Funding from the Centre for Scottish and Celtic Studies enabled Hannah to travel to the ‘Gender and Political Groups in Britain, c.1650-1950’ conference at the University of Northampton in May 2023.  She presented a paper on ‘Community building in women’s letters to the British labour/socialist press, 1906-19’. This was both her first conference attendance and first presentation, so she was grateful to have a supportive and interested audience. Many of the other papers were directly relevant to her current research on the life-writing of the Scottish women’s suffrage campaigners. In particular, she enjoyed papers on women who worked in parliament, parliamentary space and the first women MPs, and schoolgirl politics. It was also a valuable opportunity to make connections with other gender history scholars working both in Scotland and further afield.  She is looking forward to continuing these productive conversations and pursuing the interesting research avenues this conference has opened up.

Hannah Speed

First published: 11 July 2023