‘The landscape is so competitive that you have to play to your strengths to really stand out.’

Dr Lizelle Bisschoff, FTV

Lizelle Bisschoff credits her strong knowledge exchange and public engagement activities for helping her stand out from the crowd.  At the start of her PhD, Lizelle founded the Africa in Motion (AiM) film festival, an African film festival which takes place annually in Edinburgh and Glasgow. The festival has helped to make African cinema, which is hugely marginalised all over the world, more accessible to British audiences.

Lizelle secured a lectureship in the School of Culture and Creative Arts after her Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Fellowship. She used the fellowship to focus on her research and public engagement activities whilst also taking on more teaching and supervisory duties to prepare her for a lecture position.

Lizelle strongly recommends the LKAS Fellowships to her PhD students. ‘Essentially, you need to diversify your academic portfolio. It is important to undertake a variety of roles such as teaching, researching and knowledge exchange activities. That is the modern academic. The fellowship gives you the time and focus to develop these skills to help you stand out in this competitive market.’

Find out more about Lizelle at http://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/cca/staff/lizellebisschoff/

Research area: Lizelle’s primary research interest lies in contemporary African cinema, including science fiction and fantasy in African film; gender and African cinema and African film festivals, in Africa and internationally.

First published: 26 January 2017