Professor Fin Stuart

  • Professor of Isotope Geosciences (Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre)

telephone: 01355270133

SUERC, Rankine Avenue, East Kilbride, G75 0QF

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I am a Professor of Isotope Geosciences at SUERC and head the Noble Gas Laboratory. My research group includes post-doctoral researchers, PhD students and skilled technical staff, we combine isotope geochemistry with field and other laboratory techniques to address major unanswered questions in geoscience.  In the Noble Gas Laboratory we develop new mass spectrometer systems and gas extraction methods that allows us to develop new geo and environmental science research applications. The laboratory hosts visiting international researchers for training in noble gas isotope analysis and data modelling.

Research interests

I am an isotope geochemist specialising in the analysis of isotopic composition of trace gases in fluids, minerals and rocks. My research interests focus on:

  1. The differentiation history of the Earth, in particular the origin and evolution of primordial volatiles in the deep mantle and the generation of the atmosphere.
  2. Tracing the source and the interaction history of natural gases, and developing techniques for monitoring how natural and anthropogenic CO2 is stored underground.
  3. Using the trace amounts of hydrothermal fluids preserved in ancient ore minerals to determine the source of heat and metals in deposits of technology-critical metals.
  4. Determining the tectonic and climatic controls on erosion and long-term landscape change using low temperature thermochronometers - apatite and zircon (U+Th)/He dating.
  5. Using cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne in Earth and Moon rocks to understand rates of surface process.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999
Number of items: 188.


Balci, U., Stuart, F. M. , Barrat, J.-A., Grima, A. G. and van der Zwan, F. M. (2024) The origin and implications of primordial helium depletion in the Afar mantle plume. Communications Earth and Environment, 5, 519. (doi: 10.1038/s43247-024-01675-2)

Gibson, S.A., Crosby, J. C., Day, J.A.F., Stuart, F.M. and DiNicola, L. (2024) Systematic behaviour of 3He/4He in Earth’s continental mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, (Accepted for Publication)

Zhang, X. et al. (2024) Presence of non-solar derived krypton and xenon unveiled by Chang’e-5 lunar soils. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, (Accepted for Publication)

Balci, U., Stuart, F. , Barrat, J.-A., Grima, A. and Zwan, F. v. d. (2024) Origin and implications of He-depleted Afar mantle plume. Research Square, (doi: 10.21203/

Sun, G., Sinclair, H. D., Persano, C. , Stuart, F. M. and Hu, X. (2024) Late Cretaceous-Eocene exhumation of the northern Lhasa terrane and topographic implications for the Central Tibet. Lithos, 470, 107528. (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2024.107528)

Györe, D. , Sumino, H., Yang, I., Palcsu, L., László, E., Bishop, M. C., Mukhopadhyay, S. and Stuart, F. M. (2024) Inter-laboratory re-determination of the atmospheric 22Ne/20Ne. Chemical Geology, 645, 121900. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121900)

Chen, B., Fang, L., Xu, Z., Stuart, F. M. , Li, G. and Xu, S. (2024) Assessing the potential for CO2 storage in shallow coal seams using gas geochemistry: a case study from Qinshui Basin, north China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 132, 104063. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2024.104063)

Hall, A., Barfod, D. , Gilg, A., Stuart, F. , Sarala, P. and Al-Ani, T. (2024) Intensive chemical weathering in the Arctic during the Miocene Climatic Optimum. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 634, 111927. (doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111927)

Xu, T., Li, Y., Stuart, F. M. , Ma, Z., Bi, W., Jia, Y. and Yang, B. (2024) Assessing the activity of Eastern Himalayan extensional structures: evidence from low-temperature thermochronology of granitic rocks from Yadong. Minerals, 14(1), 66. (doi: 10.3390/min14010066)


Straub, S. M., Batanova, V., Sobolev, A., Gómez-Tuena, A., Espinasa-Perena, R., Fleming, W. L., Bindeman, I. N., Stuart, F. M. , Widom, E. and Iizuka, Y. (2023) The systematics of olivine CaO + Cr-spinel in high-Mg# arc volcanic rocks: evidence for in-situ mantle wedge depletion at the arc volcanic front. Journal of Petrology, 64(12), egad085. (doi: 10.1093/petrology/egad085)

Yakubovich, O. V., Stuart, F. M. , Ivanova, E. S. and Gervilla, F. (2023) Constant 4He concentration and 190Pt‐4He age of detrital Pt‐alloy grains from the Santiago River, Ecuador: potential as a 4He mineral reference material. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 47(4), pp. 957-968. (doi: 10.1111/ggr.12502)

Shyu, C. J., Tan, E., Kirstein, L. A., Stuart, F. M. and Chen, Y.-G. (2023) The exhumation history of the middle Hsuehshan Range, Taiwan, as revealed by zircon thermochronological modeling. Tectonophysics, 860, 229907. (doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2023.229907)

Turab, S. A., Stüwe, K., Stuart, F. M. , Cogne, N., Chew, D. M. and Robl, J. (2023) A two phase escarpment evolution of the Red Sea margin of southwestern Saudi Arabia. Insights from low-temperature apatite thermochronology. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 603, 117990. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.117990)

Utley, R. E. et al. (2023) Multi-isotope geochemical baseline study of the Carbon Management Canada Research Institutes CCS Field Research Station (Alberta, Canada), prior to CO2 injection. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 3, 10069. (doi: 10.3389/esss.2023.10069)

Andersen, J. L. et al. (2023) A topographic hinge-zone divides coastal and inland ice dynamic regimes in East Antarctica. Communications Earth and Environment, 4(1), 9. (doi: 10.1038/s43247-022-00673-6)


King, A. J. et al. (2022) The Winchcombe meteorite, a unique and pristine witness from the outer solar system. Science Advances, 8(46), eabq3925. (doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abq3925) (PMID:36383648) (PMCID:PMC9668287)

Ritter, B., Diederich-Leicher, J. L., Binnie, S. A., Stuart, F. M. , Wennrich, V., Bolten, A. and Dunai, T. J. (2022) Impact of CaSO4-rich soil on Miocene surface preservation and Quaternary sinuous to meandering channel forms in the hyperarid Atacama Desert. Scientific Reports, 12, 17951. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-22787-9) (PMID:36289432)

Stüwe, K., Robl, J., Turab, S. A., Sternai, P. and Stuart, F. M. (2022) Feedbacks between sea-floor spreading, trade winds and precipitation in the Southern Red Sea. Nature Communications, 13, 5405. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32293-1) (PMID:36109491) (PMCID:PMC9477833)

YeoJin, J. et al. (2022) Constraining the effectiveness of inherent tracers of captured CO2 for tracing CO2 leakage: demonstration in a controlled release site. Science of the Total Environment, 824, 153835. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153835) (PMID:35176379)

Jansen, M. W., Tusch, J., Münker, C., Bragagni, A., Avanzinelli, R., Mastroianni, F., Stuart, F. M. and Kurzweil, F. (2022) Upper mantle control on the W isotope record of shallow level plume and intraplate volcanic settings. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 585, 117507. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117507)

Carracedo, A., Stuart, F. M. , Di Nicola, L. and Faithfull, J. W. (2022) Space history of the High Possil and Strathmore meteorites from Ne and Ar isotopes. Scottish Journal of Geology, 58(1), sjg2022-00. (doi: 10.1144/sjg2022-002)

Cabral, A. R., Deng, C., Yin, R., Yakubovich, O. V., Stuart, F. M. , Tupinambá, M. and Lehmann, B. (2022) Metal recycling tracked by mercury and helium isotopes in platinum–palladium nuggets from Córrego Bom Sucesso, Brazil. Chemical Geology, 593, 120752. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.120752)

Xue, W., Najman, Y., Hu, X., Persano, C. , Stuart, F. M. , Li, W., Ma, A. and Wang, Y. (2022) Late Cretaceous to Late Eocene Exhumation in the Nima Area, Central Tibet: implications for development of low relief topography of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonics, 41(3), e2021TC006. (doi: 10.1029/2021tc006989)

Nottingham, M. C., Stuart, F. M. , Chen, B., Zurakowska, M., Gilmour, J. D., Alexander, L., Crawford, I. A. and Joy, K. H. (2022) Complex burial histories of Apollo 12 basaltic soil grains derived from cosmogenic noble gases: Implications for local regolith evolution and future in situ investigations. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 57(3), pp. 603-634. (doi: 10.1111/maps.13783)

Chen, B., Stuart, F. M. , Xu, S., Gyore, D. and Liu, C. (2022) The effect of Cenozoic basin inversion on coal-bed methane in Liupanshui Coalfield, Southern China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 250, 103910. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2021.103910)

Liu, Y., Wang, S., Xu, S., Fabel, D. , Stuart, F. M. , Rodes, A. , Zhang, X. and Luo, W. (2022) New chronological constraints on the Plio-Pleistocene uplift of the Guizhou Plateau, SE margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Geochronology, 67, 101237. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2021.101237)


Scott, J., Pujol, M., Gyore, D. , Stuart, F. and Gilfillan, S. (2021) Determining static reservoir connectivity using noble gases. Chemical Geology, 582, 120410. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120410)

Györe, D. , Pujol, M., Gilfillan, S. M.V. and Stuart, F. M. (2021) Noble gases constrain the origin, age and fate of CO2 in the Vaca Muerta Shale in the Neuquén Basin (Argentina). Chemical Geology, 577, 120294. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120294)

Györe, D. , Di Nicola, L., Currie, D. and Stuart, F. M. (2021) New system for measuring cosmogenic Ne in terrestrial and extra-terrestrial rocks. Geosciences, 11(8), 353. (doi: 10.3390/geosciences11080353)

Kim, D., Lee, H., Lee, W., Kim, J., Oh, J., Song, J.-H., Jung, H. and Stuart, F. M. (2021) Helium isotopes and olivine geochemistry of basalts and mantle xenoliths in Jeju Island, South Korea: evaluation of role of SCLM on the Cenozoic intraplate volcanism in East Asia. Lithos, 390-91, 106123. (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106123)

Spiess, R., Langone, A., Caggianelli, A., Stuart, F. M. , Zucchi, M., Bianco, C., Brogi, A. and Liotta, D. (2021) Unveiling ductile deformation during fast exhumation of a granitic pluton in a transfer zone. Journal of Structural Geology, 147, 104326. (doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2021.104326)

Lee, W., Lee, H., Kim, D., Kim, J., Oh, J., Song, J.-H., Kim, C. H., Park, C. H. and Stuart, F. M. (2021) Trace element and helium isotope geochemistry of the Cenozoic intraplate volcanism in the East Sea (Sea of Japan): implications for lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction. Lithos, 388-89, 106075. (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106075)

Oh, J., Lee, I., Stuart, F. M. , Park, M. and Kim, J. (2021) EM1-signature in the North Fiji Basin: evidence for stagnant slab-derived mantle upwelling beneath the trench-distal back-arc basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(4), e2020JB021017. (doi: 10.1029/2020JB021017)

Ma, Y., Zheng, D., Zhang, H., Pang, J., Wang, W., Wang, Y., Wu, Y., He, H., Stuart, F. M. and Xu, S. (2021) Plio-Pleistocene establishment of Irtysh River in Junggar, Northwest China: implications for Siberian-Arctic river system evolution and resulting climate impact. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(12), e2021GL093. (doi: 10.1029/2021GL093217)


Binnie, S.A. et al. (2020) The origins and implications of paleochannels in hyperarid, tectonically active regions: the northern Atacama Desert, Chile. Global and Planetary Change, 185, 103083. (doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.103083)

Zanon, V., Pimentel, A., Auxerre, M., Marchini, G. and Stuart, F. M. (2020) Unravelling the magma feeding system of a young basaltic oceanic volcano. Lithos, 352-35, 105325. (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2019.105325)


Chen, B., Stuart, F. M. , Xu, S., Gyore, D. and Liu, C. (2019) Evolution of coal-bed methane in Southeast Qinshui Basin, China: insights from stable and noble gas isotopes. Chemical Geology, 529, 119298. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119298)

Gilfillan, S.M.V. et al. (2019) Noble gases confirm plume-related mantle degassing beneath Southern Africa. Nature Communications, 10, 5028. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12944-6) (PMID:31690720) (PMCID:PMC6831580)

Györe, D. , Tait, A., Hamilton, D. and Stuart, F. M. (2019) The formation of NeH+ in static vacuum mass spectrometers and re-determination of 21Ne/20Ne of air. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 263, pp. 1-12. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.07.059)

Gülyüz, E., Özkaptan, M., Kaymakci, N., Persano, C. and Stuart, F. M. (2019) Kinematic and thermal evolution of the Haymana Basin, a fore-arc to foreland basin in Central Anatolia (Turkey). Tectonophysics, 766, pp. 326-339. (doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2019.06.020)

Karolyte, R., Johnson, G., Gyore, D. , Serno, S., Flude, S., Stuart, F. M. , Chivas, A. R., Boyce, A. and Gilfillan, S. M.V. (2019) Tracing the migration of mantle CO2 in gas fields and mineral water springs in south-east Australia using noble gas and stable isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 159, pp. 109-128. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.06.002)

de Souza, D. H., Stuart, F. M. , Rodés, Á. , Pupim, F. N. and Hackspacher, P. C. (2019) Controls on the erosion of the continental margin of southeast Brazil from cosmogenic 10Be in river sediments. Geomorphology, 330, pp. 163-176. (doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.01.020)

Carracedo, A., Rodes, A. , Smellie, J.L. and Stuart, F.M. (2019) Episodic erosion in West Antarctica inferred from cosmogenic 3He and 10Be in olivine from Mount Hampton. Geomorphology, 327, pp. 438-445. (doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.11.019)

Wu, L.-Y., Stuart, F. M. , Di Nicola, L., Heizler, M., Benvenuti, M. and Hu, R.-Z. (2019) Multi-aliquot method for determining (U+Th)/He ages of hydrothermal hematite: Returning to Elba. Chemical Geology, 504, pp. 151-157. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.11.005)

Currie, D., Stuart, F. , Boyce, A. , Essien, B. and Faithfull, J. (2019) Revised Genesis for Scotland's Largest Pb-Zn deposit. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 225-228. ISBN 9780852619629

Mikhail, S., Crosby, J. C., Stuart, F. M. , DiNicola, L. and Abernethy, F. A.J. (2019) A secretive mechanical exchange between mantle and crustal volatiles revealed by helium isotopes in 13C-depleted diamonds. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 11, pp. 39-43. (doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1923)


Sinclair, H.D., Stuart, F.M. , Mudd, S.M., McCann, L. and Tao, Z. (2018) Detrital cosmogenic 21Ne records decoupling of source to sink signals by sediment storage and recycling in Miocene to present rivers of the Great Plains. Geology, 47(1), pp. 3-6. (doi: 10.1130/G45391.1)

He, D., Stuart, F. M. , Barfod, D. N., Xiao, F. and Zhong, H. (2018) The performance of the Noblesse multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometer for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Acta Geochimica, 37(5), pp. 734-745. (doi: 10.1007/s11631-018-0265-8)

Ma, Y., Wang, W., Zheng, D., Zhang, H., Pang, J., Wu, Y., Stuart, F. M. and Xu, S. (2018) Mid-Miocene cosmogenic upper limit for 10Be/21Ne burial. Quaternary Geochronology, 48, pp. 72-79. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2018.08.004)

Ritter, B., Stuart, F. M. , Binnie, S. A., Gerdes, A., Wennrich, V. and Dunai, T. J. (2018) Neogene fluvial landscape evolution in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert. Scientific Reports, 8, 13952. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-32339-9) (PMID:30224725) (PMCID:PMC6141514)

Ma, Y. and Stuart, F. M. (2018) The use of in-situ cosmogenic 21Ne in studies on long-term landscape development. Acta Geochimica, 37(2), pp. 310-322. (doi: 10.1007/s11631-017-0216-9)

Györe, D. , McKavney, R., Gilfillan, S. M.V. and Stuart, F. M. (2018) Fingerprinting coal-derived gases from the UK. Chemical Geology, 480, pp. 75-85. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.09.016)

Luszczak, K., Persano, C. , Braun, J. and Stuart, F. M. (2018) How local crustal thermal properties influence the amount of denudation derived from low-temperature thermochronometry: Reply. Geology, 46(3), e439-e439. (doi: 10.1130/g40060y.1)

Ritter, B., Binnie, S. A., Stuart, F. M. , Wennrich, V. and Dunai, T. J. (2018) Evidence for multiple Plio-Pleistocene lake episodes in the hyperarid Atacama Desert. Quaternary Geochronology, 44, pp. 1-12. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2017.11.002)

Tan, J. et al. (2018) Noble gases in pyrites from the Guocheng-Liaoshang gold belt in the Jiaodong province: evidence for a mantle source of gold. Chemical Geology, 480, pp. 105-115. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.09.027)

Wu, L.-Y., Hu, R.-Z., Li, X.-F., Stuart, F. M. , Jiang, G.-H., Qi, Y.-Q. and Zhu, J.-J. (2018) Mantle volatiles and heat contributions in high sulfidation epithermal deposit from the Zijinshan Cu-Au-Mo-Ag orefield, Fujian Province, China: Evidence from He and Ar isotopes. Chemical Geology, 480, pp. 58-65. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.08.005)


Flude, S., Györe, D. , Stuart, F. M. , Zurakowska, M., Boyce, A. J. , Haszeldine, R. S., Chalaturnyk, R. and Gilfillan, S. M.V. (2017) The inherent tracer fingerprint of captured CO2. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 65, pp. 40-54. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2017.08.010)

Łuszczak, K., Persano, C. , Braun, J. and Stuart, F. M. (2017) How local crustal thermal properties influence the amount of denudation derived from low temperature thermochronometry. Geology, 45(9), pp. 779-782. (doi: 10.1130/G39036.1)

de Leeuw, G.A.M., Ellam, R.M. , Stuart, F.M. and Carlson, R.W. (2017) 142Nd/144Nd Inferences on the nature and origin of the source of high 3He/4He magmas. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 472, pp. 62-68. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.05.005)

Evenstar, L.A., Mather, A.E., Hartley, A.J., Stuart, F.M. , Sparks, R.S.J. and Cooper, F.J. (2017) Geomorphology on geologic timescales: evolution of the late Cenozoic Pacific paleosurface in Northern Chile and Southern Peru. Earth Science Reviews, 171, pp. 1-27. (doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.04.004)

Sugden, D. E., Hein, A. S., Woodward, J., Marrero, S. M., Rodés, Á. , Dunning, S. A., Stuart, F. M. , Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Winter, K. and Westoby, M. J. (2017) The million-year evolution of the glacial trimline in the southernmost Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 469, pp. 42-52. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.04.006)

Kim, J., Pak, S.-J., Moon, J.-W., Lee, S.-M., Oh, J. and Stuart, F. M. (2017) Mantle heterogeneity in the source region of mid-ocean ridge basalts along the northern Central Indian Ridge (8°S-17°S). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18(4), pp. 1419-1434. (doi: 10.1002/2016GC006673)

D'Amato, D., Pace, B., Di Nicola, L., Stuart, F.M. , Visini, F., Azzaro, R., Branca, S. and Barfod, D.N. (2017) Holocene slip rate variability along the Pernicana fault system (Mt. Etna, Italy): Evidence from offset lava flows. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 129(3-4), pp. 304-317. (doi: 10.1130/B31510.1)

Gyore, D. , Gilfillan, S. M.V. and Stuart, F. M. (2017) Tracking the interaction between injected CO2 and reservoir fluids using noble gas isotopes in an analogue of large-scale carbon capture and storage. Applied Geochemistry, 78, pp. 116-128. (doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.12.012)

Wildman, M. , Brown, R. , Persano, C. , Beucher, R., Stuart, F. M. , Mackintosh, V., Gallagher, K., Schwanethal, J. and Carter, A. (2017) Contrasting Mesozoic evolution across the boundary between on and off craton regions of the South African plateau inferred from apatite fission track and (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronology. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122(2), pp. 1517-1547. (doi: 10.1002/2016JB013478)


Mortimer, E., Kirstein, L. A., Stuart, F. M. and Strecker, M. R. (2016) Spatio-temporal trends in normal-fault segmentation recorded by low-temperature thermochronology: Livingstone fault scarp, Malawi Rift, East African Rift System. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 455, pp. 62-72. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.08.040)

Cogné, N., Doepke, D., Chew, D., Stuart, F. M. and Mark, C. (2016) Measuring plume-related exhumation of the British Isles in Early Cenozoic times. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 456, pp. 1-15. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.09.053)

Kasanzu, C. H., Linol, B., de Wit, M. J., Brown, R. , Persano, C. and Stuart, F. M. (2016) From source to sink in central Gondwana: Exhumation of the Precambrian basement rocks of Tanzania and sediment accumulation in the adjacent Congo basin. Tectonics, 35(9), pp. 2034-2051. (doi: 10.1002/2016TC004147)

Keen-Zebert, A., Tooth, S. and Stuart, F.M. (2016) Cosmogenic 3He measurements provide insight into lithological controls on bedrock channel incision: examples from the South African interior. Journal of Geology, 124(3), pp. 423-434. (doi: 10.1086/685506)

Stuart, F. M. , Mark, D. F. , Gandanger, P. and McConville, P. (2016) Earth-atmosphere evolution based on the new determination of Devonian atmosphere Ar isotopic composition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 446, pp. 21-26. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.04.012)

Carracedo, A., Rodes, A. , Stuart, F. and Smellie, J. (2016) Understanding complex exposure history of Mount Hampton, West Antarctica using cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne and 10Be in olivine. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 Apr 2016.

Calzolari, G., Rossetti, F., Della Seta, M., Nozaem, R., Olivetti, V., Balestrieri, M. L., Cosentino, D., Faccenna, C., Stuart, F. M. and Vignaroli, G. (2016) Spatio-temporal evolution of intraplate strike-slip faulting: the Neogene-Quaternary Kuh-e-Faghan Fault, Central Iran. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 128(3/4), pp. 374-396. (doi: 10.1130/B31266.1)

Starkey, N.A., Jackson, C.R.M., Greenwood, R.C., Parman, S., Franchi, I.A., Jackson, M., Fitton, J.E., Stuart, F.M. , Kurz, M. and Larsen, L.M. (2016) Triple oxygen isotopic composition of the high-3He/4He mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 176, pp. 227-238. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2015.12.027)

Natali, C., Beccaluva, L., Bianchini, G. G., Ellam, R. M. , Savo, A., Siena, F. and Stuart, F. M. (2016) High-MgO lavas associated to CFB as indicators of plume-related thermochemical effects: the case of ultra-titaniferous picrite-basalt from the Northern Ethiopian-Yemeni plateau. Gondwana Research, 34, pp. 29-48. (doi: 10.1016/

Wildman, M. , Brown, R. , Beucher, R., Persano, C. , Stuart, F. , Gallagher, K., Schwanethal, J. and Carter, A. (2016) The chronology and tectonic style of landscape evolution along the elevated Atlantic continental margin of South Africa resolved by joint apatite fission track and (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronology. Tectonics, 35(3), pp. 511-545. (doi: 10.1002/2015TC004042)

Hein, A. S., Woodward, J., Marrero, S. M., Dunning, S. A., Steig, E. J., Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Stuart, F. M. , Winter, K., Westoby, M. J. and Sugden, D. E. (2016) Evidence for the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet divide for 1.4 million years. Nature Communications, 7, 10325. (doi: 10.1038/ncomms10325) (PMID:26838462) (PMCID:PMC4742792)

Smigielski, M., Sinclair, H. D., Stuart, F. M. , Persano, C. and Krzywiec, P. (2016) Exhumation history of the Tatry Mountains, Western Carpathians, constrained by low temperature thermochronology. Tectonics, 35(1), pp. 187-207. (doi: 10.1002/2015TC003855)


Torres Acosta, V., Bande, A., Sobel, E. R., Parra, M., Schildgen, T. F., Stuart, F. and Strecker, M. R. (2015) Cenozoic extension in the Kenya Rift from low-temperature thermochronology: links to diachronous spatiotemporal evolution of rifting in East Africa. Tectonics, 34(12), pp. 2367-2386. (doi: 10.1002/2015TC003949)

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Gibson, M., Sinclair, H.D., Lynn, G.J. and Stuart, F.M. (2007) Late-to post-orogenic exhumation of the Central Pyrenees revealed through combined thermochronological data and modelling. Basin Research, 19(3), pp. 323-334. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2007.00333.x)

Foeken, J., Persano, C., Stuart, F. and ter Voorde, M. (2007) Role of topography in isotherm perturbation: Apatite (U-Th)/He and fission track results from the Malta tunnel, Tauern Window, Austria. Tectonics, 26, (doi: 10.1029/2006TC002049)

Morelli, R., Creaser, R., Seltmann, R., Stuart, F., Selby, D. and Graupner, T. (2007) Age and source constraints for the giant Muruntau gold deposit, Uzbekistan, from coupled Re-Os-He isotopes in arsenopyrite. Geology, 35, pp. 795-798. (doi: 10.1130/G23521A.1)

Stuart, F. (2007) Galactic cosmic ray-produced 3He in a ferromanganese crust: Any supernova 60Fe excess on Earth? Physical Review Letters, 98, (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.141103)

Stuart, F. (2007) Intracratonic asthenosphere upwelling and lithosphere rejuvenation beneath the Hoggar swell (Algeria): Evidence from HIMU metasomatised lherzolite mantle xenoliths. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 260(03-Apr), pp. 482-494. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.05.047)

Stuart, F. (2007) Late- to post-orogenic exhumation of the Central Pyrenees revealed through combined thermochronological data and modelling. Basin Research, 19(3), pp. 323-334. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2008.00377.x)

Stuart, F. (2007) Production of 3He in crustal rocks by cosmogenic thermal neutrons. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 258(01-Feb), pp. 228-236. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.03.031)


Persano, C., Bishop, P. and Stuart, F.M. (2006) Apatite (U - Th)/He age constraints on the Mesozoic and Cenozoic evolution of the Bathurst region, New South Wales: evidence for antiquity of the continental drainage divide along a passive margin. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 53(6), pp. 1041-1050. (doi: 10.1080/08120090600923303)

Foeken, J., Stuart, F., Dobson, K., Persano, C. and Vilbert, D. (2006) A diode laser system for heating minerals for (U-Th)/He chronometry. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 7, (doi: 10.1029/2005GC001190)

Kirstein, L., Sinclair, H., Stuart, F. and Dobson, K. (2006) Rapid early Miocene exhumation of the Ladakh batholith, western Himalaya. Geology, 34, pp. 1049-1052.


Balestrieri, M.L., Stuart, F.M., Persano, C., Abbate, E. and Bigazzi, G. (2005) Geomorphic development of the escarpment of the Eritrean margin, southern Red Sea from combined apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 231(1-2), pp. 97-110. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.12.011)

Margerison, H.R., Phillips, W.M., Stuart, F.M. and Sugden, D.E. (2005) Cosmogenic 3He concentrations in ancient flood deposits from the Coombs Hills, northern Dry Valleys, East Antarctica: interpreting exposure ages and erosion rates. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 230(1-2), pp. 163-175. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.11.007)

Persano, C., Stuart, F.M., Bishop, P. and Dempster, T.J. (2005) Deciphering continental breakup in eastern Australia using low-temperature thermochronometers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 110, B12405. (doi: 10.1029/2004JB003325)

Stuart, F. (2005) Cosmogenic 3He concentrations in ancient flood deposits from the Coombs Hills, northern Dry Valleys, East Antarctica: interpreting exposure ages and erosion rates. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 230(01-Feb), pp. 163-175. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.11.007)

Stuart, F. (2005) Geomorphic development of the escarpment of the Eritrean margin, southern Red Sea: Combined use of fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 231(01-Feb), pp. 97-110. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.12.011)

Stuart, F. (2005) Timing and rate of landscape development in central Gran Canaria, eastern Atlantic Ocean, from cosmogenic 3He concentrations in pyroxene microphenocrysts. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24, pp. 211-222.

Stuart, F. (2005) Eocene to Pleistocene lithostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy and tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Calama Basin, northern Chile. Revista Geologica de Chile, 32(1), pp. 33-58.

Williams, A.J., Stuart, F.M., Day, S.J. and Phillips, W.M. (2005) Using pyroxene microphenocrysts to determine cosmogenic 3He concentrations in old volcanic rocks: an example of landscape development in central Gran Canaria. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24(1-2), pp. 211-222. (doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.07.004)


Ellam, R.M. and Stuart, F.M. (2004) Coherent He-Nd-Sr isotope trends in high He-3/He-4 basalts: implications for a common reservoir, mantle heterogeneity and convection. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 228(3-4), pp. 511-523. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.10.020)

Martelli, M., Nuccio, P.M., Stuart, F.M. , Burgess, R., Ellam, R.M. and Italiano, F. (2004) Helium-strontium isotope constraints on mantle evolution beneath the Roman Comagmatic Province, Italy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 224(3-4), pp. 295-308. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.05.025)

Stuart, F. (2004) Coherent He-Nd-Sr isotope trends in high 3He/4He basalts: implications for a common reservoir, mantle heterogeneity and convection. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 228(03-Apr), pp. 511-523.


Stuart, F.M., Lass-Evans, S., Fitton, J.G. and Ellam, R.M. (2003) Extremely high He isotope ratios in MORB-source mantle from the proto-Iceland plume. Nature, 424, pp. 57-59. (doi: 10.1038/nature01711)


Stuart, F.M. (2002) The exhumation history of orogenic belts from Ar-40/Ar-39 ages of detrital micas. Mineralogical Magazine, 66(1), pp. 121-135. (doi: 10.1180/0026461026610017)

Stuart, F. (2002) The exhumation history of orogenic belts from 40Ar/39Ar ages of detrital micas. Mineralogical Magazine, 66(1), pp. 121-135. (doi: 10.1180/0026461026610017)


Gleeson, S.A., Wilkinson, J.J., Stuart, F.M. and Banks, D.A. (2001) The origin and evolution of base metal mineralising brines and hydrothermal fluids, South Cornwall, UK. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65(13), pp. 2067-2079. (doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(01)00579-8)

Jenkin, G.R.T., Ellam, R.M., Rogers, G. and Stuart, F.M. (2001) An investigation of closure temperature of the biotite Rb-Sr system: The importance of cation exchange. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65(7), pp. 1141-1160. (doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00560-3)

Stuart, F.M., Bluck, B.J. and Pringle, M.S. (2001) Detrital muscovite Ar-40/Ar-39 ages from Carboniferous sandstones of the British Isles: Provenance and implications for the uplift history of orogenic belts. Tectonics, 20(2), pp. 255-267.

Stuart, F. (2001) In situ cosmogenic isotopes: principles and potential for archaeology. In: Brothwell, D.R. and Pollard, A.M. (eds.) Handbook of Archaeological Sciences. John Wiley &Sons, pp. 94-110. ISBN 0471984841


Ellam, R.M. and Stuart, F.M. (2000) The sub-lithospheric source of North Atlantic basalts: Evidence for, and significance of, a common end-member. Journal of Petrology, 41(7), pp. 919-932. (doi: 10.1093/petrology/41.7.919)


Gleeson, S.A., Wilkinson, J.J., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Stuart, F.M. (1999) On the occurrence and wider implications of anomalously low δD fluids in quartz veins, South Cornwall, England. Chemical Geology, 160(1-2), pp. 161-173. (doi: 10.1016/S0009-2541(99)00052-2)

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 20:00:09 2024 BST.
Number of items: 188.


Balci, U., Stuart, F. M. , Barrat, J.-A., Grima, A. G. and van der Zwan, F. M. (2024) The origin and implications of primordial helium depletion in the Afar mantle plume. Communications Earth and Environment, 5, 519. (doi: 10.1038/s43247-024-01675-2)

Gibson, S.A., Crosby, J. C., Day, J.A.F., Stuart, F.M. and DiNicola, L. (2024) Systematic behaviour of 3He/4He in Earth’s continental mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, (Accepted for Publication)

Zhang, X. et al. (2024) Presence of non-solar derived krypton and xenon unveiled by Chang’e-5 lunar soils. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, (Accepted for Publication)

Balci, U., Stuart, F. , Barrat, J.-A., Grima, A. and Zwan, F. v. d. (2024) Origin and implications of He-depleted Afar mantle plume. Research Square, (doi: 10.21203/

Sun, G., Sinclair, H. D., Persano, C. , Stuart, F. M. and Hu, X. (2024) Late Cretaceous-Eocene exhumation of the northern Lhasa terrane and topographic implications for the Central Tibet. Lithos, 470, 107528. (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2024.107528)

Györe, D. , Sumino, H., Yang, I., Palcsu, L., László, E., Bishop, M. C., Mukhopadhyay, S. and Stuart, F. M. (2024) Inter-laboratory re-determination of the atmospheric 22Ne/20Ne. Chemical Geology, 645, 121900. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121900)

Chen, B., Fang, L., Xu, Z., Stuart, F. M. , Li, G. and Xu, S. (2024) Assessing the potential for CO2 storage in shallow coal seams using gas geochemistry: a case study from Qinshui Basin, north China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 132, 104063. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2024.104063)

Hall, A., Barfod, D. , Gilg, A., Stuart, F. , Sarala, P. and Al-Ani, T. (2024) Intensive chemical weathering in the Arctic during the Miocene Climatic Optimum. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 634, 111927. (doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111927)

Xu, T., Li, Y., Stuart, F. M. , Ma, Z., Bi, W., Jia, Y. and Yang, B. (2024) Assessing the activity of Eastern Himalayan extensional structures: evidence from low-temperature thermochronology of granitic rocks from Yadong. Minerals, 14(1), 66. (doi: 10.3390/min14010066)

Straub, S. M., Batanova, V., Sobolev, A., Gómez-Tuena, A., Espinasa-Perena, R., Fleming, W. L., Bindeman, I. N., Stuart, F. M. , Widom, E. and Iizuka, Y. (2023) The systematics of olivine CaO + Cr-spinel in high-Mg# arc volcanic rocks: evidence for in-situ mantle wedge depletion at the arc volcanic front. Journal of Petrology, 64(12), egad085. (doi: 10.1093/petrology/egad085)

Yakubovich, O. V., Stuart, F. M. , Ivanova, E. S. and Gervilla, F. (2023) Constant 4He concentration and 190Pt‐4He age of detrital Pt‐alloy grains from the Santiago River, Ecuador: potential as a 4He mineral reference material. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 47(4), pp. 957-968. (doi: 10.1111/ggr.12502)

Shyu, C. J., Tan, E., Kirstein, L. A., Stuart, F. M. and Chen, Y.-G. (2023) The exhumation history of the middle Hsuehshan Range, Taiwan, as revealed by zircon thermochronological modeling. Tectonophysics, 860, 229907. (doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2023.229907)

Turab, S. A., Stüwe, K., Stuart, F. M. , Cogne, N., Chew, D. M. and Robl, J. (2023) A two phase escarpment evolution of the Red Sea margin of southwestern Saudi Arabia. Insights from low-temperature apatite thermochronology. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 603, 117990. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.117990)

Utley, R. E. et al. (2023) Multi-isotope geochemical baseline study of the Carbon Management Canada Research Institutes CCS Field Research Station (Alberta, Canada), prior to CO2 injection. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 3, 10069. (doi: 10.3389/esss.2023.10069)

Andersen, J. L. et al. (2023) A topographic hinge-zone divides coastal and inland ice dynamic regimes in East Antarctica. Communications Earth and Environment, 4(1), 9. (doi: 10.1038/s43247-022-00673-6)

King, A. J. et al. (2022) The Winchcombe meteorite, a unique and pristine witness from the outer solar system. Science Advances, 8(46), eabq3925. (doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abq3925) (PMID:36383648) (PMCID:PMC9668287)

Ritter, B., Diederich-Leicher, J. L., Binnie, S. A., Stuart, F. M. , Wennrich, V., Bolten, A. and Dunai, T. J. (2022) Impact of CaSO4-rich soil on Miocene surface preservation and Quaternary sinuous to meandering channel forms in the hyperarid Atacama Desert. Scientific Reports, 12, 17951. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-22787-9) (PMID:36289432)

Stüwe, K., Robl, J., Turab, S. A., Sternai, P. and Stuart, F. M. (2022) Feedbacks between sea-floor spreading, trade winds and precipitation in the Southern Red Sea. Nature Communications, 13, 5405. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32293-1) (PMID:36109491) (PMCID:PMC9477833)

YeoJin, J. et al. (2022) Constraining the effectiveness of inherent tracers of captured CO2 for tracing CO2 leakage: demonstration in a controlled release site. Science of the Total Environment, 824, 153835. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153835) (PMID:35176379)

Jansen, M. W., Tusch, J., Münker, C., Bragagni, A., Avanzinelli, R., Mastroianni, F., Stuart, F. M. and Kurzweil, F. (2022) Upper mantle control on the W isotope record of shallow level plume and intraplate volcanic settings. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 585, 117507. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117507)

Carracedo, A., Stuart, F. M. , Di Nicola, L. and Faithfull, J. W. (2022) Space history of the High Possil and Strathmore meteorites from Ne and Ar isotopes. Scottish Journal of Geology, 58(1), sjg2022-00. (doi: 10.1144/sjg2022-002)

Cabral, A. R., Deng, C., Yin, R., Yakubovich, O. V., Stuart, F. M. , Tupinambá, M. and Lehmann, B. (2022) Metal recycling tracked by mercury and helium isotopes in platinum–palladium nuggets from Córrego Bom Sucesso, Brazil. Chemical Geology, 593, 120752. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.120752)

Xue, W., Najman, Y., Hu, X., Persano, C. , Stuart, F. M. , Li, W., Ma, A. and Wang, Y. (2022) Late Cretaceous to Late Eocene Exhumation in the Nima Area, Central Tibet: implications for development of low relief topography of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonics, 41(3), e2021TC006. (doi: 10.1029/2021tc006989)

Nottingham, M. C., Stuart, F. M. , Chen, B., Zurakowska, M., Gilmour, J. D., Alexander, L., Crawford, I. A. and Joy, K. H. (2022) Complex burial histories of Apollo 12 basaltic soil grains derived from cosmogenic noble gases: Implications for local regolith evolution and future in situ investigations. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 57(3), pp. 603-634. (doi: 10.1111/maps.13783)

Chen, B., Stuart, F. M. , Xu, S., Gyore, D. and Liu, C. (2022) The effect of Cenozoic basin inversion on coal-bed methane in Liupanshui Coalfield, Southern China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 250, 103910. (doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2021.103910)

Liu, Y., Wang, S., Xu, S., Fabel, D. , Stuart, F. M. , Rodes, A. , Zhang, X. and Luo, W. (2022) New chronological constraints on the Plio-Pleistocene uplift of the Guizhou Plateau, SE margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Geochronology, 67, 101237. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2021.101237)

Scott, J., Pujol, M., Gyore, D. , Stuart, F. and Gilfillan, S. (2021) Determining static reservoir connectivity using noble gases. Chemical Geology, 582, 120410. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120410)

Györe, D. , Pujol, M., Gilfillan, S. M.V. and Stuart, F. M. (2021) Noble gases constrain the origin, age and fate of CO2 in the Vaca Muerta Shale in the Neuquén Basin (Argentina). Chemical Geology, 577, 120294. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120294)

Györe, D. , Di Nicola, L., Currie, D. and Stuart, F. M. (2021) New system for measuring cosmogenic Ne in terrestrial and extra-terrestrial rocks. Geosciences, 11(8), 353. (doi: 10.3390/geosciences11080353)

Kim, D., Lee, H., Lee, W., Kim, J., Oh, J., Song, J.-H., Jung, H. and Stuart, F. M. (2021) Helium isotopes and olivine geochemistry of basalts and mantle xenoliths in Jeju Island, South Korea: evaluation of role of SCLM on the Cenozoic intraplate volcanism in East Asia. Lithos, 390-91, 106123. (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106123)

Spiess, R., Langone, A., Caggianelli, A., Stuart, F. M. , Zucchi, M., Bianco, C., Brogi, A. and Liotta, D. (2021) Unveiling ductile deformation during fast exhumation of a granitic pluton in a transfer zone. Journal of Structural Geology, 147, 104326. (doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2021.104326)

Lee, W., Lee, H., Kim, D., Kim, J., Oh, J., Song, J.-H., Kim, C. H., Park, C. H. and Stuart, F. M. (2021) Trace element and helium isotope geochemistry of the Cenozoic intraplate volcanism in the East Sea (Sea of Japan): implications for lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction. Lithos, 388-89, 106075. (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106075)

Oh, J., Lee, I., Stuart, F. M. , Park, M. and Kim, J. (2021) EM1-signature in the North Fiji Basin: evidence for stagnant slab-derived mantle upwelling beneath the trench-distal back-arc basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(4), e2020JB021017. (doi: 10.1029/2020JB021017)

Ma, Y., Zheng, D., Zhang, H., Pang, J., Wang, W., Wang, Y., Wu, Y., He, H., Stuart, F. M. and Xu, S. (2021) Plio-Pleistocene establishment of Irtysh River in Junggar, Northwest China: implications for Siberian-Arctic river system evolution and resulting climate impact. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(12), e2021GL093. (doi: 10.1029/2021GL093217)

Binnie, S.A. et al. (2020) The origins and implications of paleochannels in hyperarid, tectonically active regions: the northern Atacama Desert, Chile. Global and Planetary Change, 185, 103083. (doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.103083)

Zanon, V., Pimentel, A., Auxerre, M., Marchini, G. and Stuart, F. M. (2020) Unravelling the magma feeding system of a young basaltic oceanic volcano. Lithos, 352-35, 105325. (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2019.105325)

Chen, B., Stuart, F. M. , Xu, S., Gyore, D. and Liu, C. (2019) Evolution of coal-bed methane in Southeast Qinshui Basin, China: insights from stable and noble gas isotopes. Chemical Geology, 529, 119298. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119298)

Gilfillan, S.M.V. et al. (2019) Noble gases confirm plume-related mantle degassing beneath Southern Africa. Nature Communications, 10, 5028. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12944-6) (PMID:31690720) (PMCID:PMC6831580)

Györe, D. , Tait, A., Hamilton, D. and Stuart, F. M. (2019) The formation of NeH+ in static vacuum mass spectrometers and re-determination of 21Ne/20Ne of air. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 263, pp. 1-12. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.07.059)

Gülyüz, E., Özkaptan, M., Kaymakci, N., Persano, C. and Stuart, F. M. (2019) Kinematic and thermal evolution of the Haymana Basin, a fore-arc to foreland basin in Central Anatolia (Turkey). Tectonophysics, 766, pp. 326-339. (doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2019.06.020)

Karolyte, R., Johnson, G., Gyore, D. , Serno, S., Flude, S., Stuart, F. M. , Chivas, A. R., Boyce, A. and Gilfillan, S. M.V. (2019) Tracing the migration of mantle CO2 in gas fields and mineral water springs in south-east Australia using noble gas and stable isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 159, pp. 109-128. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.06.002)

de Souza, D. H., Stuart, F. M. , Rodés, Á. , Pupim, F. N. and Hackspacher, P. C. (2019) Controls on the erosion of the continental margin of southeast Brazil from cosmogenic 10Be in river sediments. Geomorphology, 330, pp. 163-176. (doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.01.020)

Carracedo, A., Rodes, A. , Smellie, J.L. and Stuart, F.M. (2019) Episodic erosion in West Antarctica inferred from cosmogenic 3He and 10Be in olivine from Mount Hampton. Geomorphology, 327, pp. 438-445. (doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.11.019)

Wu, L.-Y., Stuart, F. M. , Di Nicola, L., Heizler, M., Benvenuti, M. and Hu, R.-Z. (2019) Multi-aliquot method for determining (U+Th)/He ages of hydrothermal hematite: Returning to Elba. Chemical Geology, 504, pp. 151-157. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.11.005)

Mikhail, S., Crosby, J. C., Stuart, F. M. , DiNicola, L. and Abernethy, F. A.J. (2019) A secretive mechanical exchange between mantle and crustal volatiles revealed by helium isotopes in 13C-depleted diamonds. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 11, pp. 39-43. (doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1923)

Sinclair, H.D., Stuart, F.M. , Mudd, S.M., McCann, L. and Tao, Z. (2018) Detrital cosmogenic 21Ne records decoupling of source to sink signals by sediment storage and recycling in Miocene to present rivers of the Great Plains. Geology, 47(1), pp. 3-6. (doi: 10.1130/G45391.1)

He, D., Stuart, F. M. , Barfod, D. N., Xiao, F. and Zhong, H. (2018) The performance of the Noblesse multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometer for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Acta Geochimica, 37(5), pp. 734-745. (doi: 10.1007/s11631-018-0265-8)

Ma, Y., Wang, W., Zheng, D., Zhang, H., Pang, J., Wu, Y., Stuart, F. M. and Xu, S. (2018) Mid-Miocene cosmogenic upper limit for 10Be/21Ne burial. Quaternary Geochronology, 48, pp. 72-79. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2018.08.004)

Ritter, B., Stuart, F. M. , Binnie, S. A., Gerdes, A., Wennrich, V. and Dunai, T. J. (2018) Neogene fluvial landscape evolution in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert. Scientific Reports, 8, 13952. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-32339-9) (PMID:30224725) (PMCID:PMC6141514)

Ma, Y. and Stuart, F. M. (2018) The use of in-situ cosmogenic 21Ne in studies on long-term landscape development. Acta Geochimica, 37(2), pp. 310-322. (doi: 10.1007/s11631-017-0216-9)

Györe, D. , McKavney, R., Gilfillan, S. M.V. and Stuart, F. M. (2018) Fingerprinting coal-derived gases from the UK. Chemical Geology, 480, pp. 75-85. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.09.016)

Luszczak, K., Persano, C. , Braun, J. and Stuart, F. M. (2018) How local crustal thermal properties influence the amount of denudation derived from low-temperature thermochronometry: Reply. Geology, 46(3), e439-e439. (doi: 10.1130/g40060y.1)

Ritter, B., Binnie, S. A., Stuart, F. M. , Wennrich, V. and Dunai, T. J. (2018) Evidence for multiple Plio-Pleistocene lake episodes in the hyperarid Atacama Desert. Quaternary Geochronology, 44, pp. 1-12. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2017.11.002)

Tan, J. et al. (2018) Noble gases in pyrites from the Guocheng-Liaoshang gold belt in the Jiaodong province: evidence for a mantle source of gold. Chemical Geology, 480, pp. 105-115. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.09.027)

Wu, L.-Y., Hu, R.-Z., Li, X.-F., Stuart, F. M. , Jiang, G.-H., Qi, Y.-Q. and Zhu, J.-J. (2018) Mantle volatiles and heat contributions in high sulfidation epithermal deposit from the Zijinshan Cu-Au-Mo-Ag orefield, Fujian Province, China: Evidence from He and Ar isotopes. Chemical Geology, 480, pp. 58-65. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.08.005)

Flude, S., Györe, D. , Stuart, F. M. , Zurakowska, M., Boyce, A. J. , Haszeldine, R. S., Chalaturnyk, R. and Gilfillan, S. M.V. (2017) The inherent tracer fingerprint of captured CO2. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 65, pp. 40-54. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2017.08.010)

Łuszczak, K., Persano, C. , Braun, J. and Stuart, F. M. (2017) How local crustal thermal properties influence the amount of denudation derived from low temperature thermochronometry. Geology, 45(9), pp. 779-782. (doi: 10.1130/G39036.1)

de Leeuw, G.A.M., Ellam, R.M. , Stuart, F.M. and Carlson, R.W. (2017) 142Nd/144Nd Inferences on the nature and origin of the source of high 3He/4He magmas. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 472, pp. 62-68. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.05.005)

Evenstar, L.A., Mather, A.E., Hartley, A.J., Stuart, F.M. , Sparks, R.S.J. and Cooper, F.J. (2017) Geomorphology on geologic timescales: evolution of the late Cenozoic Pacific paleosurface in Northern Chile and Southern Peru. Earth Science Reviews, 171, pp. 1-27. (doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.04.004)

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Dunai, T.J. and Stuart, F.M. (2009) Reporting cosmogenic nuclide data for exposure age and erosion rate determinations. Quaternary Geochronology, 4(6), pp. 437-440. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2009.04.003)

Foeken, J., Stuart, F.M. and Francalanci, L. (2009) Dating Holocene lavas on Stromboli, Italy using cosmogenic He. Quaternary Geochronology, 4(6), pp. 517-524. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2009.09.001)

Vernon, A.V., van der Beek, P.A., Sinclair, H.D., Persano, C., Foeken, J.P.T. and Stuart, F.M. (2009) Variable late Neogene exhumation of the central European Alps: low-temperature thermochronology from the Aar massif (Switzerland) and the Lepontine Dome (Italy). Tectonics, 28(5), TC5004. (doi: 10.1029/2008TC002387)

Dobson, K.J., Stuart, F.M. and Dempster, T.J. (2008) U and Th zonation in Fish Canyon Tuff zircons: implications for a zircon (U–Th)/He standard. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(19), pp. 4745-4755. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.07.015)

Barfod, D. , Mark, D.F. and Stuart, F.M. (2008) Application of multi-collector mass spectrometery to Ar-Ar geochronology. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(S12), A53. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.05.005)

Codilean, A.T., Bishop, P., Stuart, F.M., Hoey, T.B. , Fabel, D. and Freeman, S.P.H.T. (2008) Single-grain cosmogenic 21Ne concentrations in fluvial sediments reveal spatially variable erosion rates. Geology, 36(2), pp. 159-162. (doi: 10.1130/G24360A.1)

Martelli, M., Nuccio, P.M., Stuart, F.M., Di Liberto, V. and Ellam, R.M. (2008) Constraints on mantle source and interactions from He-Sr isotope variation in Italian Plio-Quaternary volcanism. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9(Q02001),

Spikings, R., Dungan, M., Foeken, J.P.T., Carter, A., Page, L. and Stuart, F.M. (2008) Tectonic response of the central Chilean margin (35-38°S) to the collision and subduction of heterogeneous oceanic crust: a thermochronological study. Journal Geological Society, 165, pp. 941-953. (doi: 10.1144/0016-76492007-115)

Swift, D., Persano, C. , Stuart, F.M., Gallagher, K. and Whitham, A. (2008) A reassessment of the role of ice sheet glaciation in the long-term evolution of the East Greenland fjord region. Geomorphology, 97(1-2), pp. 109-125. (doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.02.048)

Persano, C., Barfod, D., Stuart, F. and Bishop, P. (2007) Constraints on early Cenozoic underplating-driven uplift and denudation of western Scotland from low temperature thermochronometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 263(3-4), pp. 404-419. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.09.016)

Gibson, M., Sinclair, H.D., Lynn, G.J. and Stuart, F.M. (2007) Late-to post-orogenic exhumation of the Central Pyrenees revealed through combined thermochronological data and modelling. Basin Research, 19(3), pp. 323-334. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2007.00333.x)

Foeken, J., Persano, C., Stuart, F. and ter Voorde, M. (2007) Role of topography in isotherm perturbation: Apatite (U-Th)/He and fission track results from the Malta tunnel, Tauern Window, Austria. Tectonics, 26, (doi: 10.1029/2006TC002049)

Morelli, R., Creaser, R., Seltmann, R., Stuart, F., Selby, D. and Graupner, T. (2007) Age and source constraints for the giant Muruntau gold deposit, Uzbekistan, from coupled Re-Os-He isotopes in arsenopyrite. Geology, 35, pp. 795-798. (doi: 10.1130/G23521A.1)

Stuart, F. (2007) Galactic cosmic ray-produced 3He in a ferromanganese crust: Any supernova 60Fe excess on Earth? Physical Review Letters, 98, (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.141103)

Stuart, F. (2007) Intracratonic asthenosphere upwelling and lithosphere rejuvenation beneath the Hoggar swell (Algeria): Evidence from HIMU metasomatised lherzolite mantle xenoliths. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 260(03-Apr), pp. 482-494. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.05.047)

Stuart, F. (2007) Late- to post-orogenic exhumation of the Central Pyrenees revealed through combined thermochronological data and modelling. Basin Research, 19(3), pp. 323-334. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2008.00377.x)

Stuart, F. (2007) Production of 3He in crustal rocks by cosmogenic thermal neutrons. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 258(01-Feb), pp. 228-236. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.03.031)

Persano, C., Bishop, P. and Stuart, F.M. (2006) Apatite (U - Th)/He age constraints on the Mesozoic and Cenozoic evolution of the Bathurst region, New South Wales: evidence for antiquity of the continental drainage divide along a passive margin. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 53(6), pp. 1041-1050. (doi: 10.1080/08120090600923303)

Foeken, J., Stuart, F., Dobson, K., Persano, C. and Vilbert, D. (2006) A diode laser system for heating minerals for (U-Th)/He chronometry. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 7, (doi: 10.1029/2005GC001190)

Kirstein, L., Sinclair, H., Stuart, F. and Dobson, K. (2006) Rapid early Miocene exhumation of the Ladakh batholith, western Himalaya. Geology, 34, pp. 1049-1052.

Balestrieri, M.L., Stuart, F.M., Persano, C., Abbate, E. and Bigazzi, G. (2005) Geomorphic development of the escarpment of the Eritrean margin, southern Red Sea from combined apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 231(1-2), pp. 97-110. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.12.011)

Margerison, H.R., Phillips, W.M., Stuart, F.M. and Sugden, D.E. (2005) Cosmogenic 3He concentrations in ancient flood deposits from the Coombs Hills, northern Dry Valleys, East Antarctica: interpreting exposure ages and erosion rates. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 230(1-2), pp. 163-175. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.11.007)

Persano, C., Stuart, F.M., Bishop, P. and Dempster, T.J. (2005) Deciphering continental breakup in eastern Australia using low-temperature thermochronometers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 110, B12405. (doi: 10.1029/2004JB003325)

Stuart, F. (2005) Cosmogenic 3He concentrations in ancient flood deposits from the Coombs Hills, northern Dry Valleys, East Antarctica: interpreting exposure ages and erosion rates. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 230(01-Feb), pp. 163-175. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.11.007)

Stuart, F. (2005) Geomorphic development of the escarpment of the Eritrean margin, southern Red Sea: Combined use of fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 231(01-Feb), pp. 97-110. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.12.011)

Stuart, F. (2005) Timing and rate of landscape development in central Gran Canaria, eastern Atlantic Ocean, from cosmogenic 3He concentrations in pyroxene microphenocrysts. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24, pp. 211-222.

Stuart, F. (2005) Eocene to Pleistocene lithostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy and tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Calama Basin, northern Chile. Revista Geologica de Chile, 32(1), pp. 33-58.

Williams, A.J., Stuart, F.M., Day, S.J. and Phillips, W.M. (2005) Using pyroxene microphenocrysts to determine cosmogenic 3He concentrations in old volcanic rocks: an example of landscape development in central Gran Canaria. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24(1-2), pp. 211-222. (doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.07.004)

Ellam, R.M. and Stuart, F.M. (2004) Coherent He-Nd-Sr isotope trends in high He-3/He-4 basalts: implications for a common reservoir, mantle heterogeneity and convection. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 228(3-4), pp. 511-523. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.10.020)

Martelli, M., Nuccio, P.M., Stuart, F.M. , Burgess, R., Ellam, R.M. and Italiano, F. (2004) Helium-strontium isotope constraints on mantle evolution beneath the Roman Comagmatic Province, Italy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 224(3-4), pp. 295-308. (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.05.025)

Stuart, F. (2004) Coherent He-Nd-Sr isotope trends in high 3He/4He basalts: implications for a common reservoir, mantle heterogeneity and convection. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 228(03-Apr), pp. 511-523.

Stuart, F.M., Lass-Evans, S., Fitton, J.G. and Ellam, R.M. (2003) Extremely high He isotope ratios in MORB-source mantle from the proto-Iceland plume. Nature, 424, pp. 57-59. (doi: 10.1038/nature01711)

Stuart, F.M. (2002) The exhumation history of orogenic belts from Ar-40/Ar-39 ages of detrital micas. Mineralogical Magazine, 66(1), pp. 121-135. (doi: 10.1180/0026461026610017)

Stuart, F. (2002) The exhumation history of orogenic belts from 40Ar/39Ar ages of detrital micas. Mineralogical Magazine, 66(1), pp. 121-135. (doi: 10.1180/0026461026610017)

Gleeson, S.A., Wilkinson, J.J., Stuart, F.M. and Banks, D.A. (2001) The origin and evolution of base metal mineralising brines and hydrothermal fluids, South Cornwall, UK. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65(13), pp. 2067-2079. (doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(01)00579-8)

Jenkin, G.R.T., Ellam, R.M., Rogers, G. and Stuart, F.M. (2001) An investigation of closure temperature of the biotite Rb-Sr system: The importance of cation exchange. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65(7), pp. 1141-1160. (doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00560-3)

Stuart, F.M., Bluck, B.J. and Pringle, M.S. (2001) Detrital muscovite Ar-40/Ar-39 ages from Carboniferous sandstones of the British Isles: Provenance and implications for the uplift history of orogenic belts. Tectonics, 20(2), pp. 255-267.

Ellam, R.M. and Stuart, F.M. (2000) The sub-lithospheric source of North Atlantic basalts: Evidence for, and significance of, a common end-member. Journal of Petrology, 41(7), pp. 919-932. (doi: 10.1093/petrology/41.7.919)

Gleeson, S.A., Wilkinson, J.J., Boyce, A.J. , Fallick, A.E. and Stuart, F.M. (1999) On the occurrence and wider implications of anomalously low δD fluids in quartz veins, South Cornwall, England. Chemical Geology, 160(1-2), pp. 161-173. (doi: 10.1016/S0009-2541(99)00052-2)

Book Sections

Beccaluva, L., Bianchini, G., Ellam, R.M. , Marzola, M., Oun, K.M., Siena, F. and Stuart, F.M. (2008) The role of HIMU metasomatic components in the African lithospheric mantle: petrological evidence from the Gharyan peridotite xenoliths, NW Libya. In: Coltorti, M. and Grégoire, M. (eds.) Metasomatism in Oceanic and Continental Lithospheric Mantle. Series: Geological Society special publication (293). Geological Society. ISBN 9781862392427

Stuart, F. (2001) In situ cosmogenic isotopes: principles and potential for archaeology. In: Brothwell, D.R. and Pollard, A.M. (eds.) Handbook of Archaeological Sciences. John Wiley &Sons, pp. 94-110. ISBN 0471984841

Research Reports or Papers

Masters, C., Shipton, Z., Gatliff, R., Haszeldine, R.S., Sorbie, K., Stuart, F. , Waldron, S. , Younger, P.L. and Curran, J. (2014) Independent Expert Scientific Panel – Report on Unconventional Oil and Gas. Project Report. The Scottish Government, Edinburgh.

Conference or Workshop Item

Carracedo, A., Rodes, A. , Stuart, F. and Smellie, J. (2016) Understanding complex exposure history of Mount Hampton, West Antarctica using cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne and 10Be in olivine. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 Apr 2016.

Preece, K. et al. (2015) The Eruptive History of Ascension Island: Insights from Straitigraphy, 40Ar/39Ar and Cosmogenic 3He Dating. The 51st Annual Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group Conference, Norwich, United Kingdom, 05-07 Jan 2015. p. 80.

Stuart, F. and Faithfull, J. (2015) Formation of Exceptional Secondary Mineralisation in SW Scotland During the Onset of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation Revealed by (U+Th)/21Ne Dating. Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 16-21 Aug 2015.

Antón, L., Rodés, A. , Garcia-Castellanos, D., Pallás, R., de Vicente, G., Oláiz, A., Braucher, R., Bourlès, D. and Stuart, F. (2010) Drainage Reorientation and River Incision in W Iberia Through DEM Analysis, Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating and Process-based Numerical Modelling. EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 02-07 May 2010.

Conference Proceedings

Currie, D., Stuart, F. , Boyce, A. , Essien, B. and Faithfull, J. (2019) Revised Genesis for Scotland's Largest Pb-Zn deposit. In: 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 Aug 2019, pp. 225-228. ISBN 9780852619629

Tomkinson, T., Lee, M.R. , Mark, D.F. , Stuart, F.M. and Smith, C. (2013) Quantifying the timescales of fluid-rock interaction on Mars using the nakhlite meteorites. In: 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Texas, TX, USA, 18-22 Mar 2013,

Tomkinson, T., Lee, M.R. , Mark, D.F. and Stuart, F.M. (2013) The nakhlite meteorites provide evidence for mineralization of martian CO2 by carbonation of silicates. In: 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Texas, TX, USA, 18-22 Mar 2013,

Tomkinson, T., Lee, M. , Mark, D. , Stuart, F. and Lindgren, P. (2011) Crystallography and Origins of Etch Pits in Nakhla Olivine. In: 74th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, London, UK, August 8–12, 2011,

Tomkinson, T., Lee, M. , Mark, D.F. and Stuart, F. (2011) “Dogged” Search of Fresh Nakhla Surfaces Reveals New Alteration Textures. In: 74th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, London, UK., August 8-12, 2011,

Tomkinson, T., Mark, D. , Lee, M. and Stuart, F. (2011) Steps Towards Precise Ar/Ar Chronologies for Fluid-Rock Interaction Throughout the Solar System. In: 74th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, London, UK, August 8–12, 2011,

Martelli, M., Nuccio, P.M., Paternoster, M., Stuart, F.M. and Ellam, R.M. (2008) Helium isotopes in mafic phenocrysts along the Italian volcanism and inferences on the crust-mantle interaction. In: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Palermo, Palermo, Italy, 25 Feb - 1 Mar,

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 20:00:09 2024 BST.


The origin and flux of deep CO2 during continental collision. Royal Society International Exchanges, £21,400, 2022-2024

Developing novel noble gas extraction, purification and separation methods. ThermoFisher Scientific and Total S.A. £210,000, 2020-2022

Strategic Technical Alliance Agreement between Petrobras and Total (ALLIANCE) - CO2 provenance and detection along the African and South American Margins. Total S.A. £562,545, 2018-2021.

New ICCARE Phase 2 - Abiotic gas source and implications on faults rooting depth. Total S.A. £516,856, 2018-2020.

New ICCARE - Isotope Coupling and Classical tools: Applications to Reservoir and Exploration. Total S.A. £765,380, 2015-2018.

Applying natural tracer technologies in the environmental monitoring of unconventional gas extraction. (PI: S Gilfillan, Edinburgh) NERC (Oil and Gas Knowledge Exchange). £47,813, 2013-2015.

Fingerprinting captured CO2 using natural tracers: Determining CO2 fate and proving ownership. (PI: S Gilfillan, Edinburgh) EPSRC. £291,748, 2013-2015.

A new approach to West Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution using blue-ice moraines on nunataks. (PI: D Sugden, Edinburgh) NERC. £558k, 2012-2015.

Reconstructing thermal and fluid alteration histories of planetary materials. GSA consortium. (PI: D Mark, SUERC) STFC. £625,922.

A new approach to (U-Th)/He thermochronometry: exploiting the natural dispersion of single grain ages to obtain robust thermal history information. (PI: R Brown, Glasgow) NERC. £52,413, 2012-2014.

Are He isotopes decoupled from geochemical tracers in the deep Earth? NERC. £34,689, 2010-2012.

Resolving the age of first order topography of Africa. (PI: R Brown, Glasgow) NERC. £513,000, 2010-2013.

Follow the water. Insights into the Martian hydrosphere. STFC. £571,475, 2010-2014.


Current Ph.D. students:

  • Sinazu Dlakavu (2024-2028).  Isotope Toolkit for Saline Groundwaters (IT4SG).
  • Papali Mahooana (2023-2027).  Tracking the source of helium in the huge Virginia gas field, Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa.
  • Orestis Gazetis (2020-2024).  Tracking the source and history of methane using novel isotope systems.
  • Balci, Uğur (2020-2024).  Deciphering the deep Earth and the origin of volatiles using Tertiary Iceland plume-derived basalts.
  • Balci, Uğur
    Deciphering the deep Earth and the origin of volatiles using Tertiary Iceland plume-derived basalts

Recent successful Ph.D. students:

  • Chris Holdsworth (University of Edinburgh, 2024). Tracking industrial scale CO2 mineralisation at the CarbFix2 site, Iceland using geochemical tracing and reservoir modelling.
  • David Currie (2024). Iron oxide (U-Th)/He and Ne geochronology for tectonic reconstruction and enigmatic mineralisation.
  • James Crosby (University of Cambridge, 2022). Helium isotope systematics of Earth’s continental mantle.
  • Aislinn Williams (MSc. 2022). The geothermal potential of Upper Devonian sediments in Central Scotland.
  • Emma Martin-Roberts (2020).  Deciphering the chemical and isotopic evolution of the Iceland mantle plume.
  • Biying Chen (2020). The origin and interaction history of natural gases in China using novel isotope tracers.
  • Zui Tao (University of Edinburgh, 2019).  Unravelling the sediment transport and storage using cosmogenic isotopes.
  • Ana Caracedo Plumed (2018). Development of techniques for analysis of cosmogenic nuclides and application to exposure histories.
  • David Webster (University of Glasgow, 2018). Reassessing the stability of ancient continents: an innovative new approach to apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology.
  • Rory McKaveny (University of Edinburgh, 2017).  Fingerprinting UK unconventional gases.
  • Katarzyna Luszczak (University of Glasgow, 2016).  Quantifying uplift and denudation of thermally heterogeneous crust.
  • Domokos Gyore (2015). Noble gases as tracers of injected CO2 in the Cranfield enhanced oil recovery field.
  • Mark Wildman (University of Glasgow, 2015).  Re-assessing the structural and geomorphic evolution of a classic Atlantic-type passive margin: an integrated study of the Namaqualand sector of the South African continental margin.
  • Abdelmoniem Masoud (2014). Composition and age of Cenozoic volcanism in Libya.

Additional information

NERC Peer Review College and Panel Chair

Visiting Professor, Chinese Academy Sciences, Key State Laboratory Ore Deposit Geology, Guiyang

Scientific Adviser to Chinese Academy Sciences, Institute of Geology & Geochemistry, Beijing

Editor of Geology