The College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS) has been named as one of the ten finalists in the prestigious BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council) Excellence with Impact Competition. 

The competition, which formally started in January 2013, aims to recognise institutions that can develop and successfully deliver a vision for maximising impact, alongside a relevant institution-wide culture change.

The winning organisation will receive an award of £0.5M, and a further £0.5M to be awarded at the judge’s discretion to highly commended runners up. 

Institutions who take part in the Excellence with Impact Competition are judged on a number of factors including encouraging Research Organisations (ROs) to develop a vision that supports wide-ranging impact from their research, embedding impact-enhancing strategies and showcasing the impact of excellent research. 

Professor Anton Muscatelli, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University, said: “I would like to congratulate the College of MVLS on its shortlisting as a finalist in the BBSRC Excellence with Impact Competition.

“Through its efforts in impact and in this competition, MVLS has offered the whole of our University a great example on the way in which impact can be used and profiled.”

The MVLS submission was led by Dr Carol Clugston, College Secretary, Professor Graeme Milligan, Dean of Research and Dr Jane Townson, Deputy College Secretary, and has been a primary focus of College activities over the past three years.

Dr Clugston said: “We are delighted to be a finalist in the BBSRC Excellence with Impact Competition, and I am proud of the whole team involved.

“Our College believes that all excellent research can achieve impact, making a constructive difference in some way and at some time that will ultimately benefit society.

“MVLS has developed a strategy to support staff in realising impacts from their research through activities aligned to the four themes of understanding, identifying, enabling and publicising impact, and we look forward to showcasing that to the BBSRC judges for the competition when they come to Glasgow next month.”

MVLS is a finalist in the competition alongside fellow Scottish institutions The University of Aberdeen and The University of Edinburgh. Other finalists include Aberystwyth University, Babraham Institute, John Innes Centre, University of Leeds, the University of Manchester, University of Oxford and Queen Mary University of London.

Sir Gordon Duff, Chair of the BBSRC Council and EwI Assessment Panel said: “The Exellence with Impact Panel, which I had the pleasure of chairing with Professor Nessa Carey, was very impressed with the overall standard of entries to the competition, enthusiastic participation and the impressive progress that has been achieved over the past three years.

“I would like to express my sincere thanks to all participating institutions for having achieved significant return in raising standards and engaging with the ever-important impact agenda”.

In the next stage of the competition, the BBSRC will visit the finalist institutions. The winners and runners-up will then be announced on 18May 2016 at Fostering Innovation 2016. 

Professor Anna Dominiczak, Vice-Principal and Head of College of MVLS said: “I am incredibly proud that MVLS has been shortlisted in this prestigious competition.

“Since beginning our journey in this competition the importance and role of impact has become embedded in every aspect of our College life. What we have achieved over the last few years has been beyond my expectations”.

Further details on College of MVLS participation in the competition, can be found at

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First published: 1 March 2016

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