The prominent Scottish human rights lawyer, Aamer Anwar, has been formally installed as Rector of the University of Glasgow.

Mr Anwar, a UofG graduate, took office in front of a large audience of staff, students and guests in a ceremony in the Bute Hall.

Aamer Anwar installed as rector 

He was victorious in student elections in March, receiving 4,458 votes from the 8,210 votes cast overall. He faced competition from eleven other candidates under the single transferable vote system. 

In an at times emotional address to a packed Bute Hall, Mr Anwar paid tribute to his family for their support and encouragement in his early life and during his career. He said he counted his time at the University of Glasgow from 1986 to 1994 as some of the best years of his life.

He said: "I had my mind blown away by this University! It changed the entire course of my life. Glasgow gave me more than just an education. It's where I made friendships that have lasted a whole lifetime; it broke down my religious, cultural and political barriers. I learned about politics not just through books, but through activism and solidarity."

And in a direct message to the student community, Mr Anward said: "If there's one message I want students to take home today, it is never be afraid to raise your voice for the truth."

The Rector is elected by the students of the University to represent their interests. He or she is also, ex-officio, the Chairperson of the University Court, the body which administers the resources of the University.

The Rector is not active in University strategy or policy-making. The role is principally as spokesperson and representative for student issues. The Rector's participation in events is entirely voluntary and depends on their own availability and choice.

First published: 20 April 2017

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