Paterson – Lecturer

Mark Stansfield - Admissions & Student Support Manager

Lorenzo Viora - Senior Academic Clinician (Mentoring/Induction)
Stewart White - Senior Lecturer (Athena Swan Co-chair)
Mrs Keilly MacDonald, MVLS Athena Swan Officer
Katie Farrell  - Senior Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Adviser



Student Representatives:
Sylvia Olejnik - UG Student (Co-chair of SVM Student & D&I Committee)
Aimee Meikle - UG Student (Co-chair of SVM Student & D&I Committee)


Kyjana Barnet – UG Student
Ivan Casas Gomez-Uribarri - PGR Student Representative
Raheema Chunara - PGR Student Representative


Executive Admissions Committee


Neil Evans, Convener

Fiona Dowell, Deputy Convener

Ewan Cameron, Head of School 

Mark Stansfield, Admissions & Student Support Manager

Jenny Hammond, BVMS Programme Board Convener

Lubna Nasir, EDI Committee Convener

Philippa Yam, Chief Adviser (BVMS)

Jean Rodgers, Chief Adviser & Programme Board Convener (BSc)

Zamantha Marshall, Clinical Phase Leader 

Karen MacEachern, Widening Participation Leader 

GUVMA Presidents 

Clerk: TBC


SBOHVM Research Committee Members, dates and minutes




Deputy Head of School & Director of Research 

Roman Biek

Director of Education (Vet Sciences)

Neil Evans

Director of Education (Life Sciences)

Jan Lindstrom

Director of Innovation and Impact

Martin Llewellyn 

Director of Diversity & Inclusion 

Lubna Nasir 

Theme Leader for Phyiology & Welfare

Tyler Stevenson 

Theme Leader for Ecology & Enviromental Change

Jason Matthiopoulos

Theme Leader for Infectious Disease Ecology

Taya Forde

Theme Leader for Comparative & Translational Health

Rodrigo Quintana

Theme Leader for Educational Research and Scholarship

Anna McGregor

Theme Leader for Evolution & Diversity

James Cotton

Theme Leader for Host Parasite Interactions & Pathogenesis 

Health and Safety Representative

Lisa Ranford Cartwright 

Early Career Researcher Representative 

Sree Radhakrishnan

Fellowship Committee Representative 

Dan Haydon

Cochno Representative 

George King

SCENE Representative 

Chris Harrod

Post Graduate Research Convener Representative 

Kathryn Elmer

Post Graduate Teaching Representative

Ruedi Nager

TRM Representative 

Iain Taylor

Technician Representative 

Kate Griffiths

Vet Fund Representative

Collette Britton

Professional Services Representative 

Jenny Crawford 

Research Committee Meeting Dates

Held monthly, on the second Thursday of each month -2:30 - 4:00 pm

Meetings alternate between Gilmorehill and Garscube, as indicated. 


12 September – GKB Library, Gilmorehill

10 October - James Neil Meeting Room, Garscube

14 November – GKB Library, Gilmorehill

 12 December - James Neil Meeting Room, Garscube


9 January – GKB Library, Gilmorehill

13 February - James Neil Meeting Room, Garscube

13 March – GKB Library, Gilmorehill

10 April - James Neil Meeting Room, Garscube

8 May - GKB Library, Gilmorehill

12 June - James Neil Meeting Room, Garscube

11 September - GKB Library, Gilmorehill (TBC)

9 October - James Neil Meeting Room, Gasrcube 

13 November - GKB Library, Gilmorehill (TBC)

11 December - James Neil Meeting Room, Garscube

Research Committee Meeting Minutes 

SBOHVM Research Managment Group Meeting Minutes can be provided by

SBOHVM Research Health and Safety Committee Members

Lisa Ranford-Cartwright - Convener, Safety Adviser & CL3 Safety Lead

Kate Griffiths - Safety Coordinator

Katarina Oravcova - Bacteriology Lead

Brian Shiels - Parasitology Lead

Neil Evans - Physiology Lead & Cochno Farm Area Lead

Martin Llewellyn - Molecular Biology Lead

Christina Faust - International Fieldwork Lead

David Bailey - Sub Aqua/Water Activities Lead 

Ana Monteiro - Area Safety Lead HWC

Maria Capstick - Area Safety Lead Gilmorehill

Joris Philip - Area Safety Lead SCENE

Winifred Boner - Committee Structure Bridge

Jennifer Crawford - Management Representative

Magdalene Papatheodoulou - Student Representative

Claire Malcolm - Clerk

SCENE Research Management Committee

Members are -

Prof. Neil Metcalfe, Chair
Prof. Colin Adams, Director of SCENE
Jennifer Crawford, Professional Services
Ms Kate Griffiths, Technical Resource Manager
Dr Dominic McCafferty, Academic rep
Dr Davide Dominoni, Academic rep
Prof. Kathryn Elmer, Academic rep
Mr Mikolaj Kundegorski, Postgraduate student rep


Sustainability Group



Research Management

Research is one of the University’s core activities and accounts for around 38% of our income.  In order for the University to build its global reputation and attract talented researchers, it is important for us to be able to offer world class research management support to our academics.

Organisation design: roles & structures

People are at the heart of any process.  The organisation design workstream is therefore a critical part of the Research Management project.  This covers a review of the roles and structures required to improve the support for research management.  The aim of the organisation design workstream is to provide improved support for principal investigators.  This will be achieved by:

  • Providing “cradle to grave” support
  • Ensuring clear roles, responsibilities and accountabilities
  • Minimising “hand-offs” throughout the process
  • Ensuring that the roles are aligned with the new end to end processes
  • Developing dedicated roles and structures for research management support
  • Ensuring that people have the required skills and knowledge through appropriate training and development

Peer Review

The Research Management team will offer support and help to manage the process of recruiting reviewers and forwarding proposals.

Below are a few documents detailing the new process for both grant and fellowship applications and grants advice:

The Team

Dr Debbie Macmillan
Senior Project Co-ordinator

Tel.: 0141 330 4105
Room 330, Wolfson Medical School Building

Dr Katy Henry
Project Co-ordinator
Tel.: 0141 330 2610
Room 203, Graham Kerr Building

Mr John McHugh
Research Support Administrator‌‌‌
Tel. : 0141 330 2610
Email :
Room 203, Graham Kerr Building

Mr Callum Smith
Project Co-ordinator
Tel: 0141 330 2610
Room 203, Graham Kerr Building

Veterinary Health & Safety Committee


Arlene Macrae, Chair 

Sarah Chiodetto, Head of Professional Services

Caroline Hutchinson, Administration

Jayne Orr, Farm Animal Representative 

Malcolm McColl, Deputy Farm Animal Representative

Dave Hamilton, Cochno Representative

Susan Glattbach, Teaching Spaces and Clinical Skills

Steve Speirs/Ray Girotti, Small Animal Hospital 

Lynn Stevenson/Mike McDonald, Diagnostics

Mike McGuigan, PM Room 

Gillian Ironside, Clerk 


Research Health & Safety Committee


Lisa Ranford-Cartwright (Convener, Institute Safety Adviser & CL3 Lead)

Kate Griffiths (Safety Coordinator)

Katarina Oravcova (Bacteriology Lead)

Anneli Cooper (Parasitology Lead)

Neil Evans (Physiology Lead & Cochno Farm Area Lead)

David Bailey (Sub Aqua/Water Activities Lead)

Jennifer Crawford (Management Representative)

Maria Capstick (Area Safety Lead Gilmorehill)

Winifred Boner (Senior Researcher Representative)

Phoebe Kaiser-Wilks (Area Safety Lead SCENE)

Jo Halliday (International Fieldwork Lead) 

Andrew Brownlow (UK Fieldework Lead)

Francesco Baldini (International Fieldwork Lead)

Joespeh Pennock (Biological Services Representative)

Deepti Negi (Student Representative)

Claire Malcolm (Clerk)