From 10 to 12 October the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Zoology (FMVZ) of the University of the State of Sao Paulo (UNESP), Botucatu Campus, hosted a Workshop entitled: ‘Internationalisation in Veterinary Sciences: Perspectives for Research between UNESP and the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK’.

The Workshop brought together academics, postgraduates and researchers from UNESP’s units in Botucatu, Aracatuba, Araraquara and Jaboticabal with a delegation of six academics Prof Maureen Bain, Dr Monika Mihm-Carmichael, Dr Alain Kohl, Dr Willie Weir, Dr Marcello Riggio and  from the University of Glasgow with the objective of discussing and planning collaborative research in Veterinary Sciences.

Professor David Eckersall, from the Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine (BAHCM), University of Glasgow coordinated the event together with Professor Elizabeth Moreira dos Santos Schmidt from the Department of Clinical Veterinary in FMVZ. Professor Eckersall commented on the workshop positively: ‘The Workshop was excellent. It enabled participants to identify common areas of research in the respective universities which facilitates collaboration.’

Professor Eckersall confirmed that he and his colleagues from Scotland greatly appreciated the themes presented in the Workshop and he identified the areas where partnerships can be developed best: ‘There is common interest, including exchanges of researchers, in fields such as parasitology, virology, clinical pathology, periodontal disease, avian disease and animal reproduction which are common to both institutions.’

The third day of the Workshop was dedicated to Poster Presentations by early career researchers. ‘It is always good to see what young researchers are working on. Generally, I enjoyed the work presented, including those in my field of research namely Clinic Pathology. I am sorry I cannot stay longer and gain a deeper knowledge of the work that is being done here.’

Professor Eckersall also announced the intention to promote a similar event in 2017 at the University of Glasgow. ‘We would like very much to receive the representatives of UNESP in order to progress collaboration in research.’

In addition to participating in this Workshop, the Scottish delegation visited the Centre for the Study of Poison and Animal Venoms (CEVAP), the Veterinary Hospital of FMVZ and the Teaching and Research Farms of UNESP in Botucatu and Sao Miguel.

First published: 24 October 2016