The Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies (CRCEES) will be holding its fifth annual Research Forum at the Wolfson Medical Building, University of Glasgow, on 17-18 May 2012.

As previously, there will be a combination of research panels, plenary sessions and informal workshops to celebrate the variety of work being undertaken within the CRCEES network. Papers relate either to the original five broad research themes:

•    Aspects of identity and culture and their social, political and economic implications;
•    Economic and social transformation;
•    Political transformation and international relations;
•    Literary, cinematic and cultural developments in the area;
•    The politics of language.

Or to the seven strategic research agendas that have emerged from CRCEES activities so far:

Area Studies and Post-socialism
History and Memory
Post-enlargement Studies
Migration and Diaspora
Material and Visual Culture and National Identity

As in the past, the Research Forum will provide an important sounding board for future collaborative grant applications.

For further information please contact Professor Geoff Swain  ( or Ann Mulholland (

First published: 12 March 2012