7-10 January 2015, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

Interested scholars were invited to participate in a multidisciplinary conference on political and sociological aspects of trans-ethnic coalition-building across a range of geographic and political settings and from both a contemporary and historical perspective.

For further information please see http://www.ucrs.uu.se/transethnic-conference-2015+/

Kazakhstan TV news ran a feature on  the conference please see Kazakhstan TV News for further information

The conference addressed the still understudied theme of how spokespersons for different ethnicities or racial groups interact and cooperate both within and across states. This theme sits at the juncture of several topics - power-sharing, intercultural dialogue, diaspora networking and trans-nationalism, minority empowerment and public-private partnerships on ethno-cultural affairs – that are of paramount importance for both theorists and policy-makers around the globe. Across a range of contexts, international actors, state governments, local authorities and non-governmental organisations are all engaged in efforts to establish institutional frameworks that mitigate conflicts and encourage intercultural dialogue and cooperation between different ethnicities living within the same state or sub-state region. Here one can highlight inter alia the role of: umbrella organisations uniting different ethnicities; bodies tasked with deciding upon allocation of public resources; and different types of advisory and consultative bodies serving as channels for dialogue between government authorities and spokespersons of different ethnic, national or racial minorities. At the same time, one can point to numerous contemporary and historical instances of ethnic coalition- building at the international level between activists drawn from different ethnicities. Such practices of trans-border ethnic coalition-building hold obvious relevance for broader debates dealing with multi-level governance, minority rights and the continued primacy of the nation-state under conditions of economic globalisation.

For further information please see http://www.ucrs.uu.se/transethnic-conference-2015+/

First published: 27 May 2014