3rd Annual Research Symposium, 21-22 May 2010

The symposium will examine the how CEE states have viewed the recent period of EU institutional and political reform which ended with the coming into force of the Lisbon Treaty. 

The symposium builds on the previous events held at Glasgow University, UK (2008) and Széchenyi István University in Győr, Hungary (2009). It will bring together a range of academic researchers, political practitioners and commentators to provide a nuanced and detailed account of CEE in a post-Lisbon Europe. 

The keynote address will be provide by Professor Philippe C. Schmitter, European University Institute.

The event is organised by the Department of Central and East European Studies at the University of Glasgow and the Centre for European Studies at the National School of Political Studies and Public Administration in Bucharest.  The event is made possible thanks to the generosity of the host institute and Assessing Accession sponsors UACES, BASEES and CRCEES.


With the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon a period of institutional and political reform within the European Union (EU) has come full circle. Lasting almost eight years, the reform process, beginning with the Convention on the Future of Europe (2001) and ending with the Treaty of Lisbon (2009) was intended to create a functioning institutional framework for the EU following the historic 2004/2007 enlargements and allow for future expansion. The subsequent adjustments made to the Union’s decision-making mechanisms, inter-institutional interactions and policy agendas has led the EU into unchartered terrains where its functionality and legitimacy will be ultimately put to the test. Building on five full years of membership and in light of the high profile role played by some Central and East European (CEE) member states (i.e. Czech Republic and Poland) in the negotiations and ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon, the relevance of these reforms for CEE cannot be underestimated, whether from a domestic or EU-wide perspective.  Several topical issues can be raised for discussion; for example: What role/s will be played by CEE member states in the new institutional framework? Will CEE member states be capable of taking advantage of the new rules to further their national interest? Is the move toward a majoritarian view of democracy inside the EU detrimental to the CEE member states? Will the citizens of the CEE member states be satisfied with the workings of the Union or with the quality of national representation in the EU’s political structure and policy process?   


Programme 2010      
Registration Form

For further information:

Visit: http://assessingaccession.eu/workshop2010.aspx

or contact Dr Eamonn Butler e.butler@lbss.gla.ac.uk

First published: 1 September 2011