The Scotland in Lockdown Project explored how lockdown impacts on people in Scotland who may already have been isolated or excluded prior to the pandemic.

The project explored how lockdown impacts on people in Scotland who may already have been isolated or excluded prior to the pandemic. It had four study areas that focus on experiences of:

  • refugee and asylum processes or facing destitution;
  • domestic abuse or sexual violence;
  • disability or long-term health conditions; and,
  • criminal justice control (in prison or community supervised).

The study aims to help inform Government efforts to prevent further hardship and inequalities.

The study was led by Prof Sarah Armstrong of the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research and Dr Lucy Pickering of the Institute of Health and Wellbeing, both at the University of Glasgow. It involves a large research team of 25 including 18 investigators and 6 PhD and postdoctoral research assistants.

GRAMNet members Teresa Piacentini, Gareth Mulvey and Nicky Burns were Co-Investigators and worked with Molly Gilmour on the project team focused on refugees and people in the asylum process.

First published: 31 December 2020