Workshop: Security of Energy Supply in the New Europe
- A Challenge for the European Neighbourhood Policy
19-20 September, 2007

The Security of Energy Supply workshop is organised by Anke Schmidt-Felzmann and Valentina Feklyunina (Department of Politics, University of Glasgow).

The workshop serves to promote discussion and exchange of ideas on the European Union's European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), which sets out to reduce the risks of dependency on supplies of oil and gas from the Russian Federation by enhancing its strategic energy partnerships with the neighbouring countries important for the production or transit of energy.

Synopsis:Energy security has become one of the most salient issues on the European Union's agenda, with one of the main concerns being dependency on supplies of oil and gas from the Russian Federation. The EU's European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) sets out to reduce the risks of this dependency by enhancing its strategic energy partnerships with the neighbouring countries that are important for the production or transit of energy.

The workshop will address energy security related aspects of the ENP in respect to:

1.    the potential of and limits to creating strategic energy partnerships with neighbouring states;
2.    the divergent geopolitical interests of Russia and the EU in the 'near abroad' as a serious challenge for the successful implementation of the ENP Action Plans;
3.    possible scenarios to resolve the EU's energy supply dilemma.

Participation in the workshop is free, but places are limited. Light refreshments will be provided throughout.

Anyone wishing to attend should contact:
•    Valentina Feklyunina ( or,
•    Anke Schmidt-Felzmann (
as soon as possible and no later than 10 September, 2007.
Workshop programme

The workshop is organised by Anke Schmidt-Felzmann and Valentina Feklyunina (Department of Politics, University of Glasgow), and is supported by the Department of Politics (University of Glasgow), the Faculty of Law, Business and Social Sciences (University of Glasgow), the Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies (CRCEES), the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) and the Scottish Jean Monnet Centre.
Related links: Workshop Review: Security of Energy Supply...

19-20 September, 2007
Rooms TBA, Adam Smith Building, University of Glasgow.

First published: 13 January 2012