Three of the University of Glasgow’s social scientists have been made Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences.

They are:

  • Professor David Clark, Professor of Medical Sociology, based at the School of Interdisciplinary Studies at the University’s Crichton campus in Dumfries, who currently leads the End of Life Studies Group which won a major Wellcome Trust grant in 2014 for his four-year project;
  • Dr David Webster, Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Urban Studies, whose research focus is on the labour market and social impacts of deindustrialisation, including work on Incapacity Benefit/Employment Support Allowance claims and their relationship to other aspects of worklessness and to population health. His research also encompasses the changing pattern of lone parenthood;
  • Professor Anthony O’Sullivan, Honorary Professor in Urban Studies, whose work includes research into home ownership, housing subsidy and inequality.

The 84 new Fellows of the ACSS are drawn from across the spectrum of academia, practitioners and policymakers.

They have been recognised by the ACSS after an extensive process of peer review for the excellence and impact of their work through the use of social science for public benefit. This includes substantial contributions and leadership in higher education, government, public health and social policy, funding councils, charitable foundations and think tanks.

Professor Roger Goodman FAcSS, Chair of the Academy, said: “I am delighted that we have been able to confer a Fellowship on all these eminent social scientists. It is particularly gratifying to include a larger number of economists, policy makers and practitioners on this occasion. This is a result of our work to see representation from these areas increased to maintain balances between the individual disciplines and between academics and those working in the policy and practice communities. This gives the Academy legitimacy to speak on behalf of the social science community as a whole.”


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First published: 20 October 2016

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